1、In the movies and on television, artificial intelligence is typically depicted as something sinister that will upend our way of life. When it comes to AI in business, we often hear about it in relation to automation and the impending loss of jobs, but in what ways is AI changing companies and the larger economy that don't involve doom-and-gloom mass unemployment predictions?A recent survey of manufacturing and service industries from Tata Consultancy Services found that companies currently use AI more often in computer-to-computer activities than in automating human activities. One common application? Preventing electronic security breaches, which, rather than eliminating IT jobs, actually makes those personnel more valuable to employers, because they help firms prevent hacking attempts.Here are a few other ways AI is aiding companies without replacing employees:Better hiring practicesCompanies are using artificial intelligence to remove some of the unconscious bias from hiring decisions. “There are experiments that show that, naturally, the results of interviews are much more biased than what AI does, ” says Pedro Domingo, author of The Master Algorithm: How the quest for the Ultimate learning Machine Will Reambe Our World and a computer science 1.( ) One company that's doing this is called Blendoor. It usesanalytics to help identify where there may be bias in the hiring process.More effective marketingSome AI software can analyze and optimize marketing email subject lines to increase open rates. One company in the UK, Phrasee, claims their software can outperform humans by up to 10 percent when it comes to email open rates. This can mean millions more in revenue. 2.( ) These are “tools that help people use data, not a replacement for people,” says Patrick H. Winston, a professor of artificial intelligence and computer science at MIT.Saving customers moneyEnergy companies can use AI to help customers reduce their electricity bills, saving them money while helping the environment Companies can also optimize their own energy use and cut down on the cost of electricity. Insurance companies, meanwhile, can base their premiums on AI models that more accurately access risk. “Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like a high risk or charge them too much,” says Domingos, 3.( )Improved accuracy“Machine learning often provides a more reliable form of statistics which makes data more valuable,“ says Winston. It “helps people make smarter decisions.” 4.( )Protecting and maintaining infrastructureA number of companies, particularly in energy and transportation, use AI image processing technology to inspect infrastructure and prevent equipment failure or leaks before they happen. “If they fail first and then you fix them, it’s very expensive,” says Domingo's.“ 5."( ) .”
A、I replaces the boring parts of your job. If you’re doing research, you can have AI go out and look for relevant sources and information that otherwise you just wouldn’t have time for.
B、One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit. This process, along with employees reviewing the contracts, is faster and more accurate.
C、There are also companies like Acquisto, which analyzes advertising performance across multiple channels like AdWords, Bing and social media and makes adjustments or suggestions about where advertising funds will yield best results.
D、You want to predict if something needs attention now and point to where it’s useful for employees to go to.
E、Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like a high risk or charge them too much, or they would charge them too little and then it would cost [the company] money.
F、We’re also giving our customers better channels versus picking up the phone to accomplish something beyond human scale.
G、AI looks at resumes in greater numbers than humans would be able to, and selects the more promising candidates.
A、I replaces the boring parts of your job. If you’re doing research, you can have AI go out and look for relevant sources and information that otherwise you just wouldn’t have time for.
B、One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit. This process, along with employees reviewing the contracts, is faster and more accurate.
C、There are also companies like Acquisto, which analyzes advertising performance across multiple channels like AdWords, Bing and social media and makes adjustments or suggestions about where advertising funds will yield best results.
D、You want to predict if something needs attention now and point to where it’s useful for employees to go to.
E、Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like a high risk or charge them too much, or they would charge them too little and then it would cost [the company] money.
F、We’re also giving our customers better channels versus picking up the phone to accomplish something beyond human scale.
G、AI looks at resumes in greater numbers than humans would be able to, and selects the more promising candidates.
A、I replaces the boring parts of your job. If you’re doing research, you can have AI go out and look for relevant sources and information that otherwise you just wouldn’t have time for.
B、One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit. This process, along with employees reviewing the contracts, is faster and more accurate.
