
成人高考 責(zé)任編輯:楊銳頻 2021-03-18





Steve: Francesca, what' s your favourite piece of music, would you say ?

Francesca: I think it' s "Pie Jesu" by Andrew Lloyd-Webber.


Francesca: 1__________

Steve:When did you first hear it?

Francesca:Oh, about five years ago my sister was in a choir concert and that was the first time I heard it,and I thought it was really beautiful. 2__________What' s your favourite?

Steve: Well, it' s a big piece. It' s Mahler' s "Second Symphony".

Francesca: Oh, yeah, yeah ! When...when did you first hear that?

Steve: 3__________

Francesca:A long time ago.

Steve:Yeah. But it stays with me and I' ve seen it performed several times since then.

A. Um...about 1953. I think,when I was eighteen.

B. What about you?

C. Yeah, I really like that.

D. Actually, I don't like it that much.




Customs Officer: Next... Uh, your passport please.

Woman: Okay.

Customs Officer: Uh, 4__________

Woman: I' m here to attend a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.

Customs Officer:And where will you be staying?

Woman: 5_________

Customs Officer:And uh, what do you have in your luggage?

Woman:Uh, well, just, just my personal belongings, um...clothes, a few books, and a CD player.

Customs Officer: Okay. Uh, 6__________

Woman: Sure.

Customs Officer:Okay...Everything' s fine. Uh, by the way, is this your first visit to the country?

Woman:Well, yes and no. Actually, I was born here when my parents were working in the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back since then.

Customs Officer:Well, enjoy your trip.

Woman: Thanks.

A. please open your bag.

B. do you have carry-on luggage?

C. what is the purpose of your visit?

D. I' 11 be staying in a room at a hotel downtown for the entire week.




Speaker A: So, what' s the status of our advertising campaign?

Speaker B: As I mentioned before, it' ll be a national campaign starting next month. 7__________ First,we' ll have 30-second spots on television once a day for 3 weeks. At the same time,we' ll do 15-second radio commercials 3 times a day in selected cities with large popu-lations. Finally, we' II have some outdoor ads using billboards near main entrances to big cities.

Speaker A: 8__________

Speaker B: We' re focusing on slice of life, showing how you can beat the summer heat by biting into a cool ice-cream sandwich. We will tell everyone reasons for why were commead the products through hyping our choices of flavors and show everyone they' re not stuck with just vanilla.

Speaker A: 9__________ Will we have a new slogan?

Speaker B: Definitely. The advertising agency' s working on that fight now. 10__________

Speaker A: Sounds like we' ll have a winner on our hands !

A. Sounds like an ideal approach.

B. What style will the ads use?

C. They' ll have some proposals ready by the end of the week.

D. We' ve decided to use a variety of media for full coverage.






In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the early post-war era(戰(zhàn)后時期), there was a quite widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today, less than forty years later, as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are facing with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem. People tend to be over-trusting(過分信任) of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may

be pushed, or that a computer may simply malfunction (失靈).

Obviously, there would be no point in investing(投入) in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal computers and cheek the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong. Questioning and routine double checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come with the following warning: for all the help this computer may pro-vide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.

11. What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. To look back to the early days of computers.

B. To explain what technical problems may occur with computers.

C. To discourage unnecessary investment in computers.

D. To warn against the blindness to the probable shortcomings of computers.


12. The passage recommends those dealing with computers to__________.

A. be reasonably doubtful about them

B. check all their answers

C. substitute them for basic thinking

D. use them for business purpose only


13. An "internal computer" ( Para. 2 ) is __________.

A. a computer used exclusively by one company for its own problems

B. a person' s store of knowledge and the ability to process it

C.the most up to date in home computer a company can buy

D. a computer from the post-war era which is very reliable


14. The passage suggests that the present day problem with regard to computers is__________.

A. challenging

B. psychological

C. dramatic

D. over-trusting


15. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would disapprove of__________.

A. computer science courses in high schools

B. businessmen and women who use pocket calculators

C. maintenance(持續(xù)不斷) checks on computers

D. companies which depend entirely on computers


To swim across the English Channel takes at least nine hours. It' s a hard work and it makes you short of breath. To fly over the Channel takes only twenty minutes ( as long as you' re not held up at the airport), but it' s an expensive way to travel. You can. travel by hovercraft if you don' t mind the noise, and that takes forty minutes. Otherwise you can go by boat, if you forget your sea-sickness ills. All these means of transport have their problems and the weary(不耐煩的)travel-er often dreams of being able to drive to France in his own car. "Not possible", you say. Well,wait a minute. People are once again considering the idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge.

