As Americas digest the news of another gun atrocity, a mall shooting in Nebraska on December 5th, they cannot be blamed for thinking that guns are in too ready supply. But an article in the latest Economic Journa suggests that the demand for illegal guns, at least, is not met as easily as people might fear. Sudhir Venkatesh, now of Columbia University, has talked to 132 gang-members, 77 prostitutes, 116 gun-owning youths, 23 gun-dealers and numerous other denizens of Chicago's Grand Boulevard and Washington Park neighbourhoods. He did not find many satisfied customers.
Chicago has unusually tough restrictions on legal handguns. Even so the black market is surprisingly “thin”, attracting relatively few buyers and sellers. The authors reckon that the 48,000 residents of the two neighbourhoods buy perhaps 1,400 guns a year, compared with at least 200,000 cocaine purchases. Underground brokers sell guns for $150-350, a mark-up of perhaps 200% over the legal price. They also demand a fee of $30-50 for orchestrating the deal. Even then, 30-40% of the transactions fall through because the seller cannot secure a gun, gets cold feet or cannot agree on a location for the deal.
Buyers also find it hard to verify the quality of the merchandise. They often know little about the weapons they covet. “Tony”, who owns a .38 calibre handgun, learnt how to use his weapon by fiddling with it. He even put a stone in it. “Did it fire?” Mr Venkatesh asked. “I'm not sure. I think it did,” Tony said.
Fortunately for Tony and his peers, their rivals and the victims of crime cannot tell if their guns work any better than they can. Often, showing the “bulge” is enough to gain the respect of rival gangs. In robberies brandishing the weapon will usually do. Storekeepers do not wait for proof that it works.
Markets can overcome thinness, the paper says; they can also overcome illegality. But they cannot overcome both. A thin market must rely on advertising or a centralised exchange: eBay, for example, has dedicated pages matching sellers of imitation pearl pins or Annette Funicello bears to the few, scattered buyers that can be found. But such solutions are too cumbersome and conspicuous for an underground market. The drugs market, by contrast, slips through the law's fingers because of the natural density of drug transactions. Dealers can always find customers on their doorstep, and buyers can reassure themselves about suppliers through repeated custom. There are no fixed and formal institutions that the police could easily throttle.
Indeed, the authors argue that the gun market may be threadbare partly because the drug market is so plump. Gang-leaders are wary of gun-dealing because the extra police scrutiny that guns attract would jeopardise their earnings from coke and dope. Even Chicago's gang-leaders have to worry about the effect of crime on commerce.
1. Some of the gun transactins are unsuccessful mainly because_____
[A] it is not profitable as the underground price of gun far exceeds legal price.
[B] Chicago has surprisingly tough restrictions on the ownership and business of guns.
[C] the dealers are unable to guarntee whether the deal is really going to happen or not.
[D] it is hard to testify the quality of the guns in actual situations.
2.Compared with the gun market, the drug market can be “fat” mainly because_____
[A] it hardly attracts the police’s attention due to the flexibility of the business.
[B] the drug dealings are taking place in higher frequency.
[C] there are no fixed and formal spots for drug dealing.
[D] drug is affordable to a larger number of people.
3. The word “cumbersome” (Line 4, Pargraph 5) most probably means_____
[A] transparent.
[B] troubling.
[C] horrible.
[D] stupid.
4. The reason why the authors argue that the gun market may be threadbare partly because the drug market is so plump is _____
[A] that the drug transaction is more prefitable thatn gun-dealing.
[B] that the police are more dedicated to the gun-dealing than to the drug-dealing.
[C] that the gang-leaders are suppressing the gun-dealing in order to maintain their profit from drug
[D] that the gang-leaders are worried about the effect of crime on commerce.
5. Towards the future of gun-dealing, the author’s attitude is _____
[A] pessimistic.
[B] optimistic.
[C] desperate.
[D] sorrowful.
denizen n. 居民 mark-up n. (價格中)標高的金額; 漲價幅度
fall through v. 失敗 cold feet. 臨陣退縮
covet v. 覬覦,垂涎 calibre n. 口徑
bulge n. 突起 brandish v. 揮舞
cubersome adj. 討厭的, 麻煩的, 笨重的throttle v. 壓制,扼殺
threadbare adj. 破舊的,磨薄的
(1) Fortunately for Tony and his peers, their rivals and the victims of crime cannot tell if their guns work any better than they can.
[主體句式] Their rivals and the victims cannot tell…
[結(jié)構(gòu)分析] 這是一個簡單句,前面的介詞短語做句子的狀語, any better than they can后面省略了tell,也做句子的狀語。
[句子譯文] 幸運的是,對于Tony這樣的人,他們的敵人以及那些受害人也比他們強不了多少,并不能辨別出一支搶是否好用。
(2) A thin market must rely on advertising or a centralised exchange: eBay, for example, has dedicated pages matching sellers of imitation pearl pins or Annette Funicello bears to the few, scattered buyers that can be found.
