
成人高考 責任編輯:唐丹平 2020-06-05


Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D .Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the NSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Speaker A: That was a great dinner. You must have spent all day cooking.

Speaker B: .

A. Yes, it was really very tiring.

B. No, it’s really nothing.

C. No, it’s only a casual meal.

D. Thanks. But it only took two hours.

2. Speaker A: I tried to buy you those towels you wanted on sale, but they only had these really ugly ones left. Sorry.

Speaker B: . They are not bad.

3. Speaker A: What’s your favorite food?

Speaker B: Pizza.

Speaker A: . I prefer chocolate ice cream.

A. Not me. B. So do I.

C. Same here. D. You got it.

4. Speaker A: This computer keeps giving me trouble.

Speaker B: Try restarting it. .

A. See if that helps. B. I can do nothing about it.

C. Who knows? D. What else?

5. Speaker A: Susan, I can’t get my old job jacket. It’s a lost cause.

Speaker B: .

A. Can’t you? It serves you right.

B. I understand. You’ll find something else.

C. Yes, I know it’s not a good cause.

D. Lost?Maybe I can help you find it.

6. Speaker A: I had no idea the movie would end like that.

Speaker B: . I was really surprised.

A. Me either. B. Me alike.

C. I think so. D. Not that I know.

7. Speaker A:I ’m a little scared about the operation.

Speaker B: , honey. The doctors will be there every step of the way.

A.You know what. B. That’s good.

C. Don’t worry. D. That’s it.

8. Speaker A: Who left the refrigerator door open?

Speaker B: . I haven’t been in the kitchen all day.

A. Don’t look at me. B. You ask for it.

C. You bet. D. Don’t be silly






