
考博英語(yǔ) 責(zé)任編輯:王覓 2019-01-25



Section IV Reading Comprehension (20 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET 1 with a single line through the centre.

Passage 1

It might be supposed that greater efficiency could be achieved if several people worked together to solve a problem than if only one individual works on it. Although groups often may increase the motivation of their members to deal with problems, there are conflicts arising among members of a group. Problem solving needs the presence of an effective leader who not only provides direction, but also permits the orderly, constructive expression of different opinions ; much of the leader’s effort may be devoted to resolving differences. Success in problem solving also depends on the distribution of ability within a group.

Although groups may reach a greater number of correct solutions, or may require less time to discover an answer, their efficiency is typically lower than that achieved by skilled individuals working alone. In brainstorming,a problem is presented to a group of people who then proceed to offer whatever they can think of. Theoretically these unrestricted suggestions increase the probability that at least some better solutions will appear. Nevertheless, studies show that when individuals work alone under similar conditions, performance tends to proceed more efficiently than it does in groups.

Under special circumstances, however, a group may solve problems more effectively than a competent individual does. Group members may contribute different resources to a solution that no individual can achieve alone. Sometimes social demands may require group agreement on a single issue, as in making national economic or military policies under the governments. When only one among several solutions is correct, even if a group requires more time, it has a higher probability of identifying the right one than does an individual alone.

56. In a group, problem solving needs .

A. the presence of an effective leader B. the best way to collect resources

C. everyone to work harder D. more funds

57. According to the author, it is easier for groups to reach .

A. mistakes they want to make B. the place which they want to go

C. the place where they want to rest D. a greater number of correct solutions

58. The author thinks that unrestricted suggestions can bring about .

A. some trouble B. some better solutions

C. some more time D. some more effort

59. It can be seen from the passage that a group will be more efficient in .

A. discussing directions B. correcting mistakes

C. dealing with national problems D. finding a problem

60. According to the author, which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. A group of people may solve problems more effectively than an individual.

B. The efficiency of a group is worst in the world.

C. A group will not be efficient in dealing with national policies.

D. Effective leaders often solve the problems themselves.


















