
成人高考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2020-03-30



一、Part I Dialogue Completion(15 points)

Directions:There are 15 Short incomplete dialogues in this part,each followed by 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and.mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1.Waiter:Good evening,Sir:Would you like to sit here?John:__________.Have a mellu,please.

A.Yes,I do
B.No,I don’t
C.I"d like to
D.I don’t like to

2.Mike:Hi Chris.Do you fancy going for lunch?Chris:__________. Mike:Shall we say twelve thirty?Chris:Alright,see you then.

A.Yeah,I do.
B.What would you say?
C.Yeah,why not?
D.When shall we say?

3.Helen:Hey,Jane,you look pale today,what’S up?Jane:Yeah.I don’t like the idea__________.

A.in getting up early
B.of getting up early
C.for getting up early
D.to get up early

4.Li:Do you mind carrying the box for me?Peter:__________.Where shall I put it?

B.Not at all
C.No problem
D.You’re welcome.

5.Kevin:How are you doing all these days,Robert?Robert:__________.

A.Fine,thanks.And you?
B.t am good.Thank you.And you7.
C.Very.well.Thanks a lot.What about you?
D.Wonderful.Thank you.And how about you?

6.Lily:May I use your dictionary tomorrow,Susie?Susie:Sure,But I have to finish translating the English story at the end of this week. Lily:__________

A.Do as you please.
B.0h,I"m sorry.
C.Thank you just the same.
D.Never mind it.

7.Mary:I have just gotten a pair of concert tickets and was thinking of inviting you. Are you interested?John:Yeah,definitely!__________

A.Thanks for inviting me.
B.Any problem?
C.of Course.
D.when and where?

8.Dennis:I‘ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my dog?Mary:Not at all.

A.I"d prefer to do
B.I"d rather to do
C.I"d like to
D.I"d be very happy to

9.Tina:If it rains on Sunday,the party will be cancelled. Jack:Oh,__________.we can hold it indoors.

A.it’s all right
B.never mind
C.don’t mention it
D.it doesn’t matter

10.Stranger:__________.Do you know where is the bus-stop?Resident:Sure.Go ahead then turn left.You’11 find it. stranger:Thank you.

A.Help me
B.Forgive me
C.Exeuse me
D.Trouble you

11.Susan:Rosemary,It’S very nice of you to invite me to dinner last night.Thank you very much. Rosemary:__________.

A.No need to thank+me.
B.You are welcome.
C.You are very nice,too.
D.you are welcome at my‘home.

12.Frank:David,I was told that you guys had a wonderful time at the cinema.I shouldhave gone to see the film with you last night. David:__________.

A.It is your own business
B.What a pity!
C.That sounds pity thing
D.Good luck with you l

13.David:I feel nervous about the interview. Ann:__________.

A.Don’t be nervous
B.Take it easy
C.Take your time
D.It’s nothing

14.Woody:Would you do me a favor and give me a fide to school?Thomas:__________.

A.With pleasure
B.Yes,that’s fight
C.Never mind
D.No trouble at all

15.Ann:Could I smoke outside the room?Ping:__________

B.Not at all.
C.I"m sorry.

二、Part II Reading Comprehension(40 points)

Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with o single line throught the center.


根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容回答題:Many American college and university students live in university residence halls.These halls are popularly called“dorms”.Residence halls may offer various types of living accommodations. There are single rooms,in which a student lives alone but there probably are a good many more double rooms,which two students share.Some dorms have sets of rooms,where small groups of students have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom and maybe a study room. There are usually a number of conveniences available for those living in university resi-dence halls.Most have washing machines and clothes dryers for use by the residents.Many dorms have kitchens where students can prepare light meals.Residence halls generally provide not only room and board but public rooms and recreational facilities and sometimes study rooms for their use. If you live in a dormitory you need to know what the rules and regulations are.Meals usually are served at only certain hours,and you must be there at those hours if you expect to eat.There may be only certain hours when visitors may come,or they may be limited to certain areas of the dormitory.Often cooking in bedrooms is prohibited,and the use of certain pieces of electrical equipment such as coffee pots or hair dryers may be limited. Living in a residence hall carries certain obligation.You have to be considerate of others,especially during study hours.Telephone calls and visits by friends should be short.You have to cooperate in keeping the room as neat as possible.It is sometimes hard to be tolerant of another person’S habits that may differ from your own.
Residence halls in American universities provide__________.

