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自考 責任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-07-24


點擊查看>>> 2019年全國自考公共課00015英語(二)模擬題匯總

一、1.Vocabulary and Structrue

0.These future robots,______with a sense of touch and the ability to see and make decisions. will have plenty of work to do.

D.to have been assembled

1.you are not definitely accepted or______on the spot,ask:“When may I expect to hear the results of this interview? ”

A.turned out
B.turned on
C.turned down
D.turned away

2.What developed was a music readily______various forms and capable of an almost limitless range of expression.

A.taking in
B.taking on
C.taking off
D.taking to

3.Professor David Morton of the department is involved______animal research and is concerned ______reducing animal suffering as much as possible.


4.All the machines______by the end of this month.

A.would have been repaired
B.were repaired
C.will have been repaired
D.were being repaired

5.But they did find that who appears in a dream has a______greater influence on mood than what occurs in the dream.


6.Admire courage,whatever form. it______.


7.Party loyalty has declined in recent decades. but more than two-thirds of the nation's voters still identify themselves______. Democrats or Republicans.


8.The hormone cortisol,which controls salt and water excretion,is made in the morning,______the body is.


9.A Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicted______murder,despite protests from various quarters that her guilt had not been adequately established.


二、2.Cloze Test

1.What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation?In one【11】there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. No two speakers speak in exactly the same【12】We can always hear different forms between them, and the pronunciation of English【13】a great deal in different geographical areas. How do we decide What sort of English to use as a model?This is not a question that can be【14】in the same way for all foreign learners of English.【15】you live in a part of the world like India or West Africa, where there is a long tradition of speaking English for general communication purposes, you should【16】to acquire a good variety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be a fashion in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or anything of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country【17】there is no traditional use of English. You must take as your model some form. of【18】English pronunciation. It does not【19】very much which form. you choose. The most【20】way is to take as your model the sort of English you Can hear most often.




















三、3.Reading Comperhension

1.    Your passport is your official identification as an American citizen. In America, most people never consider obtaining a passport unless they are planning a trip out of the country. In Europe, where travel from one country to another is much more common, almost everyone carries a passport. A passport is final proof of identity in almost every country in the world.    In 1979, almost 15 million Americans held passports. Most of these passports were obtained to travel outside the country because, except for a few western nations, passports are required to enter every country. And if you travel abroad, you must have a valid passport to reenter the country.    When traveling abroad, you will need a passport for identification when exchanging dollars for francs or marks or other foreign currency. You may also need your passport to use a credit card, buy an airplane ticket, and check into a hotel or casino. As a passport is an official U.S. document, it is valuable as identification in any emergency overseas, such as floods, fires, or war.    Don’t confuse passports and visas.  Whereas a passport is issued by a country to its citizens, a visa is official permission to visit a country granted by the government of that country. For some years, many countries were dropping their visa requirements, but that trend has reversed. Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela now require visas from U.S. citizens. They may be obtained from the embassy of the country you wish to visit.    Passport applications are available at passport agency offices in large cities like Boston, New York, or Chicago. In smaller cities, applications are available at post offices and at federal courts. To get your first passport, you must submit the application in person, along with a birth certificate and two pictures.The main purpose of this passage is to______.

A.discuss traveling in other countries
B.distinguish between passports and visas
C.discuss the financial uses of a passport
D.provide information about passports

2.Passports are beneficial for______.

A.exchanging currency
B.using a credit card
C.checking into hotels
D.all of the above

3.We can conclude from the passage that______.

A.passports are more important than visas
B.visas and passports are the same thing
C.foreign governments issue visas instead of passports
D.visas are required to obtain passports

4.The passage suggests that______.

A.most people don't realize how important passports are
B.passports aren't important once you are in the country you've chosen to visit
C.passports are simple to obtain through the mail
D.passports are obtained at the embassy once you enter a country

5.As used in this passage,the word“valid”in the second paragraph means______


7.A few years ago it was popular to speak of a generation gap, a disagreement between young people and their elders.Parents said that children did not show them proper respect and obedience(服從), while children complained(抱怨)that their parents did not understand them at all.What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually the generation gap has been around for a long time.Many people argue that a gap is built into the fabric(結構)of our society.
One important cause of the generation gap is the chance that young people have to choose their own ways of life.In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and agree to, and to continue the family occupation(職業(yè)).In our society, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out of the family home at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents.
In our easily changing society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do.Often, however, the strong desire that parents have for their children are another cause of the disagreement between them.Often, they discover that they have very little in common with each other.
Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations.In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date overnight.The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities.
No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature(特點)of American life for some time to come.Its causes are rooted in the freedom and changes of our society, and in the rapid speed at which society changes.The main idea of the first paragraph is that______.

A.the generation gap suddenly appeared
B.the generation gap is a feature of American life
C.how people can reduce the generation gap
D.many critics argue over the nature of the generation gap

8.The word “around” in paragraph 1 means______.

A.on all sides
B.in every direction
D.in existence

9.Which one is NOT the cause of the generation gap?

A.Young people like to choose their own lifestyles.
B.American society is changing very fast.
C.Parents place high hopes on their children.
D.Modem education makes them think differently.

10.In American society,young people often______.

A.rely on their parents to make a life
B.stay with their parents in order to get an opportunity for higher education
C.seek the best advice from their parents
D.have very little in common with their parents

11.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the reading passage?

