違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責任編輯:訚星楚 2020-08-18








【真題演練(1810 北京卷)】

閱讀下面短文,請完成短文后的 2 項測試任務: ( 1 )題后所給的 6 個選項中為第①~⑤段每段選擇 1 個正確的小標題; (2)從題后所給的 6 個選項中選擇 5 個正確選項,分別完成每個句子,并選擇正確的答案代碼(指 A、B、C、D、E 或 F)。

Why English?

①The English language is used by more people in the world than any other language today. This may seem surprising at first. After all, the population of English native speakers (mainly from United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) is one of the smallest in the world. The total only comes to about 400 million, which is less than one-tenth of the population of the world. If we count all the English-speakers in India, Singapore and some other countries, that adds another 700 million to the total. Add all those people who speak English elsewhere and the total English-speaking population of the world comes to an impressive one and a half billion.

②Why is this? There is one important historical reason: the influence of the British Empire-the Empire that stretched across the globe. Although the Empire no longer exists, the English language is firmly rooted in its former colonies(殖民地)- in African, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Far East, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean and North America.

③Other important reasons for the spread of English language are economic. English is the language of international business and commerce. Also, most scientific and technological developments have been made by English-speaking societies. To keep up with such developments, to talk about them in international conferences, or write and read about them in scientific journals and books, scientists, scholars and students must be able to understand English.

④ There is also a rather less obvious reason. English is the language af a popular culture. All over the globe, millions of young people listen to pop music and watch pop videos.The stars who perform in English are by far the most famous. Hundreds of American and British singers can be heard all over the world. English has become an international language.

⑤ English is well suited to this role. Unlike many other languages, it has a built-in flexibility(靈活性)that allows constant adaptation (改編)and assimilation(同化). In English, vocabulary from other languages is often used, new words and combinations of words can be coined(杜撰) easily, nouns can be turned into verbs and vice versa. Thus, what is correct in English is often, simply, what is accepted as appropriate and understandable by those who speak it, whether they are native or non-native speakers.

6.( )only comes to about 400 million.

7.( )comes to about one and a half billion around the world.

8.( ) are popular among millions of young people around the world.

9.( ) makes new words and combinations of words coined easily.

10.( )is also considered as correct English.


A: English native speakers' English

B: The built-in flexibility of English

C: The total English-speaking population

D: Appropriate and understandable English

E: English pop music and videos

F: The population of English native speakers



6. 定位詞:400 million

根據定位詞定位到第一段第四句,400 million 修飾的詞在這句話之前,指的是 the population of English native speaker,所以選 F。

7. 定位詞:a half billion

根據定位詞定位到第一段最后一句,Add all those people who speak English elsewhere and the total English-speaking population of the world,這兩種人口的總和是 a half billion,所以選 C。

8.定位詞:young people

根據定位詞定位到第四段,“millions of young people listen to pop music and watch pop videos”,所以選 E。

9. 定位詞:make new words

根據定位詞定位到最后一段,英語的內在靈活性使得創(chuàng)造新詞和新詞組合更加容易了,所以選 B。

10. 根據最后一段最后幾句,恰當且能夠被理解的英語就是正確的英語,所以選 D。