A.single rooms shared by two students
B.apartments for small groups of students
C.double rooms for two students
D.separate rooms with a common bathroom.

17.Living in university halls is convenient because__________.

A.meals are served at any time
B.most halls provide various facilities
C.public rooms are available for visitors
D.all have study rooms for their own use

18.What is prohibited in residence halls?

A.Eating meals in one’s bedroom.
B.The use of electrical eqhipment.
C.The use of coffee pots.
D.Preparing meals in bedrooms.

19.What must you learn to be tolerant of if you live in a dormitory?

A.Your roommate’s telephone calls.
B.Habits that may differ from your own.
C.Visits by your roommate’s friends.
D.Roommates who are inconsiderate.

20.Living in a residence hall.you have to__________.

A.do your best to keep the room clean
B.form. a habit of other"s
C.have your phone calls in your room
D.study hard during study hours


根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容回答題:All of us rely on what we see.We say to ourselves,“I know,was there;I saw it hap-pen.”And that seems to settle the matter.Or does it?Can we really trust the evidence of oureyes?Take competitive sports.Fans who see the same game will not agree with each other and will the disagree with the referee(裁判).“He was out of bounds when he caught the pass,”says one fan.Says another,“You are crazy.I saw it with my own eyes.He was five feet in bounds.You must be blind.”The referee rules that the receiver did step out of bounds.But thousands of fans are still not convinced——because they were there!It’s the same story in the courtroom.Trial procedure depends on witnesses giving sworn testimony.But just how reliable is the testimony of a person who repots what he has seen?In a recent study,ten thousand witnesses were asked to describe the man they saw commit a crime.The study reveals that,on the average,the witnesses overestimated the man s height by five inches,his age by eight years,and gave the wrong hair color in 83 percent of the cases.These witnesses didn’t play tricks on them!What can we do to keep error to a minimum?First of all,don’t let your emotions interfere with your vision.Don’t see something because you want to see it.Se.condly,try to stay relaxed.If you are tense,you are likely to see red when the color is blue.And finally,it helps to make notes of what you see.Don’t rely on your memory alone.Take pictures,make recordings,and use any other aid to reduce distortion.
The main idea of this passage is that__________.

A.all of us rely on what we see
B.we can t completely trust what we see
C.sworn eyewitnesses are unreliable
D.fans usually disagree with the referee

22.The passage suggests that fans at sport events__________.

A.show no respect for the truth
B.lie about what they see
C.are controlled by emotion
D.have no faith in the referee

23.Statistical studies show that__________.

A.courtroom testimony only confuses the judge
B.courtroom testimony is often unreliable
C.eyewitnesses are remarkably accurate
D.eyewitnesses tend to conceal what they see

24.The word“them”(Paragraph 3)refers to__________.

A.the judges and the trial procedure
B.the witnesses and their testimony
C.83 percent of the cases
D.the beight,age and hair color of the criminal

25.In order to keep error to a minimum,we are advised to_________.

A.separate our emotions from what we see
B.improve our memory of what we see
C.get a better look at what we are interested in
D.concentrate on what makes US relaxed


根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容回答題:What is a good listener?Students who feel they are say it is because"they pay attention;remember what the person says;and ask questions based on what the other has said;or it isbecause they like people and are interested in them.They feel they are poor listeners when they think about something else while the other is talking or when they’re tired,or not interested in what she or he is talking about. In fact,there are a variety of ways to listen,just as there are a variety of ways to say something.Human beings are complex and 60ncealing.Often we don’t say what we want to say,or say,exactly the opposite of what we want to say.Sometimes,we aren’t honest or direct with another because we think we don’t have the right or are afraid of what will happen if.We are.The body“talks”,too,sometimes more honestly than the tongue. These different ways of talking need different ways of listenin9.To keep the seesaw going in conversations and in relationships,we need to understand and use these different ways, especially if oui goal is to be a carin9,thoughtful person.By knowing how to listen in various ways,you can be accurate in picking up messages no matter how they are masked or distorted or how they are delivered.Some messages are he.a(chǎn)rd just by listening silently;some,by holding a hand or giving a hu9.But to be able to respond accurately,you need to hear accurately. Most people listen only with their ears.Too few listen with their hearts as well as theirears,listening to the other’s,sharing of his or her hopes,joys,fears.
According to the passage,listening only with ears may happen to us when__________.

