
考研 責任編輯:胡陸 2019-07-19


Section I Use of English

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Given the advantages of electronic money, you might think that we would move quickly to the cashless society in which all payments are made electronically. 1 a true cashless society is probably not around the corner. Indeed, predictions have been 2 for two decades but have not yet come to fruition. For example, Business Week predicted in 1975 that electronic means of payment would soon "revolutionize the very 3 of money itself," only to 4 itself several years later. Why has the movement to a cashless society been so 5 in coming?

Although electronic means of payment may be more efficient than a payments system based on paper, several factors work 6 the disappearance of the paper system. First, it is very 7 to set up the computer, card reader, and telecornmunications networks necessary to make electronic money the 8 form of payment Second, paper checks have the advantage that they 9 receipts, something that many consumers are unwilling to 10 . Third, the use of paper checks gives consumers several days of "float" - it takes several days 11  a check is cashed and funds are 12 from the issuer's account, which means that the writer of the check can cam interest on the funds in the meantime. 13 electronic payments arc immediate, they eliminate the float for the consumer.

Fourth, electronic means of payment may 14 security and privacy concerns. We often hear media reports that an unauthorized hacker has been able to access a computer database and to alter information 15 there. The fact that this is not an 16 occurrence means that dishonest persons might be able to access bank accounts in electronic payments systems and 17 from someone else's accounts. The 18 of this type of fraud is no easy task, and a new field of computer science is developing to 19 security issues. A further concern is that the use of electronic means of payment leaves an electronic 20 that contains a large amount of personal data. There are concerns that government, employers, and marketers might be able to access these data, thereby violating our privacy.

1. [A] However            [B] Moreover         [C] Therefore               [D] Otherwise

2. [A] off                     [B] back              [C] over                        [D] around

3. [A] power                 [B] concept           [C] history                   [D] role

4. [A] reward               [B] resist               [C] resume                   [D] reverse

5. [A] silent                  [B] sudden            [C] slow                       [D] steady

6.[A]for                     [B]against             [C]with                        [D] on

7. [A] imaginative         [B] expensive         [C] sensitive               [D] productive

8. [A] similar               [B] original           [C] temporary               [D] dominant

9. [A] collect                [B] provide           [C] copy                      [D] print

10. [A] give up             [B] take over         [C] bring back              [D] pass down

11. [A] before              [B] after               [C] since                     [D] when

12. [A] kept                 [B] borrowed        [C] released                 [D] withdrawn

13. [A] Unless             [B] Until               [C] Because                [D] Though

14. [A] hide                 [B] express           [C] raise                     [D]ease

15. [A] analyzed           [B] shared           [C] stored                    [D] displayed

16. [A] unsafe              [B] unnatural         [C] uncommon              [D] unclear

17. [A] steal                [B] choose            [C] benefit                 [D] return

18. [A] consideration    [B] prevention      [C] manipulation           [D] justification

19. [A] cope with          [B] fight against    [C] adapt to                  [D] call for

20. [A] chunk              [B] chip               [C] path                       [D] trail

Section I Use of English


【解析】空前作者講到“鑒于電子貨幣的優(yōu)勢,你也許會認為,我們將快速步入非現(xiàn)金社會,實現(xiàn)完全電子支付?!倍蘸笳f“真正的無現(xiàn)金社會很可能不會馬上到來”這兩句話語義是轉折的,因此答案A。 B. moreover表遞進 C. therefore 表結果 D. Otherwise表對比

2.【答案】D (around)

【解析】由空格所在句的“but” 得知,句子前后是轉折關系。事實上,這樣的預測已經(jīng) 二十年了,但迄今還沒有實現(xiàn)。A. off 停止 B. back 返回 C. over 結束,與后文均不構成轉折,故答案選D. around出現(xiàn)。

3.【答案】B (concept)

【解析】空格所在的句子意思為例如, 1975年《商業(yè)周刊》預測電子支付手段不久將“徹底改變貨幣本身的____”將四個選項帶入,能夠徹底改變的對象只能是金錢的概念(定義),而A“力量”,C“歷史”,D“角色”,語義都不恰當,并且如果選擇 role的話,應該是復數(shù)roles, 因為是金錢的作用不止一個,故答案選B。

4.【答案】D (reverse)

