違法信息舉報(bào) 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-22





(本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets.

1.I wish I _______ to repair the bike. I only made it worse.

A.did not try
B.wouldn’t try
C.had not tried
D.wouldn’t have tried

2.She earns a good salary, so she _______ be deep in debt.

C.may not

3.Larry is _______ liberal-minded of the two executives.

A.the more
C.the most

4.John is eighteen and his brother is two years _______.


5.She bought a house _______ her parents.


6.We had to sleep in our wet clothes, _______ was most uncomfortable.


7.She cooks _______ that reminds me of her mother.

A.on the way
B.by the way
C.the way
D.in a way

8.Pride and Prejudice _______ never failed to characterize the aristocracy.


9.A: Can I have these apples, Mum?B: You just had a big _______.


10.The last time I _______ her, she _______ at a medical college.

A.was visiting; studied
B.visited; studies
C.visited; was studying
D.was visiting; was studying

11.The numerical evaluation of an intelligence test _________ by a small subsection of that society which _______ to foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matter.

A.has been determined; has been managed
B.is determined; is managed
C.has determined; is managed
D.is determined; has managed

12.She _______ it, because she was not on the spot then.

A.shouldn’t have done
B.wouldn’t have done
C.mustn’t have done
D.couldn’t have done

13.Why not _______ to her?

D.did propose

14.There exists negligence in the use of land. _______, it may not be ruined.

A.When giving proper care
B.Unless giving proper care
C.Given proper care
D.Been given proper care

15.This school has offered _______ you want.

A.math books as many as
B.as many math books as
C.as many as math books
D.many as math books

16.In 1980 he caught a serious illness _______ effect he still suffers.

B.from whose
D.from which

17.Both players, _______ reached the final, played well.

A.neither of whom
C.both of them not
D.neither of them

18._______, I don’t like his work at all.

A.As I admire him very much
B.Admire him much as I do
C.Very much as I admire him
D.Much as I admire him

19.The old _______ usually self-conceited as age sometimes does tell.

B.will be
C.are to be

20.It is sad experience to see all the high school kids _______ there like fools.

A.to stand
C.having stood


(本大題共8小題,每小題2分,共16分)Fill in the blanks with one of the items given.

11.was completed, is completed, is equipped, was equippedThe hotel, which ________ only last year, ________with a solarium and sauna.

12.be, is was, are, were, will be, shall beA. Twenty years ________ very long but not long enough to change a Roman nose into a pug.B. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth ________ sea.

13.that, which, it, where, who, whomThe air then passes to a compressor, ________ it is compressed, and from ________it is delivered to the combustion chambers.

14.be, is, was, are, were, will be, shall be, has, have, hadA. He demanded that the dinner ________ paid in US dollars.B. He hopes his dream ________ realized after his graduation from college.

15.an, the, these, is, areThe Japanese ________ ________industrious people.

16.has, have, itself, themselves, themThe committee ________ been arguing among ________all morning.

17.no, not a, neither, nor, noneA. They proposed several solutions, but ________ seemed to be very satisfactory.B. “Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?”“I’m afraid ________ day is possible.”

18.police, acoustics, nucleus, pajamas, measles, cattleA. Singular only: ________B. Plural only: ________


(本大題共20小題,每空1分,共20分)請?jiān)诿啃☆}的空格中填上正確答案。錯(cuò)填、不填均無分。 Fill in the blanks with an item as required.

21.A. Fill in the blank with an assertive, non-assertive or negative word:If you’re ________ in Shanghai, do give me a ring.

22.Surely ________ knows where the documents are.

23.B. Fill in the blank with a proper form of the word or phrase in the bracket.Since I broke my leg, I ________ (depend) on my niece to see to the daily housework.

24.She ________ (entitle to) a compensation for her damaged car.

25.I guarantee ________ (offer) free repair service within the first three years of your purchase.

26.I suppose there’s not much point ________(argue) any further.

27.The more you eat chocolate, ________ (fat) you become.

28.How long have you been working in your present position?I ________ (work)there for two years by the coming March.

29.Our only request is that this ________ (settle)as soon as possible.

210.I’d rather you ________ (not poke) your nose into her affair. Leave her alone.

211.C. Fill in the blank with a determiner:John and I have ________ same hobby.

212.Lying by the side of the road we saw ________ wheels of a car.

213.D. Fill in the blank with the given adjectives in correct order:Copenhagen has a ________ restaurant life with more than 2000 restaurants. (international, bustling)

214.E. Fill in the blank with a proper preposition:The duke gave the teapot ________ my aunt.

215.His sister has a good ear ________ music.

216.F. Fill in the blank with a proper link verb:What I think, say and do ________ none of your business.

217.G. Fill in the blank with a helping verb:All ________ satisfied with the hotel accommodations.

218.H. Fill in the blank with a relative pronoun:They talked a long time about their university days, after ________ they had a good meal.

219.I. Fill in the blank with a pronoun:________tries to steal our company cars all the time.

220.Please bring as ________ food as you can. The more, the better.


(本大題共8小題,每小題1分,共8分)Correct one error in each of the following sentences.

31.Her husband, that offered us much help when we were in difficulty, is a kind gentleman.

32.Help must be given when is necessary.

33.A friend of me wanted to see you yesterday.

34.We spent the all day sunbathing.

35.We had a nice time at John and Susan last night.

36.I spoke to either the director and his secretary.

37.He has not paid his debts yet and, however, he has no intention of paying.

38.The past progressive is chiefly used for past actions which continued for some time but which exact limits are not known.


(本大題共13小題,每小題2分,共26分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.

41.A. Turning the following imperative into the tag question form:Put down all your things on the table.

42.B. Using passive voice:The sad story needn’t have caused him so much distress.

43.C. Using modal auxiliary:I was sure that nobody had noticed his absence.

44.D. Using nonfinite verb form:I can’t imagine that he would ever agree to such a proposition.

45.E. Writing a counter-factual conditional based on the given fact:He is rather fat. He doesn’t take any exercise.

46.F. Using inversion:The plane roared over and the bombs came down, which killed almost all the people in the village.

47.G. Using a cleft sentence to highlight the place adjunct:Jack hit Tom at the party.

48.H. Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate:Keep the big apples in the basket and eat the small apples first.

49.Although I do not have the guts to swim in the ocean this time. I promise I will swim in the ocean next time.

410.A: Tiss went to India this winter.B: Yes, I know that he went to India this winter.

411.I. Combining sentences:On his way home Jack came across a boy. The boy was very bright and honest.

412.Mr. Bush had an immense fortune. In spite of that he was a most unhappy man.

413.You sent me a Christmas card. Thank you so much.


(本大題共3小題,每小題2分,共6分)Define the following terms with examples.

51.putative should

52.dangling participle



(本大題共2小題,每小題2分,共4分)Answer the following questions.

61.What is“complete inversion”?

62.List two situations in which the simple present is used to refer to the past.




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