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自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2020-11-23





Complete the following sentences with the most likely answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (1 point each, 15 points in al)

1. The bank is reported in the local newspaper               in broad daylight yesterday.

A. being robbed

B. having been robbed

C. to have been robbed

D. robbed

2. The research suggests that when a person               under stress he should find a way to relax himself.

A. was

B. were

C. be


3. As soon as World War II ended, Einstein urged that atomic energy               to peaceful

A. was put

B. be put

C. would be put

D. were to be put

4..               you are not watching, would you mind if I switched the television off?

A.As far as

B. Only if

C. Even though

D. As long as

5. It was not until the results were announced               she realized she had made a silly mistake.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. who

6_______ I read her ltter did I know what had happened to the girl.

A. Long before

B. Just when

C. Only after

D. Soon after

7. The windows were never opened               to air the room for a few minutes in the morning.

A. except

B. but

C. as

D. unless

8. She was too young to understand               her family were so sad and would not take any notice of her.

A. when

B. what

C. whether

D. why

9. He has               remarkable courage in his efforts to reform the company.

A. explained

B. exposed

C. disclosed

D. displayed

10. As for the party tomorrow, I need a pair of blue shoes to               my new blue dress.

A. go over

B. go through

C. go with

D. go after .

11. The artists initiated a fund-raising               for the disabled with an exhibition of moderm art.

A. occasion

B. action

C. drive

D. performance

12. The variety of plans submitted for the new gallery               the range of current


A. indicates

B. expresses

C. describes 

D. narrates

13. Astronauts are               all kinds of tests before they are sent to a spacecraft.

A. subjected to

B. related to

C. opposed to

D. devoted to

14. I must go now or I wouldnt catch the bus.               if you want that book I'll bring it

next time I come.

A. Incidentally

B. Accidentally

C. Suddenly

D. Instantly

15. She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is               English.

A. normally

B. typically

C. reasonably

D. especially


Fill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (1 point each, 15 points in Your job offer will not be canceled during a salary negotiation as long as you remain realistic, polite and respectful.

You may not feel very powerful before you've_ 16 a job offer to accept a position. After all, you aren't even working at the company yet. But the_ 17 is that you have the greatest negotiating power during that short period of time between being offered a job and formally agreeing to 8 it.

Think about it: The hiring manager has already let you know she wants to 19 you.

The team have invested time and resources in the interview process and they're_ 20_ to seal the deal and put you to work. This is the_ 21 time to talk about salary.

Gulp. This is the hard_ 22 。 Actually, dealing with salary negotiation makes many people so uncomfortable that they_ 23 accepting the first number offered without countering. This is a mistake,_ 24 employers generally expect some negotiation in the hiring process and have 25__ that into their offer by itally pitching a number that is 26 than they can ultimately go.

So how do you go about negotiating a salary that_ 27 what you're worth? The first step is to arm yourself with some market data on average salaries for your position,_ 28 that certain parts of the country pay more than others.

Next, consider your own level of experience and 29 abilities that you bring to the negotiating table- it's possible that as a_ 30 valued candidate, you can get even more than the market average.

Finally, build in a small cushion of cash that goes slightly above the actual number you want, so that if they offer less than you ask for, you'll still be happy with the results.

16. A. found

B. rejected

C. signed

D. requested

17. A. fact

B. question

C. idea

D. belief

18. A. select

B. decline

C. approve

D. take

19. A. employ

B. test

C. persuade

D. follow

20. A. reluctant

B. eager

C. disappointed

D. satisfied

21. A. necessary

B. urgent

C. perfect

D. tough

22. A. chapter

B. section

C. part 

D. episode

23. A. end up

B. keep on

C. give up

D. rely on

24. A. if

B. since

C. although

D. unless

25. A. built

B. shaped

C. converted

D. transformed

26. A. bigger

B. higher

C. fewer

D. lower

27. A. presents

B. marks

C. reflects .

D. confirms

28. A. making sure

B. learning by heart

C. putting aside

D. keeping in mind

29. A. natural

B. unique

C. normal

D. basic

30. A. properly

B. highly

C. rarely

D. frequently


Choose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentences or the italicized part. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (1 point each, 10 points in alI)

31. While travelling for various speaking engagements, I frequently stay overnight in the home of a family and am assigned to one of the children's bedrooms.