【解析】空格填入的動詞跟前面的動詞 revolutionize (變革)意思上應該是同義替換的,要選擇含有變革,徹底改變意思的詞匯,四個選項中A. reward 獎勵 B. 抵抗 C. resume 重新開始,繼續(xù),都不合適,只有D選項reverse“顛覆”最為貼切,本句譯為“電子支付方式不久將改變貨幣的定義,并將在數(shù)年后顛覆貨幣本身?!?/p>

5.【答案】C (slow)

【解析】根據(jù)前面的句意得知,早在1975年就預測了無現(xiàn)金社會將到來,而實際上作者講到“真正的無現(xiàn)金社會很可能不會馬上到來”,因此也得出這種變革是一個緩慢的過程,故答案選擇C。 A. silent沉寂的,B. sudden突然的,D. steady穩(wěn)定不變的。

6.【答案】B (against)

【解析】上一段末句提出本段的論點,即人們進入無現(xiàn)金時代的速度緩慢的原因。因此本段應圍繞紙幣系統(tǒng)不會消失來闡述。而且由句首的Although得知,空格所在句與前一句是轉折關系。盡管電子支付手段可能比紙幣支付方式更加高效,然而以下幾個方面解釋了紙幣系統(tǒng)“不會”消失的原因,故答案選B,work against妨礙,對…產(chǎn)生消極影響。A. work for 為…而工作 C. work with 與…共事,對…起作用 D. work on 從事…工作,對…起作用,都不合適。

7.【答案】B (expensive)



【解析】空格所在句譯為...使得電子貨幣成為____支付方式,將四個選項帶入,C, D是比較恰當?shù)?,再結合本文章的主旨,應該選擇“占主導地位的,支配地位”這層意思的D選項。A. similar 相似的B. original原始的,獨創(chuàng)的,都不合適。

9.【答案】B (provide)

【解析】 紙質支票支付能夠____收據(jù),這是和電子支付相比的一大優(yōu)勢,A. collect 收集收據(jù),C. copy 復印收據(jù),D. print打印收據(jù)都和實際生活不符合。應該是B. provide提供收據(jù)。

10.【答案】A (give up)

【解析】該動詞短語的賓語是前文的something, 指代上文的advantage,紙質支票支付能夠提供收據(jù)這一優(yōu)勢,肯定是消費者不愿放棄的。和優(yōu)勢相搭配的動詞短語不能是B. take over接管,也不能是C. bring back拿回來,D. pass down傳遞、遺傳也不符合。A. give up放棄一種優(yōu)勢,符合語境,為正確答案。

11. 【答案】A (before)


12. 【答案】D (withdrawn)


13. 【答案】C (Because)

【解析】這里考查的是連詞的應用。從原文可以看出空后的兩個句子在意思上存在著因果關系,“因為電子支付是即付的,所以消除了客戶的付款”。四個選項中只有C because可以表因果,其他三項均不能表因果。故答案為C。

14. 【答案】C( raise)

【解析】 這里考查的是動詞辨析以及上下文語義銜接。[A] hide “隱藏,隱瞞”,[B] express “表達,表示”,[C] raise “舉起,提高,引發(fā)”,[D] ease “減輕,緩和”,四個選項中能和concerns 構成搭配的只有raise,故正確答案為[C]。


【解析】這句講了an unauthorized hacker has been able to access a computer database and to alter information__________ there. “一些黑客入侵電腦數(shù)據(jù)庫并且更改_____信息”根據(jù)空前信息可知是入侵電腦數(shù)據(jù)庫,所以information 是被儲存在電腦數(shù)據(jù)庫中的信息。


【解析】此題考查一致性??崭袼诰洹癟he fact that this is not an__16_occurrence means that…”中this指代上文中that從句的內(nèi)容,即黑客能夠獲取電腦數(shù)據(jù)庫和更改儲存的信息。因此not an_16_occurrence應該能體現(xiàn)這一行為的特征,而上文提到“We often hear media reports that…”,其中的often正是對這一行為的特征解釋,即not an__occurrence等于often的含義,對比選項,只有C選項uncommon符合,帶入后意為“經(jīng)常發(fā)生的事情”。

17.【答案】A (steal)

【解析】本題缺少謂語動詞,通過語法結構可以看出,主語是dishonest persons,并通過后面的其他人的帳戶,可以推定為答案是負向的,只有A steal符合題意,語義上也說得通,故為正確答案。



19.【答案】A.(cope with)

【解析】此空格解釋同18空格,應選有“處理,解決”意思的選項,只有A選項cope with合適。B選項fight against意為“對抗,抵制”,而賓語是security issues,因此不符合。











