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自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-22





Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each)

1.The painting depicts an idyllic ( ) scene of shepherds watching over their grazing sheep.


2.The new manager"s ( ) and enthusiasm have helped the company to achieve its international success.


3.Everyone at the meeting was expected to( ) actively in the discussions.


4.They had a ( ) escape when their car plunged into a river.


5.He was very ( ) “popular”writers, whom he described as having no talent.

A.proud of
B.curious about
C.anxious about
D.contemptuous of

6.The elderly lady was ( ) sorry for what she had said to the shop assistant.


7.Jonah and his youngest son were finally ( ) with each other, after not speaking for nearly six years.


8.She had the ( ) to believe the law did not apply to her.


9.Whether the end ( ) the means is an issue of heated discussion.


10.She ( ) the mark on the wall for ages, but it wouldn"t come off.


11.The gunman in Wednesday"s attack has been ( ) as Lee Giggs, an unemployed truck driver.


12.To our surprise, the students ( ) the task successfully in less than twenty minutes.


13.It has to be said it was rather ( ) of him to ask a complete stranger to look after his luggage.


14.Could you give me some ( ) as to when I am likely to receive a reply?


15.It is questioned whether the teachers should work ( ) from the officially approved primers.



In this section, there are ten incomplete statements or questions, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (20 points, 2 points for each).

11.(1) If Ron Scott was in any doubt about the effect of being unhappy at work, he needed only to ask his family. The usually easy-going, good-humored husband and father of three had become an irritable man who was working his way through“a minimum six beers a night. Some nights I'd have wine as well". Any little thing that went wrong at home got under his skin.“I'd go off. My son wouldn't put his school bags away and I'd be yelling at him or I'd be yelling at the girls for something.”(2) It wasn't work itself that was getting to Ron, far from it. He's always worked and doesn't like to be idle. At 16 he left school and applied for a job at a nearby steelworks. He had wanted to become a carpenter but instead was offered an apprenticeship as a fitter and machinist- the same job that his father had had.“I didn't enjoy metalwork at school, but I said, “Yeah, that’ll do.” He shrugged off the disappointment and made the best of things, working hard during his four-year apprenticeship and for three years after that, until a restructure made his position redundant.(3) He bought a car with the small payout he received, gave himself seven weeks' holiday, then started a new job as a mechanical engineer for a major international airline. (This involved a commute of an hour or so each way. But that was manageable. The new role, fixing military then civilian aircraft engines. was satisfying).“It was interesting and I liked learning a new job. It was good."(4) Eighteen months into the new position at the airline, Ron married Sharon and 18 months after that their first child was born. He was working his way up the ladder, getting pay-rises as he went, and the conditions suited family life -rather than the 24/7 shifts of the steelworks, he was able to work five days a week on day-shift.(5)As his children reached school age, Ron volunteered to help out at their sporing activities especially at junior lifesaving, where his sense of fun and endless patience made him a firm favorite with kids and parents. He was by now an engine marshal, an administrative role that involves supervising the acquisition of parts and the repair and assembly of huge jet engines.(6)“I loved it," he says, explaining with a self-deprecatory chuckle that despite having been a fitter and engineer all those years,(“I'm not very patient when it comes to putting things together. If it doesn't go right I get annoyed. So it was good just being able to chill a little bit more.")(7) Life was good, but 15 years into the job, things started to change.(8) First Ron's team was moved to a much smaller building where they were cramped amid the engine parts. Characteristically, he made the best of it, but he wasn't enjoying work as he once had. Then. without consultation. he was put back on a rolling shift roster. "I hated it because of all the things I was missing out on," he says. "I was coaching my son Harry's soccer team and was involved at the surf club, but I had to stop all that because I was back on shift work."(9) Rumors began to circulate about redundancies. Ron told Sharon that if they were offered he was considering applying. "She was pretty happy because I was coming home so cranky." (Over the next few weeks they discussed the kinds of things Ron might move on to. One idea just wouldn't eave him alone. )"I said, How about I go and teach swimming? I love water. I love kids.I could probably do that.”(10) After 20 years with the airline Ron took voluntary redundancy, received a five-figure payout and walked away without a second glance. (He completed swimming-teacher training, and then arranged to volunteer at a swim school to build up his practical experience.) Soon the school was employing him for a shift a week, and his hours built up from there.(11) Coming from a job where the results were immediate and obvious took some adjustment for Ron. "It was different from what I thought it would be," he says, "I thought it was going to be so easy. But you're trying to teach the kids something and half the time they're looking at you and you don't even know if they're listening. Then weeks or months later they will put it into action and you'll realize that they were listening all along." Ron's easy manner with both children and parents soon paid off and he became a full-time employee at the swim school.(12)The 40 hours he works a week takes in weekends and split shifts, to cover morning and afternoon children's classes. He has "no body hair left because of the warm water and chlorine". (He earns around 25% less than he did in engineering. And, at 49, he says he has never been happier.(13)"I've had a drop in pay, but I've cut back on expenses, too. I'm driving half the distance to work so don't have to pay as much for petrol. I don't drink nearly as much. I go walking in my lunch break and I've lost 20 kilos. I love going to work. The whole family is a lot happier."(14) He admits it was scary, making such big leap when there was the mortgage to. pay and teenagers to clothe and feed, but in the end he feels it is a simple choice. "If you're in a job you don't like, get out. Money's not everything. You might have to stop doing a few things, but you do adjust. If you don't like it, change-find something you're going to be happy with."According to Paragraph 1, Ron was drinking beer or wine at night because ( ) .