A.Parents should be more tolerable towards their children.
B.The younger generation should value the older generation for their wisdom.
C.The generation gap is partly created by the older generation.
D.The generation gap should be avoidable in American society.

13.One of the most exciting races ever run is now in progress between doctors  fighting malaria (瘧疾) and mosquitoes. According to the most recent counts 225 million people a year suffer attacks of malaria and more than two million die. Public health workers around the world are doing all they can to destroy malaria before the mosquitoes that pass on the disease become resistant to the poisons now used against them. It?s a race against time and against difficulties, with millions of lives in danger and the chances of winning not in man?s favour.  Malaria, it is true, has been practically wiped out in thirteen countries, including the United States, and is under attack in many others. But it is equally true that in some parts of the world certain types of malariacarrying mosquitoes have already learned to resist some of the sprays that formerly killed them. Other types of mosquitoes are not killed as quickly by present sprays as they once were.  The World Health Organization is helping national governments to get rid of malaria before resistance among the mosquito population becomes so great that new poisons will have to be found to replace those in use at present. Most of the countries in the world have started, or are planning, campaigns against mosquitoes. If the race against resistance is won by man, it is possible that ten years from now this old evil will have disappeared completely from the America, perhaps from the world.Malaria has been successfully got rid of in______.

A.all countries
B.some countries
C.no countries
D.most countries

14.Millions of people are in danger of getting malaria because______.

A.some countries have not started a campaign against mosquitoes
B.new species of mosquitoes may survive today's sprays
C.malaria was once thought to be a very old evil of the world
D.present sprays are not as effective as people think

15.Why does the World Health Organization give help to national governments to wipe out malaria?

A.The author does not give any reason in the whole passage.
B.Local governments are not skillful enough to kill mosquitoes.
C.Current sprays are not powerful enough to kill mosquitoes.
D.No new poisons have been developed to kill mosquitoes so far.

16.The present campaigns that doctors have begun are______.

A.to save or rescue more than two million people
B.to reveal the fight between doctors and mosquitoes
C.to support the WHO's effects in destroying mosquitoes
D.to kill all malaria-bearing mosquitoes before their resistance becomes too great

17.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Malaria is under attack in a number of countries.
B.Some types of mosquitoes have become resistant to the current sprays.
C.New poisons have been put into wide use with the new science.
D.One of human's challenges is to win the campaigns against mosquitoes.

四、4.Word Spelling

0. 最佳的;最有利的 a. o_ _ _ _ _ _

1. 發(fā)射;發(fā)動 v. l_ _ _ _ _

2. 傷殘的;殘疾的 a. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. 濫用;妄用 v. a_ _ _ _

4. 多媒體的 a. m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. 有缺點的;有缺陷的 a. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. 得至0;獲得 v. a_ _ _ _ _ _

7. 促進;提升 v. P_ _ _ _ _ _

8. 富裕的;豐富的 a. w_ _ _ _ _ _

9. 忠誠;忠心 n. l_ _ _ _ _ _

10. 經(jīng)歷;忍受 v. u_ _ _ _ _ _

11. 反射;反映;思考 n. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12. 令人厭煩的 a. b_ _ _ _ _

13. 檢察官;起訴人 n. P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

14. 專家 n. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

15. 種族的 a. r_ _ _ _ _

16. 不可避免的;必然發(fā)生的 a. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

17. 自殺 v./n. s_ _ _ _ _ _

18. 方便的 a. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

19. 典禮;儀式;禮儀 n. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _

五、5.Word From

0. New and more up-to-date methods have to______(find)for collecting earthquake data and analyzing it.

1. It is not feasible to wait four days until the body______(use)to the new time zone.

2. The effects 9f rapid travel on the body are actually far______(disturb)than we realize.

3. The surface of some areas consists______(large)of high mountains and deep valley.

4. Generally speaking, the quality of life, especially as______(see)by the individual, is meaningful in terms of the degree to which these various areas of life are available or provide satisfaction to the individual.

5. The tendency______(simplify)complex problems blinds managers to other alternatives.

6. was supposed to______(pay)£120 but I never received that amount.

7. In 1992, Clinton won in states that gave him an______(overwhelm)370 electoral votes, compared with 168 for Bush and none for Perot.

8. It is natural for a laborer to imagine that the______(few)hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.

9. If the neutron star is very large(much bigger than our sun)the process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole______(result).

六、6.Translation from Chinese into English

0. 他相信某些植物物種正受到滅絕的威脅。

1. 在她死亡前,她沒讓歹徒知道,偷偷把微型錄音帶放進了自己的衣袋里。

2. 反對者認為病人并不一定真正希望結束生命,可能請求之后另有請求。

3. 隨著研究技術的日益先進,用于實驗的動物的數(shù)量可能會減少。

4. 科學家們正致力于研究預報地震何時何地發(fā)生的計劃。

七、7.Translation from English into Chinese

0.   Having acknowledged receipt of the interview letter,you must prepare for the interview. Firms usually take a good deal of trouble over interviews,and there may be three or more people present,which can be a little frightening. Very often the personnel officer will begin by some words of welcome and an invitation to you to tell them a little about yourself. This is really inviting you to repeat the information you have already supplied on the application form,and which they have already read,but it does have some point. It will put you at your ease,because at least you know all about your own level of achievement and can speak about it confidently. It helps them assess your ability to communicate and your serf-esteem. Some people have too high an opinion of themselves,some take an unduly pessimistic view of their achievements,while others have a nicely balanced assessment of their own abilities.


