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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2021-03-19




Directions: In this part, there are 3 dialogues with 3 or 4 blanks, each followed by 4 choices markA, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialoguecomplete.With Dialogue One, all the choices will have to be used.With Dialogue Two and DialoThree, one choice will be left unused. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single b,through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice.


Dialogue One

Roger: So, how is your new roommate?Martha: ___ 1____

Roger: What happened?

Martha: She' s always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makesrude remarks.

Roger: ___ 2____

Martha: I tried, but it didn' t work.

Roger: ___ 3____

Martha: At least three times. I guess I' m going to complain to the manager.___ 4____

Roger: Maybe.


A. Why don't you have a heart to heart chat with her?

B.She really turns me off.

C.I hope she can be driven out.

D.But how many times did you try?

2、 第2題_________

A. Why don't you have a heart to heart chat with her?

B.She really turns me off.

C.I hope she can be driven out.

D.But how many times did you try?

3、 第3題_________

A. Why don't you have a heart to heart chat with her?

B.She really turns me off.

C.I hope she can be driven out.

D.But how many times did you try?

4、 第4題_________

A. Why don't you have a heart to heart chat with her?

B.She really turns me off.

C.I hope she can be driven out.

D.But how many times did you try?

5、 Dialogue Two

Frank: I just received a letter from one of my old high school buddies.

Sarah:___ 5____

Frank: Well, actually I haven' t heard from him in ages.

Sarah: To be frank with you, I' ve been out of touch with most of my old friends.___6 ____

Frank: I know. It' s really hard to maintain contact when people move around so much.

Sarah: That' s right.___ 7 ____ But you' re lucky to be back in touch with your buddy again.


A.People just drift apart!

B.That' s nice !

C.Only one or two still keep me posted about what they are doing.

D.Do you often keep in touch with them?

6、 第6題_________

A.People just drift apart!

B.That' s nice !

C.Only one or two still keep me posted about what they are doing.

D.Do you often keep in touch with them?

7、 第7題_________

A.People just drift apart!

B.That' s nice !

C.Only one or two still keep me posted about what they are doing.

D.Do you often keep in touch with them?

8、 Dialogue Three

Cindy: Would you like to have some ice-cream? I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from.I' ve got strawberry, peach, chocolate, chocolate chip, coffee, vanilla, and butter pecan.

Martha: Wow ! ___ 8 ____I wish I could, but I just can' t. I' m on a diet to lose weight.

Cindy: Come on, it' s just a bite. It doesn' t really hurt to have just a bite.

Martha: ___ 9 ____ Please don' t tempt me. Please !

Cindy: Gee ! You are really strong-willed.

Martlm: You' re absolutely fight.___ 10____

Cindy: Well, I' d better not tempt you. Otherwise, if I give you a piece of cake, you might ask for a glass of milk.


A. I'm not so easily tempted into doing something that I think is wrong.

B.I' d better not.

C.I can hardly choose from.

D.What choices you have!

9、 第9題_________

A. I'm not so easily tempted into doing something that I think is wrong.

B.I' d better not.

C.I can hardly choose from.

D.What choices you have!

10、 第10題_________

A. I'm not so easily tempted into doing something that I think is wrong.

B.I' d better not.

C.I can hardly choose from.

D.What choices you have!

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfin-ished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one andmark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.

11、 閱讀材料,回答11-30題。

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes fromthe activity of the sun. The sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind. Eachyear it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly tenmillion tons of wood, coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored energyfrom the sun. Some was collected by this season’s plants as carbon compounds.Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago. Even waterpower derives from thesun. Water turned into vapor by the sun fails as rain. It courses down themountains and is converted to electric power. Light transmits only the energythat comes from the sun’s outer layer, and much of this energy that is directedtowards the earth never arrives. About nine tenths of it is absorbed by theatmosphere of the earth. In fact, the earth itself gets only one half millionthof the sun's entire output of radiant energy.

The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT ________


B.natural gas

C.atomic power

D.animal fat

12、 Radiant energy is stored as carbon compounds by________

A. Plants




13、 The sun’s energy provides us with all EXCEPT________





14、 The largest part ofthe light energy directed towards the earth is________

A.stored up by the plants

B.absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere

C.stored up by the animals in the form of body fat

D.used for electric power

15、 Of the sun’s total output of radiant energy, the earthreceives________

A.one tenth

B.one millionth

C.all that comes from the surface of the sun

D.a very small portion

16、 閱讀材料,回答16-35題。

Much unfriendly feeling towards computers has been based on the fear of widespread unemployment resulting from their introduction. Computers are often used as part of automated( 自動化的) production systems requiring a least possible number of operators, causing the loss of many jobs. This has happened, for example, in many steelworks.