C、There are also companies like Acquisto, which analyzes advertising performance across multiple channels like AdWords, Bing and social media and makes adjustments or suggestions about where advertising funds will yield best results.
D、You want to predict if something needs attention now and point to where it’s useful for employees to go to.
E、Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like a high risk or charge them too much, or they would charge them too little and then it would cost [the company] money.
F、We’re also giving our customers better channels versus picking up the phone to accomplish something beyond human scale.
G、AI looks at resumes in greater numbers than humans would be able to, and selects the more promising candidates.
A、I replaces the boring parts of your job. If you’re doing research, you can have AI go out and look for relevant sources and information that otherwise you just wouldn’t have time for.
B、One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit. This process, along with employees reviewing the contracts, is faster and more accurate.
C、There are also companies like Acquisto, which analyzes advertising performance across multiple channels like AdWords, Bing and social media and makes adjustments or suggestions about where advertising funds will yield best results.
D、You want to predict if something needs attention now and point to where it’s useful for employees to go to.
E、Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like a high risk or charge them too much, or they would charge them too little and then it would cost [the company] money.
F、We’re also giving our customers better channels versus picking up the phone to accomplish something beyond human scale.
G、AI looks at resumes in greater numbers than humans would be able to, and selects the more promising candidates.
A、I replaces the boring parts of your job. If you're doing research, you can have AI go out and look for relevant sources and information that otherwise you just wouldn't have time for.
B、One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit. This process, along with employees reviewing the contracts, is faster and more accurate.
C、There are also companies like Acquisto, which analyzes advertising performance across multiple channels like AdWords, Bing and social media and makes adjustments or suggestions about where advertising funds will yield best results.
D、You want to predict if something needs attention now and point to where it's useful for employees to go to.
E、Before, they might not insure the ones who felt like a high risk or charge them too much, or they would charge them too little and then it would cost [the company] money.
F、We're also giving our customers better channels versus picking up the phone to accomplish something beyond human scale.
G、AI looks at resumes in greater numbers than humans would be able to, and selects the more promising candidates.
2、This year marks exactly two centuries since the publication of Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley. Even before the invention of the electric light bulb, the author produced a remarkable work of speculative fiction that would foreshadow many ethical questions to be raised by technologies yet to come.Today the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) raises fundamental questions: “What is intelligence, identify, or consciousness? What makes humans humans?” What is being called artificial general intelligence, machines that would imitate the way humans think, continues to evade scientists. Yet humans remain fascinated by the idea of robots that would look, move, and respond like humans, similar to those recently depicted on popular sci-fi TV series such as “West world” and “Humans”.“Just how people think is still far too complex to be understood, let alone reproduced,” says David Eagleman, a Stanford University neuroscientist. “We are just in a situation where there are no good theories explaining what consciousnesss actually is and how you could ever build a machine to get there.” But that doesn’t mean crucial ethical issues involving AI aren't at hand. The coming use of autonomous vehicles, for example, poses thorny ethical questions. Human drivers sometimes must make split-second decisions. Their reactions may be a complex combination of instant reflexes, input from past driving experiences, and what their eyes and ears tell them in that moment. AI “vision” today is not nearly as sophisticated as that of humans. And to anticipate every imaginable driving situation is a difficult programming problem.Whenever decisions are based on masses of data, “you quickly get into a lot of ethical questions,” notes Tan Kiat How, chief executive of a Singapore-based agency that is helping the government develop a voluntary code for the ethical use of AI. Along with Singapore, other governments and mega-corporations are beginning to establish their own guidelines. Britain is setting up a data ethics center. India released its AI ethics strategy this spring.On June 7 Google pledged not to “design or deploy AI” that would cause “overall harm,” or to develop AI-directed weapons or use AI for surveillance that would violate international norms. It also pledged not to deploy AI whose use would violate international laws or human rights.While the statement is vague, it represents one starting point. So does the idea that decisions made by AI systems should be explainable, transparent, and fair. To put it another way: How can we make sure that the thinking of intelligent machines reflects humanity's highest values? Only then will they be useful servants and not Frankenstein's out-of-control monster. 