違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2021-06-09








I. Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (1%×20=20%)

1. She is a TV________and watches as much as she can.





2. She leant____the river to see her reflection in the water.





3. The Alps___very popular among mountain climbers in Europe ten years ago.

A. is


C. was

D. were

4.A: Did you see Mary at the party or at the meeting?

B: l saw her on__occasions.


B. both



5._____surprised me that she should reject your proposal.A.That


C. There


6. If it___ tomorrow, the opening ceremony would have to be postponed.

A. were to rain

B. rains

C. is raining

D.had rained

7. They live in an_____house than any other 1 have ever seen.





8. The committee____finding it difficult to agree to each other.


B. are


D. was

9. The man___to climb out of the window when the firemen arrived.

A. is trying

B. was trying


D. has tried

10. Five and seven___. twelve.

A. made

B.is making

C. make

D.has made

11. lf paper_____, we would have no books.

A. was not invented

B.didn't invent

C.had not invented

D. had not been invented

12. You could rarely see him in the library,____you?





13. I____harder, or [ would have passed the examination.

A.should have worked

B. must have worked

C.could work

D. might work

14. The man was charged for making his employees____ overtime without extra pay.

A. to work

B. working

C. work

D. worked

15. No one would know what happened last night if you could keep your mouth ______


B. to shut


D. to be shut

16.__you start,______you will get the work done.

A. The early, the soon

B.The earlier, the sooner

C. The early, the sooner

D.The earlier, the soon

17._____her children had gone to school, Mrs.Black felt that it was a good time for her to enjoy a moment of doing nothing.





18. You can use my car____you promise to be back before lunch.

A.as far as

B. as long as

C.as well as

D.as much as

19. Ann returned the book__ l bought at a bookstore to the library by mistake.

A. whose

B. who

C. whom

D. which

20. Nobody knew the reason____she turned down his proposal.

A. when

B. where

C. why

D. how

II. Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given.(2%×10=20%)

21. phenomena, phenomenon, phenomenons; characterizes, characlerized, characterizing

The____of hypnosis is still a mystery of sorts, but psychiatrists do have some modelof how it works. It is a trance state_______by extreme suggestibility,relaxation andheightened imagination.

22. subsequent, subsequently, subsequence; year 's, years ', years

The suspect was arrestedfor robbery and___sentenced to three____imprisonment.

23. shows,show, shown; accounted, accounts,account

Details of the latest study, published in the journal Science,____that Greenland now_____for an increase in global sea levels of about 0.5 millimeters per year.

24. failing, failed,fail; expelled, be expelled,expel

lf you cheat on an exam at our university, you will face serious consequences. You couldreceive a_____grade, or___from the university.

25. low, lower, a lower; that, which, what

The scientists began investigating the link between lQ and vegetarianism because peoplewith higher intelligence have_____risk of heart disease,_____has long puzzleddoctors.

26. to,at, by; much,more, most

Yelling ___each other is not negotiation; it is confrontation.In those situations theremay be a "winner", but it is even_____likely that there will be a "loser".

27. take, taking, taken; mean,means,meaning

ln some countries where racial prejudice is acute,violence has so come to be___forgranted as a___of solving differences that it is not even questioned.

28. twos-thirds,two-thirds, twos-third; otherwise, rather than, besides

The satellite study shows that about_______of the sea-level rise caused by theGreenland ice sheet is due to icebergs breaking off from fast-moving glaciers______simply the result of water running off from melting ice.

29. had to be, ought to be, might have been; which, when,where

lt is not known when ancient civilizations found out how to use the cacao's seeds. It____by accident_____ the beans fell into a fire and roasted,releasing achocolate-like smell.

30. those,that,what; in, as,since

The report reveals the rates of malnutrition in South Asia are almost double_____inSub-Saharan A frica.Roughly 50% of children in South Asia are undernourished_____compared to about 25% in Sub-Saharan A frica.

III. Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required. (1%×20=20%)

31. With a determiner:

The 15thcentury saw the outbreak of the dreaded disease which attacked_____England and caused serious consequences.

32. With a determiner:

The twin brothers went to the same elementary and secondary schools and amazingly_____of them were admitted by Harvard University.

33. With a determiner:

The young man has been working hard and he is always cherishing the dream of owning___Benz in his thirties.

34. With a modal auxiliary:

lf l_____speak Spanish, l wouldn't have asked you to accompany me to Barcelona.

35. With a modal auxiliary:

I regret having left the work unfinished;l _____ have planned everything aheadcarefully.

36. With a preposition:

lt won't take me too long to finish the report, three quarters of an hour___ most.

37. With a preposition:

____hearing that his father was ill, he was so anxious to be back that he immediatelywent to the station to buy a ticket.

38. With a preposition:

The student was unable to tell the slight difference______the two adjectives.

39. With a preposition:

Thanks______the new archeological finds, we can now learn more about the history ofearly mankind.

40.With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:

He has got a large number of books in his study,the majority of____are historybooks.

41. With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:

There are two Johnsons in our class,and the scholarship goes to the Johnson_____plays on the school soccer team.

42.With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:

There was nothing______was interesting or worth considering in his speech and a lot of

listeners dozed off.

43. With a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:

The two scientists,_______ research work means a great deal to the welfare of mankind,

share the Nobel Prize for chemistry.

44. With a coordinator:

The engineer worked day and night trying to find out the cause of the failure of theequipment,_____eventually he succeeded.

45. With a coordinator:

Not that 1 am unwilling to do the work,_____that l am unequal to it.

46. With a subordinator:

When you leave the office, please see to it____ all the windows have been closed andlights turned off.

47. With a subordinator:

For many migrant workers, home is_____ their job is.

48. With a tag:

Nobody in the company wanted to be transferred to such a remote place,___?

49. With a tag:

The task is very difficult. Let's turn to others for help,______?

50. With a tag:

l'm not very sure, but Mr.Zhang may be the best teacher in our school,________?

IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required on the ANSWER SHEET.(2%×15=30%)

51. Using passive voice:

Did you send my package by EMS?

52. Using passive voice:

People say that there will be a heavy snowstorm in the coming week.

53. Using a modal auxiliary:

lt is not necessary that they do as they are told.

54. Using a modal auxiliary:

He was the last person to betray his country.

55. Using a non-finite verb form:

She promised that she would come and help.

56. Using a non-finite verb form:

The boy is so young that he can't take care of himself.

57. Using a complex prepositions:

They set out though it was raining heavily.

58.Using a disjunct:

lt's honest to say that it is a waste of time attempting to change someone.

59. Using a relative clause:

The monsoon season occurs in Bangkok every year. It causes heavy rains.

60. Using a relative clause:

John is a man of courage.

61. Using subordination:

Carlos decided to renew the lease on his New York apartment. He was growing tired of citylife.

62. Using coordination:

Seize the chance.You'll regret it.

63. Reinforcing the negation:

No one on the team supported my plan.

64. Adding a suitable tag:

Don't make so much noise in the classroom.

65. Using discontinuity:

Excessive exposure to violence on TV is more harmful than expected to children.

V. Answer the following question on the ANSWER SHEET.(4%×1=4%)

66. When the simple past refers to the present time,what are its characteristic uses? Illustrate

them with examples.

VI. Define the following terms with examples on the ANSWER SHEET.(3%×2=6%)

67. free morphemes

68. statements


