Over the years, the clock frequency became the key measure of processor performance. In parallel with Moore's Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on a chip increases exponentially, the clock frequency has done the same, doubling roughly every 18 months from thousands of ticks per second in 1977, to millions in the 1980s, to billions today. But while optimists believe that this process will continue, chip developers across the industry now agree that clock frequency will no longer be the key metric of processor performance, for several reasons.
The first is the growth of parallelism——the practice of getting a chip to execute many different operations simultaneously. In the past, this was confined to the realm of high-end supercomputers, as a way of improving their performance. But it is now becoming common in personal computers, and is bound to become more so.
A driving factor behind this parallelism is the fact that, while processor speed has increased with such remarkable rapidity, the speed of memories has lagged. What's more, the gap between processor speed and memory speed is likely to grow. Parallelism within a single chip allows several different processing units to share the same memory, so the memory's slowness is not such a problem.
This is because the limiting factor is not so much the throughput of memory chips (the rate at which data can be moved in and out of them) but the administrative overhead associated with moving information in and out of the processor. Because of this, chip designers can gain by putting several distinct processors on the same chip, and have them share a fast, local memory inside the chip itself. This approach is known as multiple cores, or multi-core for short. A related approach is known as simultaneous multi-threading. It involves modifying a single processor to enable it to switch quickly between several distinct tasks. While one task is waiting for data to arrive from the main memory, another can continue to execute——so a single processor can in effect, do the work of many.
A second reason why clock frequency will no longer be an accurate measure of performance is that distributing the clock's signal to all the different parts of a chip is more difficult that it sounds. Reducing the “skew” on a chip ——the amount by which clock signals might be out of synch——takes a very skillful chip designer. It is becoming more difficult as chips get larger and more complex.
That's why “asynchronous” technology is exploring aggressively, which involves getting rid of the clock entirely. This approach has costs and benefits, since miniature circuits known as “rendezvous circuits” must be placed at circuit junctions to co-ordinate the flow of data. It is rather like replacing a city-wide network of traffic lights with policemen at every corner. In one recent experiment with a test chip that could run in both synchronous and asynchronous modes, the asynchronous mode won out. That's because in a synchronous design, every operation must wait for the slowest one to complete, while in an asynchronous one, a laggard only delays the local part of calculation.
Clockless chips also have the added benefit of emitting for less radio interference. So asynchronous circuits could be particularly useful in devices such as mobile phones, where radio interference is a substantial concern.
Finally, getting chips to run at higher clock frequency is diminishing in importance because another problem is becoming more pressing: getting them to consume less power.. Power consumption is now the biggest problem in chip design.