1.Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein is mentioned because it( ).2.In David Eagleman's opinion, our current knowledge of consciousness( ).3.The solution to the ethical issues brought by autonomous vehicles( ).4.The author's attitude toward Google's pledge is one of( ).5.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A、fascinates AI scientists all over the world
B、has remained popular for as long as 200 years
C、involves some concerns raised by AI today
D、has sparked serious ethical controversies
A、helps explain artificial intelligence
B、can be misleading to robot making
C、inspires popular sci-fi TV series
D、is too limited for us to reproduce it
A、can hardly ever be found
B、is still beyond our capacity
C、causes little public concern
D、has aroused much curiosity
A、AI's Future: In the Hands of Tech Giants
B、Frankenstein, the Novel Predicting the Age of AI
C、The Conscience of AI: Complex But Inevitable
D、AI Shall Be Killers Once Out of Control
3、Will a robot snatch away your job? Or will you learn to love intelligent machines as co¬workers? In today’s quickly evolving workplace a little of either may be true.Robots were once seen as workers that would free humans from the “three D” jobs: dull, dirty, and dangerous. Unskilled laborers would have their jobs handed to machines that never needed to take a day off, a vacation, or even a coffee break.That’s still a concern. But humans have also proved resilient, possessing a wide array of fine motor skills that have proved difficult to reproduce in machines. While robots might operate using one sensor, perhaps a kind of vision, humans can tap five senses to assess a situation, as well as a complex set of memories and experiences. When robots can catch up is anyone’s guess.Still, more and more robots are scurrying around places like gigantic Amazon distribution centers, where they deliver packages to channels matched to the right delivery ZIP code. Their paths as they roll about the warehouse floor are based on complex algorithms that maximize efficiency. But for now, humans are still needed to pack the actual boxes, which might contain several items of different sizes, shapes, weights, and fragility. That’s a packing choice that still stumps a robot, but is easily handled by a human.As artificial intelligence advances, robots will move into higher-skilled jobs that seem especially human. This spring, for example, minor league baseball is experimenting with a “robo-umpire” called TrackMan that calls balls and strikes behind home plate. No more fans yelling at a human ump “Get a pair of glasses!” Journalists have fancied themselves pretty safe from robo-job stealing. But RADAR, a robot news writer in Britain, researches and writes stories based on templates created by humans, producing about 8,000 local news stories a month. Humans are still needed to double-check the work, just as editors do with human journalists today.Observers worry that the historically low 3.6% jobless rate in the United States is temporarily masking this robot revolution shocking the workplace. In April, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and development estimated 14% of the jobs in its 36 member nations are at “high risk” of being eliminated by automation, while another 32% will undergo major changes in how they are done. Millions of workers young and old will need to learn new skills to keep their jobs or qualify for new ones. How to prepare to work alongside robots and other manifestations of artificial intelligence is a challenge that individuals, educators, employers, and governments are going to be facing at an ever-quickening pace.1.What does the author mean by saying “That’s still a concern” (Line 1, Paragraph 3)?2.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?3.The author quotes the example of TrackMan and RADAR to show that_____.4.The author’s attitude towards working together with robots is_____.5.Which of the following is the text mainly about?
A、It is uncertain whether robots will snatch away human’s works.
B、Robots were able to replace human in the nontechnical jobs.
C、Fine operating skills possessed by humans were irreproducible.
D、Intelligent machines would work together with humans.
A、Robots still need the help of human in some jobs.
B、Humans still play a dominant role in the workplace.
C、There is no difficulty for robots to work independently.
D、Robots can take the place of human in the future.
A、humans should learn new skills to avoid being replaced
B、artificial intelligence has experienced rapid development
C、robots will engage in those jobs requiring advanced skills
D、it is possible for humans to face the threat of losing jobs soon
A、The development of artificial intelligence.
