
成人高考 責任編輯:楊銳頻 2022-02-24




1. _______, the story of Snow White appeals to many adult readers, too.

A. Though it written for children

B. Though written for children

C. Though for children written

D. It was written for children

2. _______, work songs often exhibit the song culture of a people in a fundamental form.

A. They occur where they are

B. Wherever they occur

C. Occurring where

D. Where do they occur

3. "A man was slightly injured in an accident. " This tells us that his injury was _______.

A. deadly B. very serious

C. fatal D. not serious

4. "Do you know Canada?" "No, _______ there. "

A. I've never been B. I'd never been

C. I've never gone D. I'd never gone

5. "Does anybody want an extra ticket to go to the movies? ""Who would you rather _______ with you. George or me?"

A. to go B. have go

C. have gone D. going

6. "Have you a table for two?" I asked. The waiter replied, "This _______, please. "

A. path B. line

C. way D. road

7. "Here is the money I promised, " he said, "I always _______ my promise. "

A. agree B. follow

C. make D. keep

8. "I'd like you to _______ me some clothes. " said the customer .

A. show B. see

C. explain D. provide

9. "I'm not going to buy the book. " "___________. It's too expensive. "

A. I don't either B. Neither am I

C. So am I D. I'm not, too

10. "John isn't here now. " "_______ left by the back door?"

A. Must he have B. Might he have

C. Had he D. Should he have

11. "Michael left for California this morning. " "Oh, I thought he _______until next week. "

A. hadn't been going B. isn't going

C. won't be going D. wasn't going

12. "Not until science became prominent _______ be abolished", some people argue.

A. did slavery come to B. slavery to

C. had slavery come to D. that slavery came to

13. "To say is one thing, and to do is another. " _______ the old saying goes.

A. like B. as

C. for D. with

14. " We're late. The play has started." "I wonder how long ago _________."

A. did it begin B. it began

C. was it beginning D. it has begun

15. "Where can I find Jim?" "He is _______ his work. He won't leave the lab until 6:00 p. m. "

A. on B. over

C. at D. under


1. B【句意】盡管是為小孩寫的,但白雪公主的故事對許多成年人同樣具有吸引力。

【解析】though可以引導讓步狀語從句,當從句的主語和主句的主語一致,而且從句的謂語動詞是be的形式時,可將從句的主語和be的形式省略,如:Though born in Chicago,the writer wrote many stories about New York City.那位作家雖然生在芝加哥,卻寫了許多關于紐約的小說。因此B為正確答案。A中沒有省略主語it,因而錯誤。C中過去分詞短語后置,D中缺少從屬連詞,所以C和D也錯誤。

2. B【句意】不論在什么地方,勞動號子以最基本的形式表現(xiàn)了這個民族的文化。

【解析】wherever用作連接副詞,意為“無論在哪里”,引導一個讓步狀語從句,如:Wherever you go,you will always find the same thing.不論你走到哪里,你總會發(fā)現(xiàn)同樣的事情。由此可見,B既符合語法又符合題意,為正確答案。A為一個分句,和下文之間缺少連接詞,故不正確。C為現(xiàn)在分詞短語,其中where后沒接任何成分,不合語法, 也不正確。D為一特殊疑問句,不符合整個句子結構,也應排除。

3. D【句意】“有人在車禍中受了輕傷”,這說明受的傷是什么樣的?

【解析】deadly意為“致命的,(可能)致死的”,如:Fog is one of the sailor's deadliest enemies.霧是水手的死敵之一。serious意為“嚴重的”,如:His illness is nothing serious.他的病一點也不嚴重。fatal意為“致命的,悲慘的”,如:They cyclist was knocked down by a lorry and received fatal injuries.那個騎自行車的人被卡車撞成重傷。原題中slightly意為“輕微地,不嚴重地”,據(jù)此可以看出正確答案應為D。

4. A【句意】“你了解加拿大嗎?”“不了解,我從來沒有去過那里?!?/p>

【解析】過去完成時需有過去時間作參照,以表示出“過去的過去”這么一個概念,如:The train had left when I got to the station.我到達車站時,火車已經(jīng)開走了。因此B和D均不合適。have been to someplace和have gone to someplace的區(qū)別在于:前者說明“去過某地,現(xiàn)在已不在那里了”;后者說明“已經(jīng)去了某地,現(xiàn)在在那里或在去那里的路上,不在這里”。很顯然,C有悖常識。故只能選A。

5. B【句意】“還有人需要票去看看電影嗎?”“你希望誰去?你、喬治還是我?”

【解析】我們首先將第二個句子改寫為正常語序的句子:You would rather have whom go with you, George or me?我們就不難看出go是省略了to的不定式,作賓語whom的補足語。

