
考博英語 責任編輯:蔣磊 2019-08-05





Doctors have identified a powerful bacteria that cannot be killed withantibiotics. The bacteria, called a superbug, was found in a woman from Pennsylvania.

Tom Frieden is the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He says this new bug is resistant to every antibiotic available, including colistin. Colistin is used only as a last measure, as the drug can cause organ damage.

The woman is infected with a rare kind of E. coli bacteria known as CRE. The version she has includes a gene that is resistant to colistin. This is its first appearance in the United States. Researchers who studied the case in Pennsylvania wrote about their findings in Antimicrobial Agents andChemotherapy, a publication of the American Society for Microbiology. They wrote that the case could signal the development of "a truly pan-drug resistant bacteria." Health officials consider CRE, "nightmare bacteria." They can kill up to 50 percent of infected patients.

Frieden expressed his concern about losing antibiotics, what he calls "miracle drugs." "We know now that the more we look the more we're going to find. And the more we look at drug resistance the more concerned we are. We need to do a very a comprehensive job protecting antibiotics so that we can have them and our children can have them."

We need to make new antibiotics, but unless we have better stewardshipand better identification of outbreaks, we are going to lose these miracle drugs. The medicine cabinet is empty for some patients. It is the end of the road for antibiotics unless we act urgently." Scientists and public health officials have warned that usual medical operations, minor infections andpneumonia could become deadly or very difficult to treat.

1. identify [a??dent?fa?] v.鑒定,認定

2. antibiotics[??nt?ba?'?t?ks] n.抗生素

3. superbug [?su:p?b?g] n.超級細菌

4. Colistin [k?'l?st?n] 黏菌素

5. Antimicrobial [??nt?ma?'kr??b??l]n. 抗菌劑,殺菌劑;

6. Chemotherapy [?ki:m???θer?pi]n.化療;

7. Microbiology[?ma?kr??ba???l?d?i]n. 微生物學

8. Comprehensive [?k?mpr??hens?v]adj.廣泛的; 綜合的;

10. Signal [?s?gn?l]vt. 向…發(fā)信號

11. Stewardship [?stju:?d??p]n. 管事人之職位及職責;

12. Pneumonia [nju:?m??ni?]n.肺炎;

13. CRE (carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae)


1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention 疾病預防控制中心

2. be resistant to 抵御,耐藥

3. be used as... 作為……使用

4. be infected with 感染

5. pan-drug resistant bacteria 對大量藥物產(chǎn)生耐藥性的細菌

6. to expresse his concern 表達擔憂

7. to do a very a comprehensive job 做一項全面的工作

8. identification of outbreaks(疾病)暴發(fā)的確認

9. medical operations 醫(yī)療手術(shù)

10. minor infections 輕度感染

1. Colistin is used only as a last measure, as the drug canc ause organ damage.


請注意 be used as 用法,表示“用于做什么”;還有一個相同意思的短語be used for。


Thermometer is used for taking body temperature.


2. The woman is infected with a rare kind of E. coli bacteria known as CRE.


請注意be infected with表示“感染”, 后面跟病菌或疾病的名稱。


If you are bitten by a dog, you may beinfected with a terrible disease — rabies.



He says this new bug is resistant to every antibiotic avaialbe, including colistin.

be resistant to 抵御,抵抗

We must be able to be resistant to different lures.








"我們都知道看的越多,發(fā)現(xiàn)的越多。因此,我們對抗藥性了解的越多,我們就越擔心。我們需要全面保護抗生素,這樣我們和我們的子孫才能有效使用它們。" "我們需要生產(chǎn)新的抗生素,但如果沒有更好的管理體系和疾病爆發(fā)的提前確認,我們可能會失去抗生素。有些病人根本沒有抗生素可以使用。如果我們不采取緊急行動,則抗生素將最終消失。"


  Let’s know about the CRE!

CRE, which stands for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, are a family of germs that are difficult to treat because they have high levels of resistance to antibiotics.

Where do the CRE infections happen often?

Healthy people usually do not get CRE infections – they usually happen to patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare settings. Patients whose care requires devices like ventilators (breathing machines), urinary (bladder) catheters, or intravenous (vein) catheters, and patients who are taking long courses of certain antibiotics are most at risk for CRE infections.

Some CRE bacteria have become resistant to most available antibiotics. Infections with these germs are very difficult to treat, and can be deadly—one report cites they can contribute to death in up to 50% of patients who become infected.

Can CRE spread from person to person?

Yes, especially in health care settings. Infected patients may have the bacteria on their hands and skin, and they shed it through urine, feces and wounds. Patients are likely to contaminate “doorknobs, bedrails, light switches, toilets, bedpans, bedside commodes, and bathroom fixtures,” and then the infection can spread to others. The situation becomes worse if CRE hitches a ride on a blood pressure cuff or other piece of equipment that travels from room to room.

In addition, the superbugs can be transmitted by healthcare workers who fail to properly scrub their hands between patients or who don’t wear gloves and gowns when seeing patients who are infected. CRE can also spread through the use of contaminated medical devices such as ventilators or urinary catheters that are not adequately sterilized.

What can we do to prevent the spread of CRE infections?

According to the CDC, patients can help limit the spread of CRE infections by telling their doctor if they have been hospitalized in another facility or country; by taking antibiotics only as prescribed and by insisting that everyone who touches them washes their hands first.

 New Words

1. stand for 代表

2. carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)

[kɑ:b?'penem r??z?st?nt 'ent?r?u,b?kt?ri'eisi,i:]


3. ventilator [?vent?le?t?(r)] n. 呼吸機

4. urine [?j??r?n] n. 小便

5. feces ['fi:si:z] n. 大便

6. wounds ['wu:ndz] n. 創(chuàng)傷

7. urinary (bladder) catheters [?j??r??neri: ?k?θit?z] 尿管

8. intravenous (vein) catheters [??ntr??vi:n?s ?k?θit?z] 靜脈導(插)管

9. germ[d??:m]n. 病菌,細菌,

10. contaminate [k?n?t?m?ne?t] v. 污染

11. doorknob[?d?:n?b] n. 門把手

12. bedrail [bed're?l] n. 床欄桿

13. light switches n. 燈開關(guān)

14. bedside commodes [?bed?sa?d k??m?ud]床旁洗臉臺,床頭柜;

15. bathroom fixtures 衛(wèi)生潔具

16. blood pressure cuff 血壓袖帶

17. transmit [tr?ns?m?t] vt. 傳輸;傳染;

18. sterilize [?ster?la?z]vt. 消毒; 使無菌;

19. hitch a ride 搭便車(文章中指CRE借助醫(yī)療儀器傳播)

20. scrub [skr?b]vt. 用力清冼;

21. gown [ga?n] n.長袍,這里指防護服









