
成人高考 責(zé)任編輯:楊銳頻 2021-02-27

摘要:成考學(xué)位英語考試主要包括四個部分:1. 詞匯、語法結(jié)構(gòu), 2. 閱讀理解,3. 翻譯(英漢互譯) ,4. 寫作,5. 改錯或?qū)懻f明文。從中我們可以看出成考學(xué)位英語是沒有聽力和口語的。另外考試采用閉卷考試,成考學(xué)位英語考試采用統(tǒng)一格式考試。客觀題占65%,主觀題占35%。考試時間為120分鐘。下文是2021年成人高考學(xué)位英語模擬題及答案,供大家參考。



If you have a telephone in your own house you will admit that it 21 to ring when you least want it to ring-when you are asleep, or 22 a meal or a conversation, or when you are 23 going out, or when you are 24 your bath. Are you strong minded 25 to ignore(不理) it , to say to yourself, “Ah, well, it will all be the same in 26 time?” You are not . You think there 27 some important news or message 28 you. Have you never rushed 29 from the bath, or chewing from the table or dazed from the bed, 30 that you are a wrong 31 ? You were told the truth. 32 all telephone numbers are wrong numbers. If, of course, your telephone rings and you decide 33 it, then you will have to listen to an idiotic bell ringing and ringing in 34 is supposed to be the 35 of your own house. You 36 buy a bicycle bell and ring it yourself. Suppose you 37 the telephone when it rings, and suppose that, for once, somebody has an important message for you. I can 38 you that if a message is really important it will 39 you sooner or later. Think of the proverb: “Ill news travels apace.” I must say good news seems to travel 40 fast.

21. A. likely B. tends C. inclined D. tries

22. A. in the middle of B. among C. eating D. carrying on

23. A. about B. on the point C. just D. even

24. A. for B. on C. at D. in

25. A. only B. enough C. sufficient D. just

26. A. a hundred years‘ B. a hundred year’s C. a hundred year D. a hundred years

27. A. should be B. may be C. ought to be D. has to be

28. A. waiting B. to C. for D. about

29. A. dripped B. dripping C. having dripped D. being dripped

30. A. only to tell B. only to be told C. just to tell D. simply to be told

31. A. number B. person C. mistake D. fool

32. A. Accordingly B. In my opinion C. As for me D. Generally speaking

33. A. to not answer B. to answer not C. not to answer D. to answer no

34. A. there B. what C. that D. where

35. A. privacy B. exclusiveness C. individual D. quiet

36. A. ought to B. might as well C. just well D. can well

37. A. neglect B. don‘t mind C. disregard D. ignore

38. A. assure B. promise C. ensure D. trust

39. A. attain B. reach C. arrive D. make for

40. A. quite B. the same C. just as D. just to


21. B A是“可能”的意思;tend 有…傾向,容易… ,后面接to;try 努力,試圖“;inclined有…傾向,通常用法是to be inclined,根據(jù)這句話的意思(如果你家有電話,你就會承認(rèn)它總是在你最不想要它響的時候響,這種情況發(fā)生在你睡覺,吃飯或者談話的時候,或者你剛要出門的時候,或者在你洗澡的時候。)可知B項正確。

22. A in the middle of 在…之間; among在…之間,用在復(fù)數(shù)當(dāng)中; carry on 執(zhí)行,進(jìn)行; 在一頓飯或一次談話中間,顯然用in the middle of a meal or a conversation.

23. C about的常用形式:be about to do…,打算…,準(zhǔn)備…(注意它后面跟不定式,這個就不會錯選了); just 剛剛,正好,適合文章的意思,為正確答案。

24. D in one‘s bath 在某人洗澡的時候(過程中);考查介詞搭配問題。

25. B 文章意思說:你能意志強到這份兒上,電話響了卻不理會它,還對自言自語說“唉,沒有辦法,一百年都是這樣?!薄nough 一般只放在所修飾詞的后面; only 僅僅,只有; sufficient是足夠的、充足的意思,放在所修飾的詞前面;所以顯然B正確。

26. A 詞尾加‘s,表示“…的”這樣的所有關(guān)系時,如果這個單詞本身以s結(jié)尾,那么’后面的s就省略不寫。一百年顯然是復(fù)數(shù)形式,“年”用years,a hundred years‘表示一百年的…

27. B 文章說:你做不到不去理會電話,因為你可能會想到會不會有些什么重要的新聞或是消息要告訴你。 另外: should be應(yīng)當(dāng); may be 可能; ought to be 應(yīng)當(dāng); has to be 不得不;顯然用may be.

28. C message for you 是(打電話)給你的消息,不要理解為是關(guān)于你的消息。

29. B 看下一行有線索,or chewing from the table or dazed from the bed…,這是并列句,時態(tài)保持一致。故這里用dripping ,現(xiàn)在分詞做伴隨狀語。這句意思是說你會不會身上的水還滴著或是嘴里還嚼著飯就從浴室或飯桌上匆忙出來。

30. B 結(jié)果你接過電話,被告知他是打錯電話了。句子是表示被動,A,C是主動的形式,simple是僅僅的意思,B表示被動only在這里表示結(jié)果怎么樣。

31. A you are a wrong number 你撥錯號了,或你打錯電話了;故A正確。

32. B 在我看來,所有的電話都是錯誤的電話。表明作者的觀點和立場。 A是“于是,因此”的意思; C是“對我來說”的意思; D是“一般的說來”的意思。觀點題,用作者的視角看這個現(xiàn)象。

33. C 下面表示轉(zhuǎn)折,當(dāng)然你可以決定不接電話,如果是這樣你的電話就會不停的響,不得不聽電話像傻瓜似的無休止的的響下去。這題表示否定,注意用法,decide (not) to do sth 決定(不)做某事。

34. B 接著說明了電話在什么地方不停的響,用in what引導(dǎo)正確。注意:后面的定語從句少主語,并且顯然介詞后面不能用where\there.

35. A privacy個人,隱私; exclusiveness 隔絕、排外的意思; individual 個人的; quiet 安靜的; in the ____ of your own house,在你自己的房子里面,這里顯然應(yīng)該需要用名詞,故只可能用privacy.

36. B 你倒不如買個自行車鈴讓它不停的響! might as well 還不如、倒不如。

37. D neglect 忽視,忽略,疏忽(不是主觀意識上成心這樣做的); don‘t mind 不介意,不在乎; disregard 不管,不顧; ignore 不顧,不理,忽視(含有思想上故意這樣做的意味); 通過分析意思,我們知道用ignore最好。假設(shè)電話響的時候你故意不去接,再假如,有一次還真是有人給你有重要的事情要說呢。

38. A assure 使確信,向…保證; promise 承諾; ensure 確保,賦予; trust 信任;I can assure … 我敢說… , 我打保票… .

39. B attain 完成,獲得; reach 到達(dá),伸手夠到…; arrive at 到達(dá); make for 走向,向…前進(jìn),沖向;這句話是說,我敢說這個消息要是真的重要的話,它遲早要傳到你這兒。

40. C 想想那句諺語:“(好事不出門),壞事傳千里”?!ust as 正像,正當(dāng)…的時候,與…一樣。