[主體句式] A thin market must rely on…: eBay has dedicated…
[句子譯文] 一個狹窄的市場要依賴于廣告或是集中的交易。比如易趣專門設(shè)出幾頁讓那些賣假珍珠針飾的商家或Annette Funicello熊的商家與所能找到的極少的、分布在各地的買家進行配對。
1.Some of the gun transactins are unsuccessful mainly because_____1. 有一些槍支交易未能成功主要是因為_____
[A] it is not profitable as the underground price of gun far exceeds legal price.[A] 槍支黑市價格遠遠高過合法槍支的價格。
[B] Chicago has surprisingly tough restrictions on the ownership and business of guns.[B] 芝加哥對合法手槍有嚴格的限制。
[C] the dealers are unable to guarantee whether the deal is really going to happen or not.[C] 賣家不能保證交易是否能夠發(fā)生。
[D] it is hard to testify the quality of the guns in actual situations.[D] 很難在實際情景下證實所銷售槍支的質(zhì)量。
[難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆
[分析] 細節(jié)題。文章第二段提到,30%到40%的交易最后失敗是因為賣家或是沒有拿到槍支,
2.Compared with the gun market, the drug market can be “fat” mainly because_____2.與槍支市場相比,毒品市場比較興旺是因為_____
[A] it hardly attracts the police’s attention due to the flexibility of the business.[A] 毒品交易非常靈活,因此很難吸引警察的注意力。
[B] the drug dealings are taking place in higher frequency.[B] 毒品交易更加頻繁。
[C] there are no fixed and formal spots for drug dealing.[C] 毒品交易沒有固定、正式的場所。
[D] drug is affordable to a larger number of people.[D] 對于很多人來說,他們都能夠買得起毒品。
[難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆☆
[分析] 細節(jié)題。文章第五段提到槍支交易因為其復(fù)雜性很難改變其慘淡的現(xiàn)狀,而相反地,毒品交易因為其本身density of drug transactions(毒品交易密度)的原因可以逃避法律,接著下面就具體作了解釋,比如交易很容易達成,而且其交易地點不固定,警察不能輕易壓制。主要原因就是由于其交易量本身比較大,因此B為正確選項,其中選項中的frequency可以視為density的統(tǒng)一詞。A和C選項都是導(dǎo)致了毒品交易頻繁的原因,但是B選項卻是題干的直接原因。D選項在原文中沒有根據(jù)。
3. The word “cumbersome” (Line 4, Pargraph 5) most probably means_____3.“cumbersome”(第五段第四行)最有可能的意思是_____
[A] transparent.[A] 透明的。
[B] troubling.[B] 麻煩的。
[C] horrible.[C] 恐怖的。
[D] stupid.[D] 愚笨的。
[難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆
[分析]猜詞題。該詞所在的句子意思是“但是,對于一個地下市場來說,這樣的解決辦法又麻煩又顯眼”。前文中提到“一個狹窄的市場要依賴于廣告或是統(tǒng)一的交易。比如易趣專門設(shè)出幾頁讓那些賣假珍珠針飾的商家或Annette Funicello熊的商家和所能找到的極少的、分布在各地的買家進行配對”,顯然這是很麻煩的。考生可以將四個選項分別代入原文,其余三個選項都不能符合題意。答案為B。
4. The reason why the authors argue that the gun market may be threadbare partly because the drug market is so plump is _____4.研究者認為槍支市場慘淡部分是因為毒品市場比較興旺,這是因為_____
[A] the drug transaction is more prefitable that gun-dealing.[A] 毒品交易要比槍支交易利潤更大。
[B] the police are more dedicated to the gun-dealing than to the drug-dealing.[B] 警察在槍支交易方面投入的精力比毒品交易多。
[C] the gang-leaders are suppressing the gun-dealing in order to protect their profit from drug.[C]匪徒頭子壓制槍支交易以保證從毒品中可以謀取的利潤。
[D] the gang-leaders are worried about the effect of crime on commerce.[D] 匪徒頭子擔心商業(yè)犯罪的作用。
[難度系數(shù)] ☆
5. Towards the future of gun-dealing, the author’s attitude is _____5.作者對于槍支交易未來的態(tài)度是_____
[A] pessimistic.[A] 悲觀的。
[B] optimistic.[B] 樂觀的。
[C] desperate.[C] 絕望的。
[D] sorrowful.[D] 悲傷的。
[難度系數(shù)] ☆☆☆
美國尚在因為一則新的槍殺案——12月5日內(nèi)部達斯加州一家商場的槍擊案——而余悸未消,因此不能責怪他們將此歸咎于槍支太容易得到。但是在最新的《經(jīng)濟期刊》上發(fā)表的一篇文章認為至少非法槍支需求并不像人們想象得那么容易得到滿足。Sudhir Venkatesh目前在哥倫比亞大學供職,他和132名歹徒、77名妓女、116名擁有槍支的年輕人、23名槍支經(jīng)銷商以及許多在芝加哥大林蔭大道及華盛頓公園附近的居民交談過,但他并未發(fā)現(xiàn)有多少滿意的顧客。
買槍的人發(fā)現(xiàn)要證實商品的質(zhì)量也比較困難。他們對自己想要的槍支的情況知之甚少?!癟ony”有一把口徑為38的槍,他只能是自己把玩才能弄清楚怎么使用。他甚至還把一顆石頭放在里面?!八荛_火嗎?” Venkatesh問他。“我不知道。我想應(yīng)該是的。”Tony回答說。
文章提到,市場可以克服慘淡經(jīng)營, 也可以克服非法問題。但是不能同時克服兩個問題。一個狹窄的市場要依賴于廣告或是集中的交易。比如易趣專門設(shè)出幾頁讓那些賣假珍珠針飾的商家或Annette Funicello熊的商家與所能找到的極少的、分布在各地的買家進行配對。但是,對于一個地下市場來說,這樣的解決辦法又麻煩又顯眼。而毒品市場可以鉆法律的空子,因為毒品交易是非常頻繁的。賣主在他們門口就能找到顧客,而買家作為老主顧也能相信供應(yīng)商。而且因為沒有固定、正式的地方,警察要對此進行打擊也比較困難。