違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2021-03-29





1. No sooner had they got off the train ______ it started moving.

A. when B. than C. then D. after

2. Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village ______ he belonged.

A. to which B. which C. to where D. at which

3. It is because she is very devoted to her students _______ she is respected by them.

A. that B. which C. what D. who

4. _______ I saw was two men crossing the street.

A. What B. Whom C. Who D. That

5. A curve is a line ______ no part is straight and which has no angle.

A. that B. whose C. in which D. of which

6. _______ I’m mistaken, I’ve sent that man before.

A. Unless B. If C. Because D. Provided

7. I will never forget the ten years _______ we both spent in the little village.

A. when B. during which C. which D. in which

8. The experiment, ______ will soon be announced, was done by my colleagues.

A. whose results B. the results on which C. at which the results D. of whose results

9. I wrote it down _____ I should forget it.

A. in case B. in case of C. in order that D. for fear that

10. He has lived here for years, ______ nobody knows what he is.

A. and but B. though C. and yet D. for all that



Ideally then, a school system should be one in which the love of learning, rather than the acquisition of facts , is cultivated.

Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby , would be on an island 885 miles away.

Yet this other life has its interests, its enjoyments, its satisfaction, and , at certain rare intervals, a peaceful glow or a sudden excitement.


要點:one 后面有一個in which 引導(dǎo)得定語從句,其中rather than the acquisition of facts是插入語,可以看成是主語the love of learning的并列成分


要點:虛擬條件句“if anything ……885 miles away.”是thinking的賓語從句,作thinking的賓語。在這個虛擬條件句的主句中,主語和謂語之間插入了一個條件狀語從句“unless there was a ship nearby”,使得主謂分離。


要點:句中 interests, enjoyments, satisfaction, glow和excitement共五哥并列成分,皆作賓語。 At certain rare intervals為插入語,意為“間或,偶爾”。



