摘要:2013年北京專(zhuān)升本英語(yǔ)真題及答案,本套試卷是2013年北京專(zhuān)升本英語(yǔ)真題,有答案,是北京市 2013年高職升本科招生統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)試卷。
2013年北京專(zhuān)升本英語(yǔ)真題及答案,本套試卷是2013年北京專(zhuān)升本英語(yǔ)真題,有答案,是北京市 2013年高職升本科招生統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)試卷。
一、Vocabulary and Structure
1.Jane _____ up in a village without TV or radio, which caused her to develop a love for reading
C.had grown
D.was growing
2.The public demanded that the central government should take measures to ______ the pricesdown.
3.Her essay was entirely based on data ______ from reliable records.
B.to collect
D.being collected
11.While in the city, we paid a visit to the hospital founded _______ Florence Nightingale
B.in favour of
C.in honor of
D.in place of
E.in terms of
7.We asked both john and jerry, but ______ could offer a satisfactory explanation.
14.--Has he got any experience? --No, ________ he ’s keen to learn.
9.Tom stood at the door, _______ over whether or not to tell Mom his failure in the exam.
C.to hesitate
D.having hesitated
6.Lucy is going to travel around the world when she _______ school.
C.has left
D.is leaving
12.The rain _______ to last until the end of this Friday.
B.has expected
D.is expected
8.I saw Jane dancing at Mary ’s birthday party and on that _____ she was really excellent.
13.After three days ’ climbing, we finally reached ______ we thought was the place we ’d bedreaming of
15.The committee rejected the suggestion that the houses ______ on this site
A.are built
B.were built
C.would be built
D.be built
4.The wounded soldier died _______ we had a chance to know his name and family.
10.The books wouldn ’t have been damaged if Mary ______ them away.
B.has moved
C.could move
D.had moved
5.I ______ have saved for my retirement when I was young
二、Reading Comprehension
1.Questions 16 to 19 are based on the following passage.Choosing a college requires that you ask yourself many questions. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? Where do you want to go in life? How do you get there? Perhaps thebest way to find those answers is to look at our college on Long Island. Think about it .Private colleges on Long Island charge an average of $25, 000 a year onoverall costs, an average total of $100, 000 over four years, our college ’s cost is just over $000, or about $53, 000 over four years. That means, because of the investment of the State of NewYork in our public college, you pay nearly half what students at those private colleges pay. Thatthe money you can use later for graduate school, travel, or whatever you choose.LOCATION: With a wooded 604-acre cam pus centrally located on Long Island, the nation ’s16 th largest population center. Our college offers the best of both worlds, a quiet atmospherededicated to learning yet just 20 miles from the heart of New York City.STUDENTS: 3, 200 students from across the United States and more than 20 foreigncountries, among the most culturally diverse students population in the Northeast.FACULTY: 120 full-time, of whom 80% hold a terminal degree in their field.A 17: 1students-to-faculty ratio.CURRICULUN (課程): Comprehensive, with 45 undergraduate majors and 16 minors inboth liberal arts and professional field. One graduate program currently available.DEGREES: Undergraduate : Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of ProfessionalStudies. Graduate: M.S. in Accounting.STUDENT LIFE: Active and diverse with more than 50 students organizations, including astudent -run newspaper and television station, academic organizations and community servicegroups.FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: 60% of students receive either need-based aid or merit-basedscholarships.ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Applications considered on a rolling basis. About 55% offreshman applicants are accepted. Transfer students earning more than 24 credit hours of collegework will be evaluated based on that work.16.In comparison with private colleges, how much can be saved over four years in this college?
A.About $13, 000
B.About $25, 000
C.About $47, 000
D.About $53, 000
2.How many full-time faculty members hold a terminal degree in their fields?
4.Why is this college less expensive than private colleges on Long Island ?
A.It offers both undergraduate and graduate programs
B.Students get more aid and scholarships
C.New York State invests money in it
D.It has a small number of students
3.What is the rough number of students who get financial assistance?
5.Questions 20 to 23 are based on the following passage.The story of chocolate begins with the discovery of America. Until 1492, the Old Worldknew nothing at all about chocolate that was to become the favorite of millions.During his conquest of Mexico, Cortez, the great Spanish explorer, found the Aztec Indiansusing cocoa beans in the preparation of the royal drink “chocolate ”, meaning warm liquid. However, the drink was very bitter, and the Spaniards did not find it to their taste. To make itmore agreeable to Europeans, Cortez and his countrymen invented the idea of sweetening it withsugar. The new drink quickly won friends, especially among the Spanish aristocracy ( 貴族).Spain wisely continued to plant cocoa in its overseas colonies, which gave birth to a veryprofitable business. Remarkably enough, the Spanish succeeded in keeping the art of the cocoaindustry a secret from the rest of Europe for nearly a hundred years.Later, the secret was let out. For a while chocolate was the drink at the fashionable Court ofFrance. Then it spread across the Channel to Great Britain, and 1657 the first of many famousEnglish chocolate houses appeared.In the United States of America, the production of chocolate proceeded at a faster pace thananywhere else in the world. It was in pre -revolutionary New England ---1765, to be exact ---thatthe first chocolate factory was established in this country .20. What made chocolate disagreeable to Spaniards?
