違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2021-03-17




Historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in America. It’s the one 61 the teacher standing in the schoolroom door 62 goodbye to students for the summer and calling 63 them, “By the way, we won World War II.”

The problem with the joke, of course, is that it’s 64 funny. The recent surveys on 65 illiteracy (無知) are beginning to numb (令人震驚): nearly one third of American 17yearolds cannot even 66 which countries the United States 67 against in that war. One third have no 68 when the Declaration of Independence was 69. One third thought Columbus reached the New World after 1750. Two thirds cannot correctly 70 the Civil War between 1850 and 1900. 71 when they get the answers right, some are 72 guessing.

Unlike math or science, ignorance of history cannot be 73 connected to loss of international 74. But it does affect our future 75 a democratic nation and as individuals.

The 76 news is that there is growing agreement 77 what is wrong with the 78 of history and what needs to be 79 to fix it. The steps are tentative (嘗試性) 80 yet to be felt in most classrooms.

61.A.aboutB. inC. forD. by

62.A.shakingB. wavingC. noddingD. speaking

63.A.inB. afterC. forD. up

64.A.rarelyB. soC. tooD. not

65.A.historicalB. educationalC. culturalD. political

66.A.distinguishB. acknowledgeC. identifyD. convey

67.A.defeatedB. attackedC. foughtD. struck

68.A.sense B. doubtC. reasonD. idea

69.A.printed B. signedC. markedD. edited

70.A.place B. judgeC. getD. lock

71.A.Even B. ThoughC. ThusD. So

72.A.hardly B. justC. stillD. ever

73.A.exclusively B. practicallyC. shortlyD. directly

74.A.competitiveness B. comprehension

C. communityD. commitment

75.A.of B. forC. withD. as

76.A.fine B. niceC. surprisingD. good

77.A.toB. withC. onD. of

78.A. consulting B. coachingC. teachingD. instructing

79.A. done B. dealtC. metD. reached

80.A. therefore B. orC. andD. as



71.A72.B73.D74.C75. D76.D77.C78.C79.A80.B.


61.A it指代的是歷史學家們所說的笑話,接下來的便是笑話的內(nèi)容。引出內(nèi)容的介詞是about,故選A。

62.B 此題考查詞匯和上下文理解:老師站在校門口對學生揮別,所以,此處選waving(揮手),而不能選shaking(握手)或nodding(點頭),speaking后面一般不接賓語。

63.B 此題考查詞組。四個選項分別和call組成四個詞組:call in(來訪),call after(追喊), call for(號召、提倡),call up(提出、召喚)。

64.D 從下文看出,現(xiàn)在的美國年輕人對于本國的歷史十分無知。由此推斷,這個笑話是一點兒也不好笑的。因此,選D。

65.A 文章以歷史學家講的一個笑話開頭,這里的調(diào)查則應該是針對歷史的無知程度展開的。故選A historical。

66.C 此題與67題一起分析。首先來看67題,這個空缺在定語從句which countries the United Statesagainst in that war中充當謂語,四個選項中,不難得出,fought against這個固定搭配表示“與……戰(zhàn)斗”是正確答案。再回到66題,此題考查的是考生的詞匯:distinguish(區(qū)分、辨認),acknowledge(承認),“identify”(確認、認出),convey(傳達),根據(jù)意思,這里應選擇C identify。

67.C 參照66題。

68.D 此題考查固定搭配have no idea about(對……一無所知),其中的about省略。

69.B the Declaration of Independence指的是“獨立宣言”。原文意為:“三分之一的人對于《獨立宣言》是何時簽署的一無所知。”因此,答案為signed(簽署)。

70.B 此題考查對原文理解:“三分之二的人不能正確評價內(nèi)戰(zhàn)”。選項中,只有judge具有“評價”的意思。

71.A 從此句后半部分可以推出,就算選對了答案,有些人也是猜的。四個選項中最符合邏輯的是A答案Even(甚至),表示遞進關(guān)系。

72.B just表示“僅僅、只是”,表達的是被調(diào)查者猜題時的不重視心態(tài)。

73.D 此題考查上下文理解,原文意思是“忽視歷史不像忽視數(shù)學或科學那樣與國際的損失相關(guān)?!敝匀菀缀鲆暁v史,是因為歷史的重要性并不如數(shù)學或科學那么明顯,它的作用是間接的。四個選項:exclusively(專門地),practically(實際上地),shortly(短暫地),directly(直接地),其中,directly符合題意。

74.C international community(國際社區(qū))是近年來廣泛提倡的概念。

75.D 本句后半部分出現(xiàn)了as,與之并列,這里也選D。

76.D 由后文“達成一致”可得知,這里的消息應是“好消息”,用good news表示。故選D答案。

77.C 此題考查介詞用法?!霸凇线_成一致”,介詞用on。

78.C 文中提到關(guān)于歷史知識的調(diào)查是在青少年中進行的,由此可知,他們對歷史幾乎處于無知狀態(tài)的原因是與歷史教學分不開的。到底歷史教學出了什么問題呢?這里選teaching。

79.A 表示“應該做些什么”用what needs to be done。因此選A。

80.B 原文意思是:“雖然這些措施是嘗試性的,但還是要在大多數(shù)課堂上實施?!北硎尽斑€是”只有選項B or。


