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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2021-10-29








I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)

1. Culture in its narrow sense is also called“_____ ”

A. large C culture

B. academic culture

C. broad culture

D. anthropological culture

2. In the sense of relationship between language and culture, language is the_____and container of culture.

A. creator

B. carrier

C. user

D. thinker

3. When felings or atitudes are expressed in languge,_______ meaning is communicated.

A. affective

B. collocative

C. social

D. conceptual

4. The Chinese equivalent for "wester" is“____”。





5. English speakers have coined a(n)____for sentences representing natural phenomena.For example,“it is getting late".

A. subordinate

B. object

C. coordinate

D. subject

6. It has been claimed that English is a language governed by strict rules and regulations, whereas the Chinese-speaking people enjoy more freedom when speaking or writing____

A. in English

B. in any language

C. in Chinese 

D. in foreign languages

7. Generally speaking, the English-speaking people____more often and on more occasions than the Chinese people, e.g. when they need to pass in front of others.

A. talk

B. reply

C. apologize :

D. thank

8. The personal names in Chinese are strongly influenced by Chinese____culture, as is shown  y“岳”,“松”,“桂”,etc.

A. environmentalistic

B. individualistic

C. historical

D. religious

9. A(n)____is a construction, expression, etc. having a meaning different from the literal one or not according to the usual patterms of the language.

A. idiom

B. proverb

C. phrase

D. allusion

10. In English, the ideal or entirely suitable man for a woman to marry is called____.

A. Romeo

B. Mr. Right

C. Cinderella

D. Shylock

11. The metaphorical expression“He is rich in ideas" indicates that ideas are____

A. food

B. money

C. resources

D. commodities

12. Which of the fllowing metaphorical expressions indicates that love is madness?____

A. I'm crazy about her.

B.1 was magnetically drawn to her

C. The marriage is dead- it can't be revived.

D. She fought for him, but his mistress won out.

13. Which of the following is a term of humility in Chinese?____





14. Anything that is prohibited by religion, tradition or social usage is a(n)____

A. honourific

B. term of humility

C. euphemism

D. taboo

15. The following words or phrases are textual connectives EXCEPT___

A. but

B. next

C. result in

D. as a matter of fact

16. The logical relationship between the following sentences is the ____relationship.

e.g. For the whole day he climbed up the steep mountainside, almost without stopping Yet he was hardly aware of being tired.

A. temporal

B. adversative

C. causal

D. additive

17. Many famous products in the west are named after their designers or manufacturers, such


A. Rolex

B. Kent

C. Nike

D. Ford

18. In legal documents, learned words are used frequently. A great many of them are from____and French.

A. Greek

B. Indian

C. Latin

D. German

19. The space that exclusively belongs to its owner is referred to as primary trritory. Which of the fllowing places is NOT the primary trritor? ____

A. Library tables.

B. Personal offices.

C. Father's chair.

D. Mother's kitchen.

20. A mother told her son, “1I love you," and gave him a warm hug. The mother's hug functions as____the verbal message.

A. regulating

B. repeating

C. contradicting

D. complementing

I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There is more than one correct answer to each question (10%)

21. Which of the following properties of culture are true?.____

A. Culture is human specific.

B. Culture is a natural phenomenon.

C. Culture is general and concrete.

D. Culture is a contemporary phenomenon.

22. Which of the fllowinIg terms are related to the American history?______

A. New South Wales.

B. The May Flower.

C. Prime Minister.

D. Continental Congress.

23. The inflectional morphemes in English are mainly word endings. These word endings represent such grammatical categories as the number, case,___, etc.

A. tense

B. gender

C. mood

D. voice

24. In English“_____” is often used together with the adresee's given name.

A. father

B. uncle 

C. aunt

D. mother

25. Which of the fllowing English proverbs are related with individualism?____

A. Do not wear out your welcome.

B. Even reckoning makes long friends.

C. An Englishman's house is his castle.

D. Wine is a turncoat, first a friend, then an enemy.

26. Which of the following examples show that the same qualities may be associated with different things in English and Chinese?____

A. He's as strong as a horse.

B. It can take years of careful cuting and rllig to get a lawn as smooth as a billiard-table.

C. The child picked up the spectacles and put them on.“Now you look as wise as an owl," said his father affectionately.

D. General discipline and academic achievement improved greatly under the headmastership of Mr. Gray, a man as hard as steel, but very just.

27. The Chinese equivalent of the English euphemism for death“to be with God”is“______”





28. Which of the following sentences indicate causal relations between the adjoining sentences?____

A. I'd love to join in. Only I don't know how to play.

B. I was not informed. Otherwise I should have taken some action.

C. If they see that you're blue, they'll look down on you. So why should I bother to care.

D. The weather cleared just as the party approached the summit. Until then they had seen nothing of the panorama around them.

29. The phonetic differences between American and British English are the pronunciation of“____”in words.

A. er (at the end of a word)

B. i (before“Ie")

C. r (after a vowel or between vowels)

D. a (before [ns])

30. Nonverbal communication includes the study of____.

A. touch

B. smell

C. gestures

D. phonetics



II. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)

31. Language is systematic, which means that it is____govermed.

32. A party to celebrate the taking possession of a house is alled___.

33. One important emotional or personality contrast between English and Chinese speakers is that English speakers tend to be direct, while Chinese speakers tend to be____.

34. When people part, they usually say something to bid ____to each other before they go. It is impolite to leave abruptly without saying anything.

35. People enrich their speech or writing with indirect references to characters or events from culture. In this sense, the expression“你真是個(gè)諸葛亮" is a Chinese____.

36. As one of the commonest figures of speech,______is used in the sentence“Pop looked so unhappy, almost like a child who has lost his piece of candy."

37. Honourifics are used to show respect to one's interlocutors and persons mentioned in____conversations, while terms of humility are used to show the speaker's.

38. If the sentences in a text are linked by____ alone as exemplified by the following example, it can be said that they exhibit coherence.

A: Could you give me a lift home?

B: Sorry, I'm visiting my sister.

39. The British English word for“tire" is“___”

40. Interpretation of nonverbal behaviors is context____.

IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (12%)

41. The same object is called a“table" in English and a“桌子”in Chinese. Explain this lingustic phenomenon from the viewpoint of properties of language.

42. What is the English equivalent for“白手起家的人”?

43. What are the grammatical features of English in legal documents?

44. Use the following examples to ilustrate the categories of gestures.


(2) shaking knees

(3) patting one's pen on the desk

V. Translation. (18%)




48. From saving comes having.

49. brown bread

50. If you don't mind waiting for a while, I'll see if he is available.

VI. Discuss the following topics. (20%)

51. Compare the following pair of sentences, find out diferent ways to show the logical relationships between English and Chinese and offer a possible cultural explanation.

(1) We will attack unless we are attacked.


52. Explain whether the sentences in the fllowing two texts are connected hypoacically or paratactically.

(1) The captain had steered a course close in to the shore. As a result, they avoided the worst of the storm.

(2) The door was open. He walked in.








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