A.we are emotionally tired
B.we are so interested in the topic
C.we are physically disabled
D.we are asked many questions

27.Which of the following is NOT true about a good listener?

A.He can feel what the speaker thinks.
B.He can share the speaker"s feeling.
C.He can remember what the speaker says.
D.He can listen with his heart.

28.The purpose in writing the second paragraph is to__________.

A.demonstrate why we are not honest in communication
B.explain how our body“talks”
C.illustrate ways used by people in speaking
D.show that understanding one’s speech is not an easy job

29.The word“seesaw”(Line 1,Para.3)probably means__________.


30.According to the passage our failure to give proper response to the speaker is probably because

A.we misunderstand what he says
B.he speaks in a distorted wav
C.we don’t like the speaker
D.he spear in a different language


根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容回答題:More and more,the operations of our businesses,governments,and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories.Anyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap big reward.Even worse.a(chǎn) number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment. It’s easy for computer crimes to go undetected if no one checks up on what the computer is doing.But even if the crime is detected,the criminal may walk away not only unpunished but with a glowing recommendation from his former employers. Of course,we have no statistics on crimes that go undetected.But it"s disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected by accident,not by systematic inspec.tions or other security procedures.The computer criminals who have been caught may have been the victims of ancommonly bad iuck. Unlike other lawbreakers,who must leave the country,commit suicide,or go to jail,com.puter criminals sometimes escape punishment,demanding not only that they not be charged but that they be given good recommendations and perhaps other benefits.All too often,their de-mands have been met. Why Because company exechtives are afraid of the.bad publicity that would result if the public found out that their computer had been misused?They hesitate at the thought of a crimi.nal boasting in open court of how he juggled the most confidential records fight under the floses of the company’s executives,accountants,and security staff.And so another computer criminal departs with just the recommendations he needs to continue his crimes elsewhere.
It can be concluded from the passage that__________.

A.it’is still impossible to detect computer crimes today
B.people commit computer crimes at the request of their company
C.computer criminals escape punishment because they can’t be detected
D.computer crimes are the most serious problem in the operation of financial insti-tutions

32.It is implied in the third paragraph that__________.

A.most computer criminals who are caught Name their bad luck
B.the rapid increase of computer crimes is a troublesome problem
C.most computer crirflinals are smart enough to cover up their crimes
D.many‘more computer crimes go undetected that are discovered

33.Which of the following statements is mentioned in the passage?

A.A strict law against computer crimes must be enforced.
B.Companies usuaHy hesitate to uncover computer crimes to protect their reputa-tion.
C.Companies will guard against computer crimes to protect their reputation.
D.Companies need to impose restrictions on confidential information.

34.What may happen to computer criminals once they are caught?

A.With a bad reputation they can hardly find another job.
B.They may walk away and easily find another job.
C.They will be denied access to confidential records.
D.They must leave the country to go to jail.

35.The passage is mainly about__________.

A.why computer criminals are often able to escape punishment
B.why computer crimes are difficult to detect by systematic inspections
C.how computer criminals mange to get good recommendations from their former em-ployers
D.why computer crimes can’t be eliminated

三、Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure(20 points).

Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,CandD.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single through the center.

36.There are already twelve bottles of wine,so if I buy__________again we’ll have enough.

A.that much
B.as much
C.so many
D.as many

37.The firm plans to introduce new technology at the__________of the existing workforce.


38.During the storm we took__________in the doorway of a shop.


39.The telephone __________ for almost a minute.Why doesn’t somebody answer it?

A.has rung
B.had rung
C.has been ringing
D.is ringing

40.I shall have a companion in the house after all these__________years.


41.How can I have any self-confidence when you’re always So__________of me?


42.Women in many countries were still__________ the fight to vote.


43.__________to the bus stop when the bus suddenly pulled away.

A.They scarcely got
B.They had got scarcely
C.Scarcely did they get
D.Scarcely had they got’

44.They had this really low doorway and l__________hitting my head on it.

A.put on
B.put up
C.kept on
D.kept up

45.“You were invited to the party,weren’t you?”“__________,I‘d forgotten.”

A.I was so
B.Nor was I
C.So I was
D.So was I

46.The full__________of changes in computer technology will be felt within the next few years.


47.People are affected.to different__________by what they see in their daily life.


48.Many people complain of the rapid__________of modern life.


49.I think that,__________,the rural schools provide better environment for the students.

