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自考 責(zé)任編輯:陳婷 2020-01-14

摘要:本文是2019年10月自考英語二作文寫作技巧及預(yù)測模板 ,僅供參考。

 本文是2019年10月自考英語二作文寫作技巧及預(yù)測模板 ,僅供參考。

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重難點鞏固提升,助力突破60分,撈干貨 !點擊進入選課中心>>


句式一: It is well- known to us that ……(眾所周知......)或者It is commonly believed that ……(人們一般認為……)省略位置加一個句子,比如 :It is well-known to us thatreading is very useful. 這兩個句式可以用于 14 年 4 月,15-4 ,16-4 ,甚至可以用于除了 15-10 的每一個,但需要合理構(gòu)思。

句式二: Recently the problem of …… has been brought into focus.省略位置加名次、 動名詞或詞組, 比如:Recently the problem of fight against haze has been brought intofocus. 這個句式可以用于比較“麻煩”的話題 ,比如“霧霾” , 或者“肥胖”。


句式一: In my opinion, ……或者I sincerely believe that ……(我認為 ......)

句式二: People's views on …… vary from person toperson.Some hold that …… However, others believe that …… From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the firstopinion rather than the second.( 人們對……的觀點因人而異,有些人認為……然而其他人卻認為……,在我看來,支持第一種觀點比第二種更有道理 )

句式三: Some people hold that...... ,but in myopinion ,......(一些人認為 ......,但在我來看, ......)

句式四: It may be true that …… but it doesn't meanthat ……(可能……是對的,但這并不意味著……)


句式一: For one thing, …… For another thing On ,……或者the one hand, …… On the other hand ……(一方面……另一方面……)或者: First ,...... Second ,......(第一, ...... 第二, ......)

句式二: By the way ,......(順便說一下 ......)

句式三: Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason whyI t hink ……(最后,坦率地說,我之所以認為 ......還有另外一個實際的原因)

句式四: The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是 ...)


句式一: No doubt, we must take effective measures, and only in this way canwe ...... (毫無疑問,我們必須采取有效措施,只有這樣我們才能 ......)

句式二: In short, it can be said that ……(總而言之,……)

句式三: From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusionthat ……(從上面提到的,我們可以得出結(jié)論……)

句式四: The best way to solve the troubles is ……(解決這些麻煩的辦法是……)


1.現(xiàn)如今,人們對于 ______這個話題廣泛關(guān)注。事實上,對于______這個問題也是有利有弊??偟膩碚f人們普遍認為有如下好處:Nowdays,there is widespread concern over (the issuethat+ 句子) 題目 .In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in 題目議題 .Generally speaking,it is widely believed that thereare several positive aspects as follows:First, 優(yōu)點一 And second, 優(yōu)點二

2.正如依據(jù)流行的諺語所說,“事物都有兩面性”。 ___也不例外,換句話說,它也有一些缺點。

Just as a popular saying goes ” every cion has two sides ”,

討論議題 is no exception,and in other words,it stillhas negativeaspects.

To begain with, 缺點一In addition, 缺點二

3.總的來說,我們要把 討論議題 的優(yōu)點發(fā)揮到極致,同時把它的缺點降到最低。只有這樣,我們才能真正更好的利用 _______

To sum up,we should try to bring the advantages of 討論議題 into full play,and reduce the disadvantages tothe minimum

at the same time.In that fact,we will definitely make a better use ofthe 討論議題


1.隨著社會的不斷發(fā)展和進步, 出現(xiàn)了越來越多的問題引起我們的關(guān)注,其中之一便是 _______

Along with the advance ofsociety more and morecontroversial issues have been brought to our attentionone of which is that 句子

2.為什么有那么多的 _______,理由如下:Why have there been so many 名詞 who 定從 maybe the reasons can belisted as follows.To begin/start with, 理由一 Furthermore /Besides /Inaddition, 理由二 Last but not least, 理由三


Obviously it is high timethat we took some measures to solve the problem . For one thing, 方面一 For another, 方面二


I think all the measuresabove can make present situation better.let us all start to do so by ourselves.

預(yù)測模板3:觀點對比型 ( Ⅰ)

1.總所周知,對于 ___ __這個問題,大家越來越關(guān)注,但是大家對此的觀點卻因人而異。

There is widespread concernover the issues that 作文題目 . But it is well know that theopinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.

2.大部分認為 _______。在他們看來, 有如下亮點來代表他們的態(tài)度。首先, ____。其次, _____。所以,不言而喻, ________

A majority of people thinkthat 觀點一 . In their views there are 2factors contributing to this attitude as follows:

In the first place, 原因一 .

Furthermore,in the second , 原因二 .

So it goes without sayingthat 觀點一 .

3.然而,對于這個問題,也有不同的觀點。有些人就認為 _______。一方面, _____。另一方面, _______。因此,毫無疑問, _________。People, however,differ intheir opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that 觀點二 .In their point of view,

On the one hand, 原因一 .

On the other hand, 原因二 .

Therefore, there is no doubtthat 觀點二 .

4.就我個人而言,我堅決認為 _______,這不僅是因為 _______,而且還因為 _______。

As far as I am concerned,Ifirmly support the view that 觀點一/ 觀點二 .

It is not only because 原因一 ,but also because 原因二 .

預(yù)測模板4:觀點對比型 ( Ⅱ)

1. 說 到 _______, 人 們 的 觀 點 是 各 不 相 同 的 。 有 些 人 認 為_____1_____。他們這么認為是因為

When it comes to 爭議議題 , people ‘ s ideas are not cut

from the same cloth.Some people are of the view that 觀點一 .

They hold their view for thereason that 原因一 .

What ’ s more 原因二

Moreover, 原因三 .

2.另一方面,有些人也持有相反的觀點, 他們堅持認為 ____2____.

On the other hand,others takean opposite side,firmly

believing that 觀點二 .

Firstly, 理由一Secondly, 理由二

Thirdly, 理由三

3.在我看來,前者 /后者的觀點在許多方面看來是更可取的,原因是很明顯的。一方面, _____

另外一方面, _______.因此,前者 / 后者肯定是明智的選擇。

Form my point of view,theformer/latter notion is

preferable in many senses.

The reasons are obvious.

For one thing, 理由一 / 原因一 .

For another, 理由二 /原因二 .

As a consequence,the former/latteris surely a wise choice.





The topic of ----------------- ① (主題) is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides ofopinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their viewfor the reason of ----------------- ② (支持 A 的理由一)What is more, ------------- ③ 理由二 ). Moreover, ---------------( ④ 理由三).While others think that B is a betterchoice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------( 支持 B 的理由一 ). Secondly (besides), ------------------ ⑥ ( 理 由 二 ) . Thirdly (finally), ------------------( ⑦ 理由三 ). From my point of view, I think ----------------⑧ (我的觀點). The reason is that ⑨--------------------( 原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain mychoice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .


Some people believe that ---------------- ① (觀點一) . For example, they think ----------------- ② (舉例說明).And it will bring them ---------------( ③ 為他們帶來的好處 ). In my opinion, I never think thisreason can be the point. For one thing, -------------( ④ 我 不同 意該 看 法 的理 由 一 ). For another thing, ---------( ⑤ 反對的理由之二 ). Form all what I have said, I agree tothe thought that ⑥-----( 我對文章所討論主題的看法 ).





The good old proverb ---------------- (名言或諺語)reminds us that----------------( 釋 義 ). Indeed, we can learn many thingsform it. First of all,-----------------( 理 由 一 ). For example,-------------------( 舉 例 說 明 ).Secondly,----------------( 理 由 二 ). Another case is that---------------( 舉例說明 ).Furthermore , ------------------( 理由三 ).In my opinion, ----------------( 我的觀點 ). In short,whatever you do, please remember the say------A. If you understand it and applyit to your study or work, you'll necessarily benefit a lot from it.




2.怎樣解決 (解決方案的優(yōu)缺點 )

In recent days, we have to face Iproblem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------( 說明A的現(xiàn)狀).Second, ----------( 舉例進一步說明現(xiàn)狀 ) Confronted with A, we should take aseries of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,---------------( 解決方法一 ). For another -------------( 解決方法二 ).Finally, --------------( 解決方法三 ).Personally, I believe that-------------( 我 的 解 決 方 法 ).Consequently, I ’ m confident that a brightfuture is awaiting us because --------------( 帶來的好處 ).








Nowadays many people prefer A because it has asignificant role in ourdaily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First----------------( A的 優(yōu) 點之 一 ). Besides------------------- (A的優(yōu)點之二) .But every coin has two sides. Thenegative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that----------------( A 的 第 一 個 缺 點 ) . To make matters worse,------------------( A的第二個缺點 ).Through the above analysis, I believethat the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would liketo---------------( 我的看法 ).(Or: From the comparison between thesepositive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do itaccording to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, ---------------( 對前景的預(yù)測 ).)


1)不同觀點列舉型( 選擇型 )

There is a widespread concern over the issuethat 作文題

目.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topicvaries from person to person. A majority of people thinkthat 觀 點 一 . In their viewsthere are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, 原因一 .Furthermore, inthe second place,

原因二 .

So it goes without saying that 觀點一 .People,however,differ in their opinionson this matter.Some peoplehold the idea that 觀點二 . In their point of view,on the onehand ,原因一 . On theother hand, 原因二 .Therefore, there is no doubt that 觀點二 .As far as I am concerned, I firmlysupport the view that 觀點一或二 _. It is not only because ________, but also because_________. The more_______, the more ______.


Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over(the issue that) 作文題目 . In fact, there are both advantagesand disadvantages in 題目議題 .Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are severalpositive aspects as follows.Firstly, 優(yōu)點一 . And secondly 優(yōu)點二 .Just as a popular sayinggoes, "every coin has two sides",討論議題 is no exception, and in another word, itstill has negative aspects. To begin with, 缺點一 .In addition, 缺點二 .To sum up, we should try tobring the advantages of 討論議題 into full play,and reduce the disadvantagesto the minimum at the same time. In that case, wewill definitely make a betteruse of the 討論議題 .