This time, the Greater London Council is looking into the possibility of building a Channel link straight to London. A bridge would cost far more than a tunnel, but you would be able to go by rail or by car on a bridge, whereas a tunnel would provide a rail link only.

Why is this idea being discussed again? Is Britain becoming more conscious of the need for links with Europe as a result of joining the EEC (歐共體)? Well, perhaps. The main reason,though, is that a tunnel or bridge would reach the twenty square kilometers of London' s disused docldand(船塢地). A link from London to the continent would stimulate trade and re-vitalize( 使…重新有活力) the port, and would make London a main trading centre in Europe. With a link over the Channel, you could buy your fish and chips in England, and be able to eat them in France while they were still warm!

16. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Swimming across the Channel takes less than four hours.

B. The idea of a Channel tunnel or bridge is a very new one.

C. It is considered to be more difficult to swim across the channel than any other means.

D. A tunnel or bridge would only reach as far as the coast.


17. A tunnel would be__________.

A. less expensive to be built than a bridge

B. more expensive to be built than a bridge

C. less expensive to be built than a rail

D. more expensive to be built than a rail


18. If they built a Channel tunnel, you would__________.

A. neither take a train nor go by car

B. only take a train

C. either take a-train or go by car

D. only take a bus


19. It can be concluded that many of London' s dockyards are __________.

A. not used

B. seriously blocked

C. fully used

D. opened again


20. Channel link would__________.

A. allow us to buy fish and chips in France

B. make the journey from Europe to England dangerous but easier and faster

C. decrease more trade for London' s dockyards

D. make London more prosperous again


Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there' s a big difference between "being a writer" and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hour alone at a typewriter. "You’ve got to want to write,, I say to them, "not want to be a writer.”

The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. When I left a 20-year career in the U.S. Coast Guard to become a freelance (自由欄目 ) writer, I had no prospects .at.all.

What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn' t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.

After a year or so, however, I still hadn' t gotten a break and began to doubt myself. It was so hard to sell a story that I barely made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write, I had dreamed about it for years. I wasn' t going to be one of those people who die wondering: What if?

I would keep putting my dream to the test even though it meant living with uncertainty-and fear of failure. This is the shadowland of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.

21. The passage is meant to__________.

A. warn young people of the hardships that a successful writer has to experience

B. advise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writer

C. show young people it' s unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth and fame

D. encourage young people to pursue a writing career


22. What can be concluded from the passage?

A. Genuine writers often find their work interesting and rewarding.

B. A writer' s success depends on luck rather than on efforts.

C. Famous writers usually live in poverty and isolation.

D. The chances for writers to become successful are small.


23. Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first year of his writing career?

A. He wasn' t able to produce a single book.

B. He hadn' t seen a change for the better.

C. He wasn' t able to have a rest for a whole year.

D. He thought that he lacked imagination.


24. "...people who die wondering: What if?" (Line 3, Para 3 ) refers to "those __________”.

A. who think too much of the dark side of life

B. who regret giving up their career halfway

C. who think a lot without making a decision

D. who are full of imagination even upon death


25. "Shadowland" in the last sentence refers to__________.

A. the wonderland one often dreams about

B. the bright future that one is looking forward to

C. the state of uncertainty before one' s final goal is reached

D. a world that exists only in one' s imagination


On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery. The Civil War was still going on. There was much criticism of Presi-dent Lincoln at the time. He was not at all popular. He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg on-ly out of politeness. The principal speaker was to be Edward Everett, a famous statesman and speaker of the day. Everett was a handsome man and ve.ry popular everywhere.

It is said that Lincoln prepared his speech on the train while going to Gettysburg. Late that night, alone in his hotel room and tired out, he again worked briefly on the speech. The next day Everett spoke first. He spoke for an hour and 57 minutes. His speech was a perfect example of the rich oratory of the day. Then Lincoln rose. The crowd of 15,000 people at first paid little attention to him. He spoke for only nine minutes. At the end there was little applause. Lincoln turned to a friend and remarked,"I have failed again". On the train back to Washington, he said sadly, "That

speech was a fiat failure, and the people are disappointed".

Some newspapers at first criticized the speech, but little by little as people redid the speech they began to understand better. They began to appreciate its simplicity and its deep meaning. It was a speech which only Abraham Lincoln could have made.