6. C【句意】“還有雙人桌嗎?”我問道。服務員答道“這邊清?!?/p>

【解析】“This way,please.”是用來給別人引路時的專門用語,意為“請這邊走”。path,line和road皆無此用法。

7. D【句意】“這就是我答應給你的錢”,他說道,“我一直遵守諾言?!?/p>

【解析】agree一般為不及物動詞,意為“同意,贊同”,常用于詞組agree with sb.或agree to a plan(suggestion),如:I don't agree with what you said.我不同意你的話。follow意為“聽從,遵循,領會”,如:I regret not having followed your advice.我后悔沒有聽你的勸告。make a promise是固定搭配,意為“許諾”,如:He made a promise that he would come to help me with physics.他答應要來幫我學物理。而keep a promise是“信守諾言”,如:One should keep his promise.人應該信守諾言。由此可見D為正確答案。

8. A【句意】“我希望你給我看些衣服。”這位顧客說道。

【解析】Show sb. sth.是固定搭配,意為“給某人看某物”,如:Will you kindly show us that coat over there?請把那兒的上衣拿給我們看看好嗎?see后面不能接雙賓語,explain常用于explain sth.to sb.結構中,如: The teacher explained the text in detail to the students.老師詳細地給學生講解課文。provide用于provide sb.with sth.結構中,如:The Red Cross provides the orphans with food and clothes.紅十字會給孤兒們提供衣食。

9. B【句意】“我不會去買那本書?!薄拔乙膊蝗?,這本書太貴了?!?/p>


10. B【句意】“約翰現(xiàn)在不在這里,它可能從后門走了嗎?”

【解析】句型might have done表示對過去發(fā)生的可能性很小的推斷,例如。A word of encouragement might have made me respect instead of hate him.一句鼓勵的話或許就會使我尊敬他不是仇視他了。句型must have done表示對過去情況的肯定推斷,意為“一定,想必”,例如:He must have forgotten to wind the clock last night,didn't he? 他昨晚準是忘記給表上弦了,不是嗎?句型should have done表示“過去應該做但未做”,這是虛擬語氣的一種特殊表達方式,例如:You should have snatched a free moment for writing a letter.你本應抽空寫封信。

11. D【句意】“Michael今天早晨去了加利福尼亞?!薄拔乙詾樗轮懿艁怼!?/p>

【解析】英語中有些動詞,如go,arrive,get,come,leave,have等,可用其過去進行時來表示過去將來的動作,如:He said that he was arriving in ten minutes。他說10分鐘后就會趕到的。A為過去完成進行時,不符合題意,B和C的時態(tài)搭配錯誤,因而只有D是正確答案。

12. A【句意】“直到科學變得重要起來,奴隸制度才被推翻?!庇腥苏f到。

【解析】如果選B,則主句中沒有謂語動詞;如選D,則會有兩個從句,而沒有主句,因此B和D都錯誤。如果選擇A或C,直接引語部分構成一個主從復合句,根據(jù)句意,主句表示的動作發(fā)生在從句之后,因此,主句中的謂語動詞也應使用一般過去時。例如:The greedy old woman ate and ate until she was full up.這個貪婪的老太婆不停地 吃,一直吃到很飽為止。另外,需要注意的是,當否定詞或含有否定意義的詞組位于句首作狀語時,主謂顛倒。常見的否定詞和具有否定意義的詞組有:at no time, by no means, few, hardly in neither case, in no case, in no time, in no way, in vain, little, neither, never, no more, no sooner,nor,not,not once,not only,not until,on no account,rarely,scarcely,seldom,still less,under no condition,under no circumstances等,例如:Never in my life have l seen such a wonderful place.我一生中從來沒見過如此美麗的地方。Not only was Churchill a statesman,but also a great writer。丘吉爾不但是一位政治家,而且也是一位偉大的作家。

13. B【句意】正如諺語所說,“說說是一碼事,做起來又是一碼事”。

【解析】as可作連詞,引導方式狀語從句,意為“正如……,如同……”,如:As luck would have it,I caught the last bus.幸運的是,我趕上了末班車。根據(jù)句子結構,這里需要一個連詞引導從句,故A和D錯誤。for是并列連詞,連接并列分句,用在此處也不會題意。

14. B【句意】“我們來晚了。戲劇已經(jīng)開始了。我不知道是什么時候開始的?!?/p>

【解析】在這里關系副詞短語how long ago引導的是一個賓語從句,因此從句中主謂不倒裝。另外,在由“…ago”短語作狀語的句子中,謂語動詞一般要使用一般過去時,所以B是惟一正確答案。

15. C【句意】“在哪可以找到Jim?”“他正忙著工作,直到下午六點鐘才離開實驗室?!?/p>

【解析】be at sth.是固定搭配,相當于be busy with sth.或be engaged in sth.,有“忙于……”的意思。