A. When I am invited to make speeches in different placs..

B. When I have to travel to host wedding ceremonis...

C. When I go to different places to attend meting...

D. When I am speaking for tourism industry..

32. His mind had already cracked with thirst.

A. He had a strong desire to control his mind.

B. He had a terrible headache besides being thirsty.

C. He was so thirsty that he kept knocking at his head.

D. He was so thirsty that he was almost out of his senses.

33. I had to hold out this one more day, and the whole nightmare for me would be over, though it would go on and on for millions of others.

A. I had to stay up all night, for tomorrow I had something important to do...

B. I should not give myself in, for so many people supported me for another day..

C. I should spend the whole day working on this, or 1 would have a trrible dream....

D. I had to stand firm, and the next day all terrible experiences would come to an end...

34. But the genuine satisfaction I had from that one dollar and twenty cents outweighs any subsequent pleasure in money making.

A. That small sum of money seems to be nothing compared with the money I made in later years.

B. The real satisfaction lies in making more money in later years with that small investment.

C. The small sum of money I earned gives me the confidence in making more money. .

D. The greatest pleasure in my business life comes from that small sum of money.

35. He was thoughtful all through breakastime.

A. He was deep in thought all the time he was having breakfast.

B. He was very considerate of others while having breakfast.

C. He hit upon a wonderful idea while having breakfast.

D. He considered all the possible things at breakfast.

36. Strangely, some people are suspicious of gracious treatment.

A. I wonder why some people doubt others' politeness.

B. It's strange that some suspected people are treated courteously.

C. I wonder why some people are indifferent to others' politeness.

D. It's strange that some people are afraid of showing kindness to others.

37. The grouping of these explosives is one of the most highly clasified aspects of the atomic bomb.

A. The quality of the explosives matters a lot in classifying atomic bombs.

B. These explosives play the most important role in making the atomic bomb.

C. How to arrange these explosives is the top secret in making the atomic bomb.

D. What characteristics of these explosives are used in making the atomic bomb is still unknown.

38. I long to aleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too sufer.

A. I feel bitter as I cannot get rid of all the evil things the human race suffers.

B. I feel upset because it takes me a long time to be freed from the sufferings.

C. I feel sad that human beings cannot release themselves from the sufferings.

D. I feel helpless in the face of the evil things even though they are not powerful.

39. His wide gray eyes rested upon the lttle fiddler and conferred upon him all the importance of which any individual is capable.

A. ..onveyed his expectation that the fiddler would show him the greatest respect.

B. .conveyed his feeling that the fiddler was the most influential person he knew.

C. ..gave the fiddler all his attention and admiration.

D. ..gave the fiddler all his sorrow and sympathy.

40. It is rather the most disturbing element in civilization, the most profoundly revolutionary thing which has ever been let loose in the world.

A. ..the revolution that human race is not ready to welcome.

B. ..th greatest challnge that mankind has ever had to meet.

C. ..e unexpected thing that takes some time for people to accept.

D. .the new inventions that people in the modem world are facing.


Read the two passages and choose the most likely answer to each of the questions. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (2 points each, 20 points in all)

Passage 1

Throughout history artists have illed many different roles, but their value and importance to society have stayed basically the same. To begin with, artists fulfll a practical function, designing virtually every structure and object in the environment. Today this practical role is carried out by artists with specialized, often technical training一industrial and graphic designers, architects, craft artists, and fashion designers, among others. But what about the painters and sculptors, the photographers and cinematographers (電影攝影師)? What needs do they meet in our computer age? We can identify at least four basic functions for the artist- all of them age-old, all expanding in complexity.

First, artists record. They give us visual images that can be preserved for historical reference. This idea is so obvious that we take it for granted, forgetting how overwhelming our ignorance otherwise would be. Were it not for artists, we would have no idea what people from the past looked like. Nor could we form any visual image of historical places and events. Before the invention of the camera in the early 19th century, artists recorded images mainly through painting, drawing, and sculpture. Today we rely more heavily on photography, cinema, and television to keep our history, but of course the people behind these media are also artists. Even with the prevalence of mechanical recording, there remains interest in the painted impression, the artist's distinctive filtering of visual appearances.