A.It was a bitter drink
B.It was a royal drink
C.It was a warm drink
D.It was a new drink
6.Why did the Spanish keep the art of cocoa industry unknown to other counties?
A.To please the Spanish aristocracy
B.To plant cocoa in its overseas colonies
C.To make more profit from the industry
D.To enable the drink to win more friends
7.The secret of the art of the cocoa industry was probably let out around _____.
8.What does “this country ” in the last paragraph refer to?
C.Great Britain
D.The United States
9.Questions 24 -27 are based on the following passage.Living in the city is hard. I was born and raised in Dallas, so l know first-hand about heavytraffic and busy roads. However, when I moved to New York City (NYC), I was not very wellprepared for it. I love NYC, but sometimes I have to escape from the noise, to free my mind fromall the daily worries and to clear my thoughts. However hard and challenging life can be, I stillhave to enjoy the road along the way to success.Everyone needs to take a break from the crazy pace of NYC lifestyle. once in a while. Myfavorite spot to do that is the Van Cortlandt Park, with its long paths where I like to ride on mybike, passing trees and bushes so wild that they make you believe you have escaped the citycompletely and are somewhere in the middle of a real forest.Yesterday I made my weekly escape to the park. Wanting to be closer to nature, I decided notto take the pathway but, instead, go directly through the forest. As I moved through the thickforest, I pushed away the branches that came in my way. It was as if there wasn’t a sign ofcivilization around me at all. The air was still wet from the early morning shower, whileeverywhere, in the open, it had already been very dry and hot.Half an hour later I was at my destination point, the meadow (草地) in the middle of theforest. There were a couple of people already sitting on the grass, picnicking, reading, just lyingdown dreaming. Even though I wasn ’t alone on the meadow this time, I actually enjoyed this fact: I could watch the people merge ( 融合) with nature, in this paradise-like place.24. The author moved to NYC in order to ______.
A.get away from Dalla
B.escape from the noise
C.clear his thoughts
D.achieve success
12.What is th e author ’s purpose of going to the Van Cortlandt Park?
A.To enjoy the long paths of the park
B.To get to the middle of a real forest
C.To take a break from the busy life
D.To ride on his bike
10.Why did the author go directly through the forest that day?
A.Because he wanted to stayed closer to nature
B.Because there were branches in his way
C.Because he had no bicycle that day
D.Because it was very hot and dry
11.Why was the air wet in the thick forest that morning?
A.Because the park was near the pathway
B.Because the park was closer to nature
C.Because it was hot in the open
D.Because it rained earlier
13.Questions 28 to 31 are based on the following passage.Out of all the cities and towns we visited in Central Europe, the city that made the biggestimpression on me was definitely Prague( 布拉格). I do not know if it is the story behind every wall,stone and bridge that left me so speechless, but to this day I have no doubt that there is no othercity in the world that can compare to Prague. With its peculiar romantic flavor, Prague to me is farmore attractive than Paris, London and New York put together.My acquaintance with Prague started on the bus from Vienna, where I listened to a tourguide telling us the story of how the city was set up. When we arrived in Prague, the first thing wewent to see right from the hotel was, of course, the Charles Bridge. Completed in 1357, this bridgewas built on blood and eggs to hold the bricks together, and it proved to be firmer than any othermaterial. Fascinated by the fact, we went on to examine the statues on every post of the bridge,while we listened to the story behind each of them.There were many other things that inspired and fascinated me. The whole of Prague is like afairy tale of its own, with millions of unbelievable stories running through its history. But whatimpressed me most was the sunset above the Prague Castle.The view was just beautiful: the sun, just barely reaching the sharp peaks of the Castle; thesky with soft clouds; the sweet music of violin somewhere in the air. It is so great that it makesyou feel like time has stopped.We spent over three weeks in Europe, and just two days in Prague. But it seems like Prague hastaken up most of my emotions and feelings. Prague is worth visiting again and again.28.What makes Prague more attractive than Pairs or London according to the passage?
A.Its romantic taste
B.Its bridges
C.Its stones
D.Its walls
16.Why do you think the author wrote the passage?
A.To explain why Prague has such a long history
B.To show how different Prague is from Pairs
C.To let people know more about Europe
D.To encourage people to visit Prague
14.The word "acquaintance " in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______________.
15.What impressed the author most in Prague?
