Max Weber proposed a complex approach to inequality which expressly takes account of non-economic dimensions of ranking and inequality. Against Marx, Weber maintains that the operation of power in societies is yet more fundamental than their economic basis. Power(1)the capacity of individuals or groups to realize their will even (2) the opposition of others. This yields three categories fundamental to the analysis of inequality: class, status and party. Inequality may be located in economically defined(3)but could also be founded in status groups and political parties. In this elaboration he sought to refine the measurement of inequality and to show the potential singularity of his criteria (4) their connectedness. For example, power is often linked to class-based wealth but it can be separated in situations (5) power is linked to knowledge. Status refers to style of life. It also refers to social esteem, the respect and admiration (6) a person according to his or her social position and this can be local (7)structural and take account of interpersonal subjectivities. Marx’s stress on structural relationships and on the duplicitous nature of culture tends to be replaced by a view of classes as ranked hierarchies of fixed groupings(8)individuals may be mobile. While the categories are fixed and classes are bounded, individuals may, (9), change their class position. (10), Weber’s discussion emphasizes how both class and status distinction can affect people’s life chances, that is, the chances that an individual has to share in the economic and cultural goods of a society. Material and cultural goods are often (11)distributed and class and status rankings will ensure that people will have(12)access to these goods. These features of Weber’s thought are important to (13)when considering non-class based systems of(14 ).
The opening up of the relationship between inequality, meaning and manifestation allows for the consideration of systems of inequality other than class. There are ranked societies where there is unequal access to positions of status and prestige and these are not necessarily linked to (15). An example is found in those traditional African societies where the chiefs did not live at a (16 )standard of living than their subjects and where economies were redistributive, ( 17), the chief received tribute which he then(18) his followers as a mark of his status and largesse. The position of many European noble families is a contemporary example of ranked society: access to (19) a title is limited, usually to family members, and many of these titled families are (20) wealthy and have no power by virtue of their nobility in their societies.
1.A、 has defined to B、 is defined to C、 is defined as D、 defines as
2.A、 from the face of B、 in the face of C、 on the face of D、 to the face of