The second thing artists do is to give tangible form to the unknown. In other words, they attempt to record what cannot be seen with the eyes or what has not yet occurred. This role has been important throughout the history of art, and it is no less vital today. Ancient artists had a somewhat different list of unknowns to contend with. They puzzled over and feared such things as tormadoes, floods, eclipses, and the wrath of spirits. Even in an age when satellites predict the weather and spirits have been tamed, there still are certain unknowns, and artists still are struggling to give them tangible form. What would a nuclear holocaust be like? We do not know and dare not find out. What exists at the edge of our universe? Scientists will know eventually, but not soon. What do our dreams and nightmares really mean? None of us can analyze them definitely. These unknowns are frightening to us, just as the Thunder God must have been to our ancestors.

Third, artists give tangible form to feelings. These may be the artist's own feelings that are expressed in paint or marble or whatever the medium. But surely they are feelings shared by many people- Hlove, hate, despair, fear, exhilaration, anger. When we pay attention to the emotions a work of art evokes, we are communicating with the artist and with others who have such feelings.

Fourth, artists offer an innovative way of seeing, a unique visual“take" on the world. At a glance Rene Magritte's The Blank Cheque seems a straightforward picture of a woman riding a horse through the forest. A closer look reveals the sort of bizarre visual disruption in which Magrite delighted. Parts of the figures are hidden by trees, but other parts are hidden by the space between trees! The horse's left rear leg comes and goes, defying all natural laws. This is truly an innovative way of seeing forms in space.

To sum up, then, artists perform at least four important functions: they record, they visualize the unknown, they portray feelings, and they stretch one's ability to see. All these functions have to do with communication. Artists are about to fill these roles because they create new visual images.

41. Which of the fllowing is true about artists' functions in computer age?

A. They have been degraded.

B. They have been exaggerated.

C. The basic functions remain the same.

D. The communicative function has disappeared.

42. What can be learned from Paragraph 2?

A. Artists can't do much in recording modern history.

B. Mechanical recordings are more reliable for historical images.

C. We have no idea about the visual images of the places in the past.

D. Paintings are an important channel through which we learn about the past.

43. What does the writer think of the function of giving tangible form to the unknown?

A. It has been vital throughout history.

B. It no longer exists in modern art.

C. It is getting more important nowadays.

D. It is not as important as it used to be.

44. In what way do artists offer a unique visual“take" on the world?

A. They enable people to see things vividly in space.

B. They may disobey the natural laws in their works.

C. They visualize things that are strange and supermatural.

D. They can present what they see more straightforwardly.

45. Which of the following might be the title of this passage?

A. The Visual Images in Art

B. The Tangible Form of Art

C. The Evolution of Artists

D. The Roles of Artists

Teens and young adults often turn up the volume on their iPods or smartphones or stand near the speakers at concerts or nightclubs, all in the name of having a good time. Even if they realize this could be damaging to their hearing, what neither they nor their parents know is that this kind of behavior could be altering their brain function for life. A study in a 2018 issue of the journal eNeuro found that young adults with subtle hearing loss-- a deficit that's so slight that they' re not even aware of it (they reported they had normal hearing)--are placing demands on their brains that don't normally occur until later in life.

In the study, researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging scans (磁共振成像掃描) to monitor brain actity, while healthy men and women listened to various sentences that varied in their complexity and the demands required to process and understand them. Before performing the scans, the researchers tested the participants' hearing ability and found that some of them had subtle hearing deficits, but were still clnically in the normal range. What the researchers found is that listeners with poorer hearing had activity in the right hemisphere of the brain, which was surprising because usually the left hemisphere of the brain is completely responsible for regulating and managing speech and language comprehension. And the altered brain function was still the same no matter how simple or complex the sentence structure was.