On the other hand, computers do create jobs. They are more skilled and better paid, though fewer in number than those they replace. Many activities could not continue in their present form without computers, no matter how many people are employed. Examples are the check clearing ( 交換) system of major banks and the weather forecasting system.

When a form introduces computers, a few people are usually employed in key posts (such as jobs of operations managers) while other staff are w-trained as operators, programmers, and data preparation staff. After the new system has settled down, people in non-computer jobs are not always replaced when they leave, resulting in a decrease in the number of employees. This decrease is sometimes balanced by a substantial increase in the activity of the frim, resulting from the introduction of computers.

The attitudes of workers towards computers vary. There is fear of widespread unemployment and of the takeover of many jobs by computer-trained workers, making promotion for older workers not skilled in computers more difficult.

On the other hand, many workers regard the trend toward wider use of computers inevitable.They realize that computers bring about greater efficiency and productivity, which will improve the condition of the whole economy, and lead to the creation of more jobs. This view was supported by the former British Prime Minister, James Callaghan in 1954, when he made the point that new technologies hold the key to increased productivity, which will benefit the economy in the long ran.

The unfriendly feeling towards computers is developed from

A.the possible widespread unemployment caused by their introduction

B.their use as part of automated production systems

C.the least possible number of operators

D.the production system in steelworks

17、 The underlined word "They"(Line 1, Para.2) refers to __________.





18、 According to Paragraph 2, without computers __________.

A.human activities could not continue

B.there could not be weather forecasting systems

C.many activities would have to change their present form

D.banks would not be able to go on with check clearing

19、 According to the passage, what results from the introduction of computers?

A.After re-training, all employees in the firm get new jobs.

B.A considerable proportion of people are employed in key posts,

C.The firrn keeps all of its original staff members.

D.The decrease in staff members may be balanced by the increase of firm activities.

20、 James Callaghan's attitude towards computers can be best described as __________.





21、 閱讀材料,回答21-40題。

Some psychologists(心理專家) maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performedin the brain alone, but that one' s muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with ourmuscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies.

You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears butwith your whole body. Few people can listen to music without moving their body or, more specifically,some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is attracted todirect the orchestra (樂隊) even though he knows there is a good conductor on the job.Strange as this behavior may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all pos-sible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener"feels" himself into the music with more or less noticeable motions of his body. The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same

way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less noticeable.

Some psychologists think that thinking is__________

A.not a mental process

B.more of a physical process than a mental action

C.a process that involves our entire bodies

D.a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain

22、 The process of thinking and that of listening to music are similar in that__________

A.both are mental acts

B.muscles participate in both processes

C.both processes are performed by the entire body

D.we derive equal enjoyment from them

23、 Few people are able to listen to familiar music without__________

A.moving some part of their body

B.stopping what they are doing to listen

C.directing the orchestra playing it

D.wishing that they could conduct music properly

24、 The listener' s way of "feeling" the music is__________

A.the unnoticed motion of his muscles

B."participating" in the performance

C.bending an ear to the music

D.being the conductor of the orchestra

25、 According to the passage, muscle participation in the process of thinking is__________






In sport the sexes are separate. Women and men do not run or swim in the same races.

Women are less strong than men. That at least is what people say. Women are called "the weaker sex", or, if men want to please them, "the fair sex". But boys and girls are taught together at schools and universities. There are women who are famous Prime Ministers, scientists and writers .And women live longer than men. A European woman can expect to live until the age of 74, a man only until he is 68. Are women' s bodies really weaker?

The fastest men can run a mile in 4 minutes. The best women need 4.5 minutes. Women's speeds are always slower than men' s, but some facts are surprising. Some of the fastest women swimmers today are teenage girls. One of them swam 400 metres in 4 minutes 21.2 seconds when she was only 16. The first "Tarzan" in films was an Olympic swimmer, Johnny Weissmuller. His fastest 400 metres was 4 minutes 59.1 seconds, which is 37.9 seconds slower than a girl 50 years later! This does not mean that women are catching men up. Conditions are very different now, and sport is much more serious. It is so serious that some women athletes are given hormone(荷爾蒙) injections. At the Olympics a doctor has to check whether the women athletes are really women or not. It seems sad that sport has such problem. Life can be very complicated when there are two separate sexes!

Women are called "the weaker sex" because __________.

A.women do as much work as men

B.people think women are weaker than men

C.sport is easier for men than for women

D.in sport the two sexes are always together

27、 Which of the following is true?