A.broadly speaking
B.broadly spoken
C.to speak broadly
D.to be spoken broadly

50.Ahhough some modern architecture is truly art,much of the new building is more __________.


51.__________gas leaks and similar accidents should occur,some responsible persons should regularly inspect all the laboratories.

A.In case

52.She was nowhere to be found.__________her friends where she was going,she would have saved them a lot of trouble.

A.She had told
B.Had she told
C.Told had she
D.Had told she

53.She’s more__________than most people to help out when you ask her.


54.He was asked to show them the same respect__________they would to him.


55.__________looking for me this evenin9,tell him that l will be back at six o‘clock.

A.Anyone should come
B.Should anyone come
C.If anyone had come
D.If anyone would have come

56.A Man who has a lot of money__________does not share it with others,is not worthy of respect.


57.“Who was that at the door?”“ __________ was a man selling house insurance.”


58.The desks and chairs can be__________to the height of each child.


59.Many think they can offer to buy a car but they don’t think they can offer to_________it.


60.She made an appointment with the optician to have her eyes__________.

A.to be examined
B.be examined
D.being examined

61.The local people are used to me now and take the__________0f practicing their English with me.


62.__________in the last century when people crossed the land bridge and attempted to live in this place.

A.There have been times
B.Times have been
C.There was a time
D.Times were

63.For years now we’ve had to__________appalling working conditions and low-quality, outdated equipment.


64.I don’t suppose you could lend me$5 till tomorrow,__________?

A.couldn’t you
B.could you
C.do l
D.could I

65.The twin sisters looked so alike that I could hardly tell__________of them I had spoken to the day before.


66.Because of the way she had been behaving,Martin felt__________in leaving her.


67.“Why did he always dread asking them for their rent money?”“he knew it would end in an argument.”


68.The satellite can__________ten thousand telephone conversations and a hundred color TV programs.


69.In such a fiercely__________environment,it‘s inevitable that some companies will go n11t nf btlsiness


70.Some cars__________with a safety device which won’t let the car start unless passengers are wearing seat belt.

B.are fitted
C.have fitted
D.were tilted

71.There’s no point telling her she’s doing wrong because she just__________riticism.

A.shrugs off
B.puts away
C.breaks off
D.casts aside

72.They took__________measures to prevent poisonous gases from escapin9..


73.People in many developing countries are__________into overcrowded cities in great numbers.


74.__________what is needed,everyone will have to keep a diary of what they do for a week.

A.In order for US"to assess
B.So as for US to assess
C.For US assessing
D.We assessing

75.They have to pay all the bills and rent out of$500,the seven kids they’ve got to feed.

A.not mentioning
B.never mentioning
C.not to mention
D.not to be mentioned

四、Part IV Cloze Test(10 points)

Directions:There are 10 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the one answer that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容回答題:Cotton,like silk,was discovered and made cloth by man before the historical period(76).Its first recorded use was in India,where cotton cloth of very fine texture,almost(77)silk,was made.When the Spanish arrived in the New World,they found that the Incas,the Mayas,and the Aztecs knew(78)cotton cloth.Some of the cotton cloth made in Peru,even before the days of the Incas,(79)that it is kept in museums. Cotton is the most important of all textiles.Even now,with many artificial materials(80),more than half of all textile products are.made of cotton. Cotton comes from a plant of that name.When the plant is mature,the cotton grows in a white ball around the seed.To(8 1)the cotton for market,the seed must be removed from the cotton fiber.This(82)by a machine called the cotton gin.Then the cotton is packed into huge bundles called bales,(83)are sent to the mills.There the fibers are combed(84)they will all be turned in the same direction.Next,the fibers are spun into thread.From the thread,the+cotton is w6ven into(85)

B.has begun
D.was begun


A.so fine as
B.such fine as
C.as fine as
D.as fine like


A.to how make
B.how to make
C.how was made
D.how making


A.very fine
B.SO fine
C.is very fine
D.is so fine






A.is done
B.was done
D.being done




A.So as
B.such that
C.as that
D.So that



五、Part V Writing(15 points)

Directions:For this part.You are to write 100~120 words.You have to write your composition based on the outline given below in Chinese below

86.Directioils:You are to write in 100-120 words about the titlb“To be.a(chǎn) volunteer in a society.”You should base your composition on the out-line given in Chinese below: 1.社會的進(jìn)步和發(fā)展越來越需要志愿者; 2.做志愿者應(yīng)具備哪些基本素質(zhì)?3.你的看法。