Today, every American school child learns Lincoln' s Gettysburg Address by heart. Now eve-ryone thinks of it as one of the greatest speeches ever given in American history.

26. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln was__________.

A. very critical

B. unpopular

C. very popular

D. very courteous


27. Lincoln was invited to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery because he was__________.

A. a famous speaker

B. a very handsome man

C. President of the country

D. a popular statesman


28. It can be inferred from the text that__________.

A. Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully before he went to Gettysburg

B. Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn' t have much time to prepare his speech

C. Lincoln' s speech was full of rich words

D. Lincoln' s speech was very long


29. It was a fact that Lincoln' s speech was__________.

A. an immediately success

B. warmly applauded

C. a total failure

D. not well-received at first


30. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Lincoln' s Gettysburg Address has deep meaning.

B. Lincoln' s Gettysburg Address is simple in style.

C. Lincoln' s Gettysburg Address is memorized by every American school child.

D. Lincoln' s Gettysburg Address is the greatest speech ever delivered in the United States.



31. Do what you think is right, __________ they say.

A. however

B. whatever

C. whichever

D. if only


32. Our society has changed and __________ in it.

A. so the people have

B. the people have so

C. so have the people

D. have the people so


33. Young __________ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do.

A. that

B. as

C. although

D. however


34. She __________ the washing out in the garden because it was fine yesterday.

A. hung

B. hang

C. hanged

D. hanging


35. He is very __________ in using money.

A. economic

B. economical

C. economy

D. economize


36. Babies often __________ down when they are learning to walk.

A. drop

B. fall

C. slip

D. jump


37. __________ English, she is studying Japanese and French.

A. Except "

B. Except for

C. Beside

D. Besides


38. __________ your homework and make sure that you don't any mistakes.

A. Do; do

B. Make; make

C. Make; do

D. Do; make


39. The flat where we live __________ three rooms only.

A. is comprised of

B. is made of

C. contain

D. is composed of


40. Because the company was doing more business, it was necessary to __________ the factory.

A. extend

B. increase

C. rise

D. lookers


41. One must try his best to __________ to the new environment.

A. adopt

B. adapt

C. adept

D. apt


42. Christmas is a holiday usually celebrated on December 25th __________ the birth of Jesus Christ.

A. in accordance with

B. in terms of

C. in favor of

D. in honor of


43. Hospital doctors don' t go out very often as their work __________ all their time.

A. takes away

B. takes in

C. takes over

D. takes up


44. Do you know why John didn' t __________ at the party yesterday evening?

A. show off

B. show down

C. show up

D. show in


45. Stupid people often find it difficult to __________ their prejudices.

A. give in

B. give away

C. give into

D. give up


46. They built the wall especially high so that the little boy couldn' t__________ it.

A. get on

B. get up

C. get to

D. get over


47. If you don' t put the milk in the refrigerator, it may__________.

A. go by

B. go off

C. go on

D. go back


48. No sooner had I closed the door than somebody started knocking __________ it.

A. on

B. with

C. to

D. for


49. Every director needs an assistant that he can __________ to take care of problems that may occur in his absence.

A. count of

B. count for

C. count on

D. account for


50. Living things are __________ cells, and cells do not grow to more than twice the size they were at first.

A. made from

B. made up of

C. made up from

D. made of



51.Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of possessing a single talent or skill: sing-ing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc. The successful performer develops a style that is marketed aggressively and gains some popularity. And it is this popularity that usually convinces the perform-er to continue performing in the same style, since that is what the public seems to want and to en-joy. But in time, the performer becomes .bored singing the same songs in the same way year after year, or the painter becomes bored painting similar scenes or portraits, or the actor is tired of pla-ying the same character repeatedly.



52.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "How I Finance My College Education". You should write in no less than 100 words, and base your compo-sition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1.上大學(xué)的費用(mifion and fees)可以通過多種途徑解決;


答案:How I Finance My College Education

It is a fact that college is becoming more and more expensive and college life is becoming es-pecially hard for the students who were born in needy families. However, there are several ways in which these students can cover their tuition that their parents are not able to afford. Finding a part-time job, for example, is an ideal way. Besides, one can ask the bank for a loan and repay it when he has the ability. Finally, one can seek assistance from the society.

For me, earning tuition by doing part-time jobs is the most suitable way. First, I learn to be independent both mentally and economically in this way. Apart from this, I no longer need to wor-ry my parents with so heavy a burden. Finally, since I earn my own living, I will be more confi-dent with myself and, therefore, I can live a busy but meaningful college life.







