Passage Four
ThosewhoworkintheNetherlandsoftenfeel thatalotoftimeiswastedindiscussions that lead to nothing. There are often meetings with documents, an agenda, and a chairman.All those present will have their say,after which their remarks arediscussed.
He who decides to skip a meeting though he has nothing more urgent to attend to,will find it
unwise.The interacting that takes place during a meeting is very importantfor the general process. He who does not appear is saying that he does not think the subject is sufficiently important,or that he apparently does not take his colleaguesseriously.Furthermore,he might miss some of the essential information that maybecome evident during the meeting.Those who are present show an interest in theproblems of their colleagues. They supply questions, rather than commands, and thusdeclare themselves"co-responsibl e‖. The Dutch,in their final conclusions,like to usesuch metaphors as"We are all in one line" or ―Our noses are pointing in the samedirection again.‖ If you present a decision, you will find that everyone has something to say about itand has questions to ask. This is why the Dutch will not be quick to present somethingastheonly correctsolution.Theadvantagetothisapproach isthat such ameeting willoften lead to genuine suggestions for improvement on certain aspects of a plan. As aresult, the plan will be ajoint approach.
This time-consuming and seemingly useless process helps colleagues become ateam. The amount oftime that is lost around the table is more than what made up forinefficiency,once everyone goes back to work.Statistics show Dutch employees areamong the world leaders when it comes to work productivity.
31.According to Paragraph 1, meetings in Dutch companies seem to ______.
B.waste a lot oftimein fruitless discussion
C.enable employees to know each other better
D. be good occasions for employees to show their talent
32.To Dutch employees, one who is absent from a meeting ______.
B.may have something more urgentto do
C.does not miss much critical information
D.may have nothing to say at the meeting
33.According to Paragraph 3,why can't Dutch employees come to a quick decision?
A.People are constantly in dispute.
B.An idea usually undergoes a full discussion.
C.Suggestions often lead nowhere.
D.People often forget the aims ofmeetings.
34.What does the last paragraph tell us?
A.Many leaders in the world are Dutch.
B.Dutch employees are highly productive.
C.Dutchcompaniesare the most successful in the world.
D.Dutchemployeesworkhardest intheworld.
35.The author's attitude towards the Dutch meeting is quite
A. unclear B.negative C. positive D.neutral
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