The good news is that the brain is an amazingly plastic organ, meaning it has the ability to change and adapt throughout life, explains Yune Lee, an assistant professor of chronic brain injury at Ohio State University. As people age, they begin to use more of their right frontal brain to process language, but“we don't usually see that in younger people," Lee explains. “That is worrisome because they start using up these resources too early in life. It's like withdrawing money from a retirement account too early; these resources need to be kept for later in life."

The findings are especially significant, says Sarah Sydlowski, audiology director of a Hearing Implant Program, because“hearing involves hearing sound but also processing it and extracting meaning in the brain. Exposure to loud sound can cause clinical damage to 'synaptic ribbons'- the conections between the sensory cells in the inner ear and the hearing nerve. People with this damage suffer from 'hidden hearing loss' because often they will appear to have normal hearing on a standard hearing test, yet they may complain that they have difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments."

The long-term concern is that a growing amount of evidence has shown a significant link between hearing loss and dementia. In fact, a review of studies in the June 2018 issue of Maturitas found that hearing damage at midlife is associated with a 50 percent higher risk of developing dementia later in life. The theory is“If you put all your energy into hearing, you drain cognitive resources that could be used for other things such as memory and atention," Lee says.

If you suspect that you're struggling to hear clearly or process what you hear comfortably or accurately, get your hearing checked, including your ability to hear and understand speech against background noise, Sydlowski advises. The researchers don't recommend routine hearing checks for adults, but the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association calls for adults to be checked for hearing loss every decade through age 50, then every three years after that. The sooner you detect a hearing problem, the better; that way, you can take steps to handle it, whether that means modifying your environment to minimize ditractions, adding protection for your hearing, doing auditory training (listening exercises) or considering a hearing device, Sydlowski says.

46. What is the consequence of being exposed to loud noises according to Paragraph 1?

A. Serious hearing loss occurs.

B. The brain function will change.

C. The hearing preference will change.

D. The brain becomes obviously abnormal.

47. Which of the following is the finding of the researchers in Paragraph 3?

A. When one hemisphere is damaged, the other one will be responsible for language comprehension.

B. The change in brain function may be influenced by the complexity of sentences.

C. People with poor hearing are likely to use the right hemisphere of the brain.

D. People with good hearing will draw on both right and left hemispheres.

48. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word“dementia in Paragraph 6?

A. Nervous disorder.

B. Loss of cognition.

C. Physical disability.

D. Symptom of deression.

49. What should you do to protect your hearing according to the last paragraph?

A. To develop your ability to adjust to noisy environment.

B. To keep in touch with well known hearing associations.

C. To detect hearing problems as early as posible.

D. To have your hearing checked frequently.

50. Which of the following might be the title of this passage?

A. Hearing Loss and Brain Damage

B. Hearing Ability and Brain Activity

C. Hearing Checks and Brain Function

D. Hearing Problems and Brain Protection


Complete each of the following sentences with a (compound) word derived from the one(s) given in brackets. Write your word on the ANSWER SHEET. (1 point each, 10 points in all)

51. Jane could never have made such an achievement without the          of her family.(encourage)

52. Passengers are reminded to take all their          belongings with them when they leave the plane. (person)

53. The company says it cannot cut prices any more because it has a(n)          to its shareholders. (responsible)

54.          a hotel, a medical center rarely pays attention to how the place looks to guests.(like)

55. The small business she opened two years ago turns out to be very          now.(profit)

56. She had many troubles in her life, but she always looked          at the world.(cheerful).

57. The man is very optimistic and always adopts a positive          on life. (look, out)

58. The small boy's ability to absorb information was          but his concentration span was short. (astonish)

59. Stock prices show both a company's current earnings and its expected          in earnings. (grow)

60. Would you like to          your tea with some honey? (sweet)


Translate the following sentences into English and write your sentences on the

ANSWER SHEET. (3 points each, 15 points in all)







Write a composition on the ANSWER SHEET in about 150 words, basing yourself on one of the texts you have learned. (15 points)

TOPIC: What kind of charms of Britain is presented in the text“The Beauty of Britain”by J. B. Priestley? Use the following outline as a guide.

●Its geographical variety

●Its surprising landscape

●The balance between Nature and Man








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