違法信息舉報(bào) 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:彭雅倩 2019-06-22





(本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets.

1.This encyclopedia, which you can buy at any bookstore, will give you ______ you need.

A.all the information
B.all of information
C.all the informations
D.all of the informations

2.The child ought to have a rest; she ______ the piano for nearly three hours.

A.had practiced
B.is practicing
C.has been practicing

3.Great efforts to increase agricultural production must be made in this country if food shortage ______.

A.is to be avoided
B.can be avoided
C.will be avoided
D.has been avoided

4.My son’s hair is too long; it wants ______. I’ll have it ______ tomorrow.

A.cutting… done
B.cutting… to be done
C.being cut… done
D.to be cut… to be done

5.All the tourists desire that the guide ______ them timely information about the changes in the schedule.

D.can give

6.You ______ all the calculations of the students’ scores. We have the computer software to do that job.

A.needn’t have done
B.mustn’t have done
C.shouldn’t have done
D.couldn’t have done

7.John is supposed ______ his term paper last week, but he hasn’t finished it yet.

A.to hand in
B.to be handing in
C.to have handed in
D.to have been handed in

8.You can see this type of ATM ______ in almost every commercial bank.

D.to be used

9.I like playing video games ______ to the music.

A.more than to listen
B.more than listening
C.than listening
D.rather than to listen

10.You can’t be ______ cautious in making the decision as it concerns your son’s future.


11.China has a larger population than ______ in the world.

A.any country
B.any countries
C.any other country
D.all other country

12.All the candidates passed the written test ______ the exception of John.


13.According to a study on children’s behavior, the time ______ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people will affect their relationship with real-life people later in their lives.

C.in which
D.on which

14.At such a critical moment, our company needs a general manager ______ everyone has confidence.

A.of whom
B.about whom
C.in whom
D.for whom

15.The donor hoped that the little ______ he had done would help the people in the flooded area.


16.It has been found that how close parents are to their children ______ a rather strong influence on the development of the children’s character.


17.The audience ______ requested to remain seated during the intermission.


18.During extremely hot weather, elephants require both mud and water to keep their skin cool ______ they have no sweat glands.

C.because of
D.due to the fact that

19.His score of the final English exam is higher than ______ in his class.

A.anyone’s else
B.anyone else
C.anyone’s else’s
D.anyone else’s

20.He has been staying at home ______ days.

A.these all last few
B.these last few all
C.all these last few
D.these last all few


(本大題共8小題,每小題2分,共16分)Fill in the blanks with one of the items given.

11.feel have, go, will be, are, wasThe black middle class ________________ culturally excluded while the poor _______________ totally alienated.

12.a, the, some, all, each, suchA knife is no good. You need ________________ screwdriver to do ________________ job properly.

13.took, was taken, had taken, operated, been operated, operatingHe ________________ to hospital last night and he’s already________________ on.

14.was, were, be, shall be, will be, has been________________ it necessary that my uncle ________________ informed?

15.both, whether, neither, or, nor, but________________ by accident ________________ by design, he arrived too late for the appointment.

16.which I bought, what I bought, I bought, which, what, whoThis is the only book ________________ ________________ challenges this common belief.

17.which, what, that, is, are, was________________ I need for the spring cleaning ________________ a pair of rubber gloves, some detergent and several plastic bags to hold the garbage.

18.a, one, some, any, other, anotherThe New York Times is neither ________________ thing nor the ________________. It’s not really a city newspaper and it’s not really a national newspaper either.


(本大題共20小題,每空1分,共20分)請(qǐng)?jiān)诿啃☆}的空格中填上正確答案。錯(cuò)填、不填均無(wú)分。 Fill in the blanks with an item as required.

21.She has coffee with sugar, __________(she)?

22.__________ (not let’s) go out until after the rain.

23.Your politics __________ (seem) to be at variance with mine.

24.All __________ (England) was excited at the victory in the battle fields.

25.I’ll go in Frank’s car and you can go in __________ (Alan).

26.We __________ (finish) the job by the time you come back.

27.What are you talking about? You __________ (disturb) the class.

28.They __________ (negotiate) for three hours now and neither party seems to be willing to compromise.

29.You want to spend so much money on it? If I were you, I __________ (not do) that.

210.You __________ (not carry) the parcel home. The shop would have delivered it if you had asked.

211.I don’t know __________ (ask) the question or not.

212.He appeared well __________ (prepare) for the TV debate.

213.The more friends you have, __________ (little time) you’ll have to see them.

214.__________ (long) I can stay is three hours.

215.A good teacher must be neither too strict nor too weak; his manner must __________ (lie) these two.

216.Time lost through illness __________ (amount) 50 working days last year.

217.The picking of the fruit, __________ (which) work they receive no money, takes about a week.

218.Ten percent of the teachers __________ (not have) the necessary certificate.

219.—Have you met our German neighbours?—Are they __________ (one) who moved here recently?

220.—Is he the fight person for the job?—I __________ (not believe).


(本大題共12小題,每小題1分,共12分)Correct one error in each of the following sentences.

31.Linguistics is a scientific study of the language.

32.I’m sorry I don’t know when he comes. I’ll tell you about it as soon as he comes.

33.Can the ship get seen on the horizon?

34.May there be life on Mars?

35.Having missed the final examination, the teacher gave me a failing grade.

36.Take it easy. You know the effect of the drug will wear off four hours later.

37.It is a fact that I almost drowned makes me very careful about water safety whenever I go.

38.When a pearl is cut in half and examined under a microscope, but its layers can be seen.

39.He denied seeing the murder suspect, that turned out to be true.

310.Late the son has been staying out lately.

311.No sooner he had asked the question than the answer came to him.

312.— Maggie had a wonderful time at the party.— So had she and so did I.


(本大題共1 2小題,每小題2分,共24分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.

41.Using an intensifier:No one on the committee supported my plan.

42.Using a question tag:Everybody knows what he has to do.

43.Using a proper modal auxiliary:It is possible that the chair will accept your proposal if you put it in the right way.

44.Using a non-finite form:She stood up so that she could be seen better.

45.Using a relative clause:My boss is an incredibly boring person. His predecessor was not a boring person at all.

46.Using a disjunct:It is natural that she will take after her mother.

47.Using an adjunct:He ran away. He is afraid to be seen.

48.Using a relative clause:This is the only one of the many houses here. This was destroyed by the earthquake.

49.Using passive voice:I don’t mind you criticizing me.

410.Using extraposition:You will feel listening to him talk boring.

411.Using discontinuity:He is the only student who applies for financial aid in this school.

412.Using an appropriate cohesive device:I learned to speak English early in life. I had to learn English early in life.


(本大題共2小題,每小題4分,共8分)Answer the following questions.

51.If tense is related to time, what is aspect related to?

52.Explain the three principles of concord with examples.




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