A.The Prague Castle
B.The Charles Bridge
C.The sunset
D.The statues
17.Questions 32 to 35 are based on the following passage.There has been an ongoing debate on whether school uniforms should be completelyabolished in all schools, both private and public. Despite both pros and cons ( 贊同和反對(duì)意見(jiàn) ) ofany uniform, personally I stick to the idea that school uniforms should be introduced in all publicand private schools.There are certainly many factors that should be taken into account when discussing the issueof school uniform. While most private schools already have established a particular schooluniform. to be worn at all times and by all students, public schools mostly remain more liberal andonly have a more or less strict dress code. In public schools, some kids have parent with ratherhigh incomes who can afford to buy fashionable and costly clothes for their kids. But there arealso those teens who are forced to buy low-cost outfits at discount retail (零售) stores. If allstudents wear identical clothes, no one will be hurt by the comparison.Another point to consider is, of course, the way teenagers try to express their feelings. If froman early age children get used to paying too much attention to the way people dress and lookinstead of enriching their inner being and acquiring new skills, we should expect a verymaterialistic ( 物質(zhì)至上的 ) society in the nearest future. Wearing a uniform. would help in havingpeople pay more attention to one's personality, rather than looks. The main idea is to help a childunderstand that they should develop their inner beauty and not get involved with bad company andfalse friends.All in all, wearing school uniforms is a great solution to these arguments. What counts mostis that school uniforms teach children a certain discipline-the qualities they will later in life makeuse of when they have to obey certain social norms and laws.32. What is the author's attitude towards wearing school uniforms?
19.Focusing on personality will probably help children__________.
A.have false friends
B.ignore their looks
C.expect a material life
D.enrich their inner beauty
20.What is the most important role that wearing school uniforms plays?
A.It helps children find solutions to some arguments in their life
B.It helps children develop qualities useful in their future
C.It will teach children some laws to obey in the future
D.It will introduce some social norms to the children
18.In public schools, ___________.
A.some children have to buy low-price clothes
B.all parents of the students have high incomes
C.the dress code is stricter than in private schools
D.all the students must wear uniforms all the time
1.Jodie liked her apartment, she had a beautiful ___36___ to the south. A nearby tree was home totwo squirrels. She like to watch them. Mrs. Neely ___37___ the apartment building. She was an oldlady who spoke with a strong Russian ___38___ . The two got along very well. Mrs. Neely said that Jodie ___39___ her of her daughter, who haddied in a car crash. Mrs. Neely always kept busy by volunteering at the local library and seniorcenter.An excellent baker, she often brought___ 40___ and pastries (油酥點(diǎn)心 ) to Jodie. “You’re trying to make me ___41___ , ” laughed Jodie one day . “How will I ever find aboyfriend ? ” “Maybe you ’re too pretty and too smart___42___ the young men around here. ” Jodie ___43___ to graduate school at night. She had a day job as teaching assistant. She lovedteaching kids. The principal had already told her a full -time teaching job would be hers ___44___she got her master ’ s degree. “Aren’t there any nice boys in yourgraduate classes, Jodie? ” Mrs. Neely asked. “There are some, ” said Jodie. “But they ’re ___45___ married , or have a girlfriend, or are toofocused on getting their degrees. And don ’t forget I have to concentrate on graduating, so I reallyshouldn ’t be dating anyway. ”36________
四、Word forms
四、Word Forms
1.It _____ (sudden) occurred to him that Mary was afraid of being alone.
5. He should give up smoking if he wants to keep ______ (health).
7. The _____ (manufacture) of this car is located in Germany.
10. Many of her answers were _____ (correct), so she was asked to do the exercises again.
2. He does not have the ______ (qualify) to teach young children.
6. ______ (Polite) costs nothing but gains everything.
3. The local government officials will investigate the incident and ______ (preparation) a reportfor it.
4. The monthly income is much smaller than _____ (expect).
8. She may _____ (like) some types of food because they do not look, smell of or taste nice.
9. They went far into the forest, his brother _____ (act) as a guide.
五、Translation ----English into Chinese
1.It’ s a good idea to recycle household waste.
2. Without research we can ’t be sure of the size of our market or even who our market is.
4. The other driver was responsible for the accident, and he should pay for the damage.
3. People who have been to university have a big advantage when it comes to finding jobs.
5. In one experiment, the men were not allowed to sleep and then were tested on how well theywere able to concentrate.
1.This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write aletter . You can refer to the following information in Chinese . You should write about 100 wordson the Answer Sheet .假如你是黃海大學(xué)的學(xué)生李明 ,寫(xiě)一封信告訴你的美國(guó)筆友 Jack。內(nèi)容包括 :黃海大學(xué)簡(jiǎn)介;所選專(zhuān)業(yè)及理由 ;參加社團(tuán)及收獲。