京劇 Peking opera
昆曲 Kunqu opera
中國畫 traditional Chinese painting
畫像 portrait
山水 landscape
潑墨 splash-ink
毛筆 writing brush
書法 calligraphic art
書法家 calligraphic artist
楷體 formal script/regular script
行書 running script
宋體 Song-dynasty script
手工藝品 handwork/handicrafts
文物 cultural relics/antiques
國寶 national treasure
孔子 Confucius
孟子 Mencius
老子 Lao Zi
儒學(xué) Confucian School
論語 Analects of Confucius
孔廟 Temple of Confucius
故居 Former Residence
少林寺 Shaolin Temple
紙和瓷器 paper and porcelain
火藥 gunpowder
印刷術(shù) printing
科舉制 Imperial Examination for recruiting civil servants
絲綢之路 the Silk Route
長征 Long March
解放戰(zhàn)爭 War of Liberation
煮 poach/boiled
蒸 steamed
火鍋 chafing dish/hot pot
煲;燉;燜 stewed
煎 pan-fried
炒 stir-fried
炸 deep-fried
烘 baked
熏 smoked
泡辣菜 pickled hot vegetables
北京烤鴨 roast Beijing duck
炒飯 stir-fried rice
油條 deep fried twisted dough stick
餃子 jiaozi
湯圓 tangyuan
餛飩 hundun
燒麥 shaomai
月餅 moon cake
燒餅 sesame seed cake
小籠包 steamed dumpling with pork
紅茶 black tea
綠茶 green tea
花茶 jasmine tea
茶道 sado/ tea ceremony
功夫茶 Gongfu tea
陳酒 old wine/aged wine
燒酒 arrack