A.Boys and girls study separately everywhere.

B.Women do not run or swim in races with men.

C.Famous Prime Ministers are women.

D.Men can expect to live longer than women in Europe.

28、 "That at least is what people say." means people __________.

A.say other things too

B.don't say this much

C.say this but may not think so

D.only think this

29、 What problems does sport have? __________.

A.Some women athletes are actually men.

B.Some women athletes are given hormone injections.

C.Women and men do not run or swim in the same races.

D.It is difficult to check whether women athletes are really women.

30、 In this passage the author implies that __________.

A.women are weaker than men, but faster

B.women are slower than men, but stronger

C.men are not always stronger and faster than women

D.men are faster and stronger than women

Directions: In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corre-sponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.

31、 These plastic flowers look so__________ that many people think they are real.





32、It is said that he a __________ murder.





33、 I knew I could not finish my homework_______

A. by he had come

B.until he came

C.when he comes

D.before he comes

34、 Do what you think is right, __________they say.




D.if only

35、 The flat where we live__________ three rooms only.

A.is comprised of

B.is made of


D.is composed of

36、It' s no use ringing me up at the office this week because I' m________

A.by my leave

B.at leave

C.in holidays

D.on holiday

37、 You will be late __________. you leave immediately.





38、 From then on, a sound system of Party Committee meetings was________in all leading bodies.




D.given up

39、 My next door neighbor Johnson seems to have________opinion on the show last night.

A.rather the strong

B.rather strong

C.a rather strong

D.the rather strong

40、 Every director needs an assistant that he can__________ to take care of problems that may occur in his absence.

A.count of

B.count for

C.count on

D.account for

41、We all feel sorry for __________ for so long after your arrival.

A.keep you waiting

B.having kept you waiting

C.waiting for you

D.keep you wait

42、 He spoke so quickly that I didn't________ what he said.





43、 Please keep an eye on my luggage, and I' 11 be back __________.

A.in time

B.in no time

C.at one time

D.at a time

44、 He is sincere and easy to________

A.get down to

B.get at

C.get along with

D.get over

45、 Do you think they have________food for all these people here?





46、 He got up to the roof ________a ladder.

A.by all means

B.by any means

C.by means of

D.by no means

47、 The interviewer should take down notes at the moment the person __________ "answers the questions.

A.to be interviewed


C.being interviewed


48、 One must try his best to__________ to the new environment.





49、 Sometimes children have trouble __________ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.

A.to separate


C.for separating

D.of separating

50、 The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all________





Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre。


It was a beautiful summer day and I was taking a walk in the downtown area of Madrid.

When I turned a street ____ 51 ____ I heard the voice of a lovely Spanish singer coming from a nearby cafe. The music ____ 52 ____me, so I went to the cafe to hear it better.

I sat down at a table near the door. The waiter came over, and I ____ 53 ____ a glass of wine.

While waiting for my wine, I listened to the soft music. The singer was a young lady, a little too fat, but____ 54 ____ pretty. A black young man was playing the piano.

The waiter returned ____ 55 ____ the glass of wine and put it on the table. I started drinking the wine slowly and ____ 56 ____ the other people in the cafe. They were all men because women seldom go into the cafes in Spain.

There were three men sitting at a table near mine. I could ____ 57 ____ by their accents that one of them was an American, one an Englishman and the third man a stranger. The waiter served each of the three men a glass of beer. By chance, each glass had a ____ 58 ____ in it. The American picked up his glass, noticed the fly and poured the beer and the fly was thrown onto the floor. The Englishman looked into his glass, noticed the fly and reached for a spoon, with which he took the fly out of the beer, and drank the____ 59 ____ of it.

The stranger noticed the fly in the beer, too. He picked it up with his fingers, squeezed it carefully in order to save every drop of beer, then drank the beer____ 60 ____






52、 ____________





53、 ____________





54、 ____________


B.too much



55、 ____________





56、 ____________



C.looking for


57、 ____________





58、 ____________





59、 ____________





60、 ____________





Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWERSHEET.

61、The social costs of unemployment go far beyond the welfare and unernployrnent payments made the government. Unemployment increases the chances of divorce, child abuse, and alcoholism, a new federal survey shows. Some experts say the problem is only orary that new technology will eventually create as many jobs as it destroys. But futurologist Hymen Seymour says the astonishing efficiency of the new technology means there will be a simple net reduction in the amount of human labor that needs to be done. "We should treat this as an opportunity to give people more leisure. It may not be easy, but society will have to reach a new agreement on the division and distribution of labor. "Seymour says.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "On Friendship". You should write in no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:










