違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-28




一、Part One: Questions 1-20

Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各題中選擇一個最佳答案填空。)20%

1.The packing must be strong enough ________ rough handling.

C.to withstand
D.to be withstood

2.Had you contacted us earlier we ________ your request to the full.

A.would comply with
B.would have complied with
C.will comply with
D.would compliance with

3.The Fair was cancelled because most of the members ________ the date.

A.objected to
B.object to
C.subjected to
D.agree on

4.It is essential that you ________ competitive prices.


5.Our future offers will include your 2% commission ________.

A.unless informed
B.unless otherwise informing
C.unless stated
D.unless otherwise stated

6.We regret to say that the prices you have bid are too low ________.

A.not to accept
B.to be acceptable
C.to be accepting
D.to be unacceptable

7.We always adhere ________ our commitments.


8.We recommend ________ a small quantity for trial.

A.to you buy
C.you buy
D.you buying

9.The vice president and general manager of this big company ________ she.


10.I would rather go with you ________ them.

B.than with
C.but not with
D.but not

11.Aluminum construction is the lightest, wood is the cheapest, ________.

A.the strongest is steel
B.and the strongest is steel
C.steel is the strongest
D.and steel is the strongest

12.Two ________ were missing from the shipment.

A.bills of ladings
B.bill of ladings
C.bills of lading
D.bill of lading

13.If it wasn’t Jane’s fault, maybe it was ________.


14.Perhaps some will take small gifts to ________ friends.

C.his or her

15.________, the president decided to reward all of his subordinators.

A.Having satisfied completely
B.Satisfying completely
C.Completely satisfied
D.Completely satisfying

16.We really feel sorry for ________ we have done to you.


17.In addition to advertising, the marketing manager is in charge of ________promotional activities.

B.many other
C.other more
D.other many

18.Scarcely ________ of them were acceptable.


19.________ I know the good opportunity in the proposed investment, I fully realize the risks that may be involved in it.


20.A ________ for middle management personnel is typical in this industry.

A.$40,000 a year salary
B.salary of $40,000 a year
C.$40,000 a years salary
D.a $40,000 year salary

二、Part Two: Questions 21-30

There is one mistake in each of the following questions. Detect and correct the mistakes. Write your corrections together with the mistakes on the answer sheet.(下列每句各有一個錯誤,找出錯誤并改正。請將錯誤及改正寫在答題紙上。)20%

11.Example:Who’s taking care the dog while you’re away? taking care → taking care of The business manager received many complements on his speech to our business principles class.

12.Bring the proposed agenda to either Brad or I, please!

13.The letters lie on the desk are for the credit department.

14.The new computer costs too much and wouldn’t be sold in the market.

15.Because of fire damaged our warehouse, we have to delay some shipment.

16.Can you offer me some work to do it in your department?

17.It is important to maintain products of high quality and boosting market promotions.

18.This bill requires that a bank disclose to their customers how long it will delay access to funds from deposited checks.

19.It is critical that one learns Business English well if one is to do business with English speaking countries.

110.Before starting the project, permission must be obtained.

三、Part Three: Questions 31-40

Write logical sentences with the words and phrases given. (用所給的詞和短語寫出符合邏輯的句子。) 10%

21.he / the necessary / would make / arrangement / Jack said / that

22.to understand / for preparing / some instructions / an income tax return / for many of us / are /hard

23.Business English / are taking / and Information Processing / several employees / courses in

24.this information / share / with / of your staff / please / the members

25.government / a wide variety of / social programs / the United States / funds

26.who / seemed / the question / embarrassed / the reporter / asked

27.either of / accurate / is more nearly / theirs / your report / than

28.last Tuesday / it was / met for / she and I / a business talk / that

29.banks / interesting rate / are raising / it is said / on personal loans / that

210.various ways / automobile manufacturers / one another / with / compete / in

四、Part Four: Questions 41-50

Each of the following sentences contains one punctuation error. One punctuation in each is either missing or misused.Detect the error and write the missing punctuation or your correction together with the word before the punctuation on the answer sheet.(下面每句都有一個標(biāo)點符號錯誤,該用標(biāo)點處未用標(biāo)點或標(biāo)點符號用錯。改正錯誤或補(bǔ)寫標(biāo)點,并將其與前面的一個單詞一起填寫在答題紙上。)10%

31.Example:A.What a nice present you gave me. me! B.You think you are right don’t you? right, Yes! Sell the stock immediately.

32.This brochure contains twenty one pages.

33.An M.B.A student is required to take at least four compulsive courses.

34.I don’t know where Mr. Lacey is?

35.My brother was taught to read by my mother, and similarly so was I.

36.After two year’s study, his knowledge and ability in office management field has been improved.

37.Mr. Scott paid his license fees before the due date

38.Write a 50 word memo telling the manager about the arrangement.

39.Someones check was left on the desk.

310.No conjunction is used in this sentence to connect clauses, therefore, a semicolon is used to separate them.

五、Part Five: Memo Writing

Write a memo in about 50 words.(寫一份50個單詞左右的備忘錄。)15%

41. You are Mr. Calvin Wilson, Vice President of Green Sun Company. You areinformed that an international Trade Conference will be held in Qingdao from May 24 to May 28. Representatives both from home and abroad will attend the conference. Thinking the conference will give your company a very good opportunity to assess the current commercial situation and to make contacts in the commercial circle both at home and abroad, you want to attend the conference. Write a memo to William Xu, president of the company to get his permission.

六、Part Six: Letter Writing

Write a letter in 130-150 words.(寫一封字?jǐn)?shù)為130-150的信函。) 25%



