
高職單招 責(zé)任編輯:唐丹平 2020-03-30




1. Peter asked Linda whether that book was ____ .

A. your B. their

C. her D. hers

2. Her father, ____ is a manager, went to Shanghai on business.

A. whose B. that

C. who D. whom

3. I don’t know the reason ____ he was absent yesterday.

A. where B. when

C. why D. whom

4. They saw ____ in the mirror.

A. himself B. themself

C. themselves D. himself

5. Both Smith and Mary are invited, but ____ has accepted.

A. either B. neither

C. not D. no

6. I hope to meet you again ____ next year.

A. sometimes B. times

C. sometime D. some time

7. You had better ____ an umbrella.

A. took B. take

C. taking D. to take

8. This village is well-known ____ its beautiful sights.

A. to B. as

C. for D. by

9. Study hard, ____ you will make great progress.

A. or B. and

C. while D. but

10. In the city there is ____ 80-foot-high leaning tower.

A. the B. a

C. an D. /

11. The old building is not ____ the new one.

A. tall than B. the taller than

C. tallest D. taller than

12. Thousands of people ____ Beijing last year.

A. have visited B. was visiting

C. visited D. visiting

13. Now a shopping centre ____ near the park.

A. is build B. is building

C. is being built D. has built

14. What we want to know is ____ .

A. when will their plane take off

B. when their plane will take off

C. when will their plane be taken off

D. when their plane will taking off

15. It’s seven o’clock already. ____ TV this time tomorrow evening.

A. I’ll be watching B. I watch

C. I was watching D. I watched



I am a permanent (永久的) resident (居民) in Hong Kong and my present (目前的) residence (住處) is Rm 606 Block 7, Kai Man Estate. I have been living with my mother, wife, younger brother and my two children in the above flat (公寓).

Not long ago, my brother died in a traffic accident, because of this, his wife and his two children were allowed to come to Hong Kong from Mainland China to live with us. The change from 6-member family to an 8-member one has created a very crowded living environment. I therefore would like to apply for a move to larger flat in accordance with the housing regulations concerned, below are my personal particulars for your reference:

ID Card No.: A 3068497

Contact Telephone No.: 3597846

Correspondence Address: Rm 606 Block 7, Kai Man Estate, N. T.

Your consideration over this case will be highly appreciated.

1. Where does he live in?

He is a permanent resident in _________ .

2. What happened to his brother?

His brother died in _________ .

3. How many members does his family have now?

_________ .

4. Where is his brother’s wife from?

_________ .

5. Why does he want to apply for a larger flat?

He want to apply for a move to a larger flat because of the _________ .



Dear Aunt,

Thank you very much for 1 (邀請(qǐng)) me to stay with you for a week in the holidays. It is very 2 (好心的) of you. I should like it very much. I always

3 (喜歡)staying at your home because it is so 4 (安靜的)there. The house we live in here is very nice but it is very noisy 5 (有時(shí)).

6 (如何,怎么樣) is uncle Tom? I 7 (希望)he is feeling a little better now. We were very 8 (難過(guò))to hear about his illness. Mother and father

9 (送給)him their 10 (最好的)wishes and hope he will soon be better.

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

4. ________________________

5. ________________________

6. ________________________

7. ________________________

8. ________________________

9. ________________________

10. ________________________










