1. 疼痛: pain
2.抑郁: depression
3.焦慮: anxiety
4. 緊張: tension
5. 恐懼: fear
6. 生理反應: physiological reaction
7. 手術神經癥: surgery neurosis
8. 頻發(fā)手術癥: frequent operations
9. 器官移植: organ grafting/organ transplantation
10. 清創(chuàng): debridement
11. 縫合: suture/seaming
12. 闌尾切除術: appendicectomy
13. 腎臟移植: kidney transplantation
14. 心臟冠脈搭橋術: coronary artery bypass grafting
15. 剖腹探查: abdominal laparotomy
16. 心導管檢查: cardiac catheterization
17. 病理切片: pathological section
18.心理刺激: mental stimulation
19. 大量出血: bleeding
20. 組織損傷: tissue damage
21. 生理:physiology
22. 心理: psychology
23. 性格缺陷: defects in character/character flaw
24. 情緒反應: emotional reaction
25. 心身癥: psychophysical disorder
26. 心悸: palpitation
27. 氣促: shortness of breath/anhelation
28. 胸悶: sense of suppression in the chest
29. 出汗: perspiration
30. 失眠: insomnia
31. 血壓升高: high blood pressure
32. 兒茶酚胺: catecholamine
33. 交感神經興奮: sympathetic nerve
34. 冠心病: coronary diseases
35. 腦血管疾病: Cerebral vascular disease
36. 腎上腺素: epinephrine
37. 皮質類固醇: corticosteroids
38. 分泌:secretion
39. 免疫機制: immune system
40. 細菌感染: bacterial infection
41. 并發(fā)癥: complication
42. 惡性腫瘤: malignant tumor
43. 調控方法: regulation control
44. 脫敏治療法: desensitization
45. 愛撫: tender care
46. 思想負擔: the thought burden
47. 心率測試儀: the heart rate tester
48. 拿脈: take the pulse
50.人類免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,簡稱 HIV)