A.he had no other ways to relax himself after work
B.he didn"t feel happy about his present situation
C.he believed that alcohol could help him sleep well
D.he wanted to avoid conflicts with his family members

12.What can we learn about Ron from Paragraph 2?

A.He was forced to accept the job.
B.He didn"t like the job he was offered.
C.He was waiting for a chance to change his job.
D.He refused to do the same job his father had done.

13.In Paragraph 2, the word“redundant”means ( ) .


14.Which of the following can best describe Ron according to Paragraph 4?

A.His new position made it possible for him to meet Sharon.
B.His marriage and his first child brought him good luck.
C.He was making progress and satisfied with his work.
D.The day-shift was what he was dreaming of.

15.Which of the following is true about Ron based on Paragraph 5?

A.He was proud of his reputation in sporting activities.
B.He was hardly admired for his voluntary work.
C.He was popular with kids and their parents.
D.He was well known as a professional lifesaver.

16.In Paragraph 8, the word“cramped" means ( ) .

A.not easy to talk to
B.not hard to spot
C.not having enough time
D.not having enough space

17.In Paragraph 9, the word"cranky" means ( ) .


18.According to Paragraph 10, Ron left his job ( ) .

A.with regret
B.with shame
C.without compensation
D.without hesitation

19.Which of the following is true about Ron"s new job based on Paragraph 11?

A.It was hard to meet the needs of kids and their parents.
B.It was more challenging than his previous jobs.
C.It took some time for him to see the results.
D.It demanded more efforts to be successful.

110.What message does the author want to get across to the reader?

A.It"s better to do what you really enjoy than to do what you are good at
B.People should be aware of the importance of earning a good income.
C.Job hopping quite often brings about potentially great chances.
D.It"s usually very hard to tell what job suits you best.


Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 2 points for each)

21.This involved a commute of an hour or so each way, but that was manageable.The new role, fixing military then civilian aircraft engines, was satisfying.

22.I"m not very patient when it comes to putting things together. If it doesn"t go right I get annoyed. So it was good just being able to chill a little bit more.

23.Over the next few weeks they discussed the kinds of things Ron might move on to. One idea just wouldn"t leave him alone.

24.He completed swimming-teacher training, then arranged to volunteer at : swim school to build up his practical experience.

25.He earns around 25% less than he did in engineering. And, at 49, he says he has never been happier.


Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10 points)

31.What is your opinion on changing jobs?


The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points, 1 point for each)

41.The elderly clerk spoke again. He said, "I'm (32). I've got the right to speak We are going the (33) way about all this. Everyone must (34) lots. This isn't the last draw we shall have, and picture to yourselves what it will be (35) in this cell if we have a privileged (36) the ones who are left to the end. The rest of you will soon begin to hate us. We shall be left out of your fear..."But what this country doesn't know is that (37) has created a monster in the form of millions of (38) men who have been taught to deal in (39) , and who have been given a chance to die for the (40) nothing in history. We have. returned to this country with a (41) of anger and betrayal which nobody has yet grasped.I wonder if this blandness of our diet doesn't explain (42) So many of us are (43) and even dangerously so. When things had (44) , we knew what we were. (45) all the while—and it satisfied us. A teaspoonful of my mother-in-law's wild strawberry (46) will entirely satisfy your jam desire.I was especially intrigued by a (47) in Watts because it was supposed to be (48) . I wanted to demonstrate that it could be done more than anything (49) . I recall a moment during a city-wide high school oratorical (50) when one of the judges asked (51) anything good could come out of Watts. Our high school won the contest.What is serious about excitement is that so many of its (52) are destructive. It is destructive in those who cannot (53) excess in alcohol or gambling. It is destructive when it takes the form of mob violence. And (54) all it is destructive when it leads to (55) It is so deep a need that it will find (56) outlets of this kind unless innocent outlets are at hand.A.overweight  B.violence  C.married  D.form  E.contestF.eating  G.biggest  H.draw  I.class  J.whether  K.elseL.aboveM.jam  N.America  O.like  P.war  Q.impossible  R.harmfulS.career  T.why  U.resist  V.sense  W.wrong  X.fighting  Y.flavor()


























Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (20 points, 2 points each for 57-60, 4 points for 61, 8 points for 62)