B、The impact of robot revolution on human’s jobs.
C、The challenges faced by humans in the workplace.
D、What kinds of jobs robots will do in the future.
4、When older people can no longer remember names at a cocktail party, they tend to think that their brainpower is declining. But more and more studies suggest that this assumption is often wrong. Instead, the research finds, the aging brain is simply taking in more data and trying to sift through a clutter of information, often to its long-term benefit. The studies are analyzed in a new edition of a neurology book, “Progress in Brain Research.”Some brains do deteriorate with age. Alzheimer’s disease, for example, strikes 13 percent of Americans 65 and older. But for most aging adults, the authors say, much of what occurs is a gradually widening focus of attention that makes it more difficult to latch onto just one fact, like a name or a telephone number. Although that can be frustrating, it is often useful. “It may be that distractibility is not, in fact, a bad thing,” said Shelley H. Carson, a psychology researcher at Harvard whose work was cited in the book. “It may increase the amount of information available to the conscious mind.”For example, in studies where subjects are asked to read passages that are interrupted with unexpected words or phrases, adults 60 and older work much more slowly than college students. Although the students plow through the texts at a consistent speed regardless of what the out-of-place words mean, older people slow down even more when the words are related to the topic at hand. That indicates that they are not just stumbling over the extra information, but are taking it in and processing it. When both groups were later asked questions for which the out-of-place words might be answers, the older adults responded much better than the students.“For the young people, it’s as if the distraction never happened.” said an author of the review, Lynn Hasher, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and a senior scientist at the Rotman Research Institute. “But for older adults, because they’ve retained all this extra data, they’re now suddenly the better problem solvers. They can transfer the information they’ve soaked up from one situation to another.”In the real world, such tendencies can yield big advantages, where it is not always clear what information is important, or will become important. A seemingly irrelevant point or suggestion in a memo can take on new meaning if the original plan changes. Or extra details that stole your attention, like others’ yawning and fidgeting, may help you assess the speaker’s real impact.1.From the first two paragraphs, we learn that____2.Older adults tend to be forgetful because of____3.The studies mentioned in paragraph 3 show that____4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?5.The text intends to tell us that____
A、aging brains tend to process more information simultaneously.
B、one will become forgetful when he gets old.
C、older people don’t think their brainpower is falling.
D、the aged always stress long-term benefit.
A、their wide information.
B、the harm of Alzheimer’s disease.
C、their broader range of attention.
D、their frustration from limited attention.
A、out-of-place words are never negligible.
B、it is advisable for the old to read slowly.
C、there is nothing that can distract young people.
D、old people may be more attentive in face of distractions.
A、The forgetfulness of the old people turns to be their advantages.
B、The meaning of a point in a memo is changing anytime.
C、Wide attention is actually valuable in daily life.
D、Extra details influence one’s focus of attention.
A、brains do deteriorate with age.
B、an older brain may be a wiser brain.
C、a brain with disease is a brain with wisdom.
D、how an older brain processes information.
5、Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. ___1___ the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly ___2___ to live shorter lives. This suggests that ___3___ bulbs burn longer, that there is an ___4___ in not being too terrifically bright. Intelligence, it ___5___ out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow ___6___ the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual ___7___ — instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they’ve apparently learned is when to ___8___ . Is there an adaptive value to ___9___ intelligence? That’s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance ___10___ at all the species we’ve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real ___11___ of our own intelligence might be. This is ___12___ the mind of every animal I’ve ever met. Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would ___13___ on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, ___14___ , is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that ___15___ animals ran the labs, they would test us to ___16___ the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really ___17___ , not merely how much of it there is. ___18___ , they would hope to study a ___19___ question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? ___20___ the results are inconclusive.
A、insists on
B、sums up
C、turns out
D、puts forward
A、by chance
B、in contrast
C、as usual
D、for instance
A、Above all
B、After all
A、By accident
B、In time
C、So far
D、Better still