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自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-28





Part One: Questions 1-20 Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各題中選擇一個(gè)最佳答案填空。)20%

1.While we appreciate your inquiry, __________ we regret being unable to make you an offer at the moment.

C.on the contrary

2.In the meantime, if you should require __________ sewing machines, please feel free to contact us.

A.any other
D.the other

3.__________ we meet next time, we will offer you new products __________ we feel sure will meet with your expectation.

A.Who …which
B.Whom … with which
C.When … which
D.When … with which

4.We know that, __________ time, you will be able to overcome your present problem.

C.to give
D.being given

5.The market has declined __________ the decrease in demand.

B.owing to

6.__________ the date of shipment is concerned, we regret to say that it has to be extended for another week.

A.As much as
B.As good as
C.As well as
D.As far as

7.We trust that you will find our goods __________.

B.attract your attention
D.being attractive

8.Please contact me __________ you need further information.

D.even if

9.If Mr. White won’t agree to sign the contract, __________.

A.neither won’t she
B.neither she will
C.she won’t neither
D.neither will she

10.China is in a position to buy more and more technology and __________ goods on the international market, and make greater contribution to the world’s economic interflow.

A.to finish

11.Sales representative Mailer made more telephone calls last month __________ salespersons.

A.than other
B.than any
C.than any other
D.as any other

12.What role __________ playing in the new project?

A.the engineers are
B.are the engineers
C.the engineers is
D.is the engineers

13.After listening to Mr. Sheet’s report, __________.

A.a few changes were made by the manager
B.the manager made a few changes
C.the manager makes a few changes
D.a few changes are made by the manager

14.Our __________ lease must be renegotiated.

C.six year old
D.six-year old

15.I’m sure it is __________ usually answers the telephone.

A.her whom
B.her who
C.she whom
D.she who

16.Of probationary and permanent employees, only __________ are eligible for tuition reimbursement.

A.the latter
B.the later

17.Datacom is __________ to be awarded the contract than Compugraph.

A.more like
B.more likely
C.most like
D.most likely

18.It is __________ good chance __________ we mustn’t miss it.

A.so … that
B.so a … that
C.such … that
D.such a … that

19.Please tell me __________ what salesperson these brochures came.


20.Steel filing cabinets are best for durability, __________ and fire resistance.

A.easy of cleaning
B.cleaning easily
C.ease of cleaning
D.easily cleaning

二、Part Two: Questions 21-30

There is one mistake in each of the following questions. Detect and correct the mistakes. Write your corrections together with the mistakes on the answer sheet.(下列每句各有一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤,找出錯(cuò)誤并改正。請(qǐng)將錯(cuò)誤及改正寫在答題紙上。)20%

11.Example: Who’s taking care the dog while you’re away? taking care → taking care of His ask for a pay rise was considered premature.

12.Members of the board cooperated together to settle the issue.

13.Find the building took longer than we had expected.

14.Manufacturing companies today requires large amount of capital.

15.War and peace are a permanent theme in history.

16.They were pleased accept our invitation.

17.He felt the envelop careful to determine if it contained photos.

18.Between the people I have interviewed, I have discovered some conflicting ideas.

19.No matter hard the US government tries to control the financial crisis, it is getting from bad to worse.

110.Keep the windows closed and the door shut at all time.

三、Part Three: Questions 31-40

Write logical sentences with the words and phrases given. (用所給的詞和短語寫出符合邏輯的句子。) 10%

21.upon receipt of / will be happy / we / a quotation / detailed requirements / to give you / your

22.will find / you / are in good quality / that / a lot of customers / and will attract / our products

23.often list / for resigning / excessive travel / as / employees / their primary reason

24.is enclosed / for / our current catalog / a copy of / your consideration

25.I / as soon as / will write to you / our technicians / the machine / have checked

26.twenty years / for / have been / they / in this line of business / more than

27.you / your reservations / now / would like to / attend this seminar / if you / should make

28.asked me / Mr. Wilson / I planned to attend / the meeting / where / would be held / and whether

29.in the office / both / by working / finished the report / I / and at home

210.because he misplaced / Edward / the original contract file/ by / was scolded / his boss

四、Part Four: Questions 41-50

Each of the following sentences contains one punctuation error. One punctuation in each is either missing or misused. Detect the error and write the missing punctuation or your correction together with the word before the punctuation on the answer sheet.(下面每句都有一個(gè)標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)錯(cuò)誤,該用標(biāo)點(diǎn)處未用標(biāo)點(diǎn)或標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)用錯(cuò)。改正錯(cuò)誤或補(bǔ)寫標(biāo)點(diǎn),并將其與前面的一個(gè)單詞一起填寫在答題紙上。)10%

31.Example: A. What a nice present you gave me. me!  B. You think you are right don’t you? right,  Come and sit here with me please.

32.Do you know where Mr. Scott lives.

33.This is a writer who lived in the early 20s.

34.“I’d like to have a try.” he said.

35.“How old are you?” —“I’m twenty-two.”

36.“One, two, three……” the mother encouraged the baby to count.

37.Competition among computer manufacturers is intensive. hence price may decrease sharply.

38.Mr. Dan dictated, “Dear Mr. Dun”; but his secretary transcribed “Dear Mr. Fun.”

39.In the first quarter, prices rose 5 percent; in the second quarter 3 percent.

310.I’ve invested a lot in this project, consequently I don’t want it to fail.

五、Part Five: Memo Writing

Write a memo in about 50 words.(寫一份50個(gè)單詞左右的備忘錄。)15%

41. You are the sales manager of a company. Your secretary told you that one of your customers claimed that he had bought a flawed product and wanted to get the money back. Write a memo to your secretary telling her that you decide to refund the customer and asking her to call the customer to arrange for him to get the refund. In your memo, you also point out the importance of the quality of your products and service, and praise your secretary for reporting the customer’s complaint to you in time.

六、Part Six: Letter Writing

Write a letter in 130-150 words.(寫一封字?jǐn)?shù)為130-150的信函。) 25%

51.寫一封以所有消費(fèi)者為對(duì)象的推銷信,推銷金星牌新系列皮包。要點(diǎn)如下: 1.從隨函附上的金星牌新系列皮包的皮樣便可看出,既柔軟又結(jié)實(shí),手感猶如一片云彩;  2.質(zhì)量頂尖, 顏色多樣,款式漂亮,有足夠的空間放置不同東西; 3.該皮包在國(guó)內(nèi)所有大百貨公司銷售,并受許多歐洲經(jīng)銷商歡迎; 4.皮包每個(gè)僅85美元,物有所值,請(qǐng)?zhí)顚懹唵?,盡快寄回本公司。




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