Passage Two
A new record for the oldest woman to run a marathon has been set, but it may notstand for more than a year Hariette Thompson, 92, said that she hasn't ruled outrunning the Rock'n' Roll Marathon in San Diego again next year. Hariette finished in7 hours, 24 minutes, 36 seconds, the BBC reports, coming close to the over-90 record of7 hours, 7 minutes, and 42 seconds she set in 2014, despite having a very difficult yearbetween marathons."I couldn't train very well because my husband was very ill and Ihad to be with him for some time, and then when he died in January Ihad sometreatments on my leg," Thompson, who was in her 70s when she ran her first marathon, Tellsthe AP."Iwasjust really thrilled that I could finish today.
At 92 years and 65 days old, Thompson is 46 days older than Gladys Burrill waswhen Burill finished the 2010 Honolulu Marathon.―I can't believeI made it,‖Thompson tells the Charlotte Observer. "I was really tired at one point. Around Mile 2 1,Iwas going upa hill and itwas likeamountain,and Iwas thinking,'This issortofcrazy at my age. Ican't do it'. But thenI felt better coming down the hill. And my sonBrennykeptfeedingmeallthesewonder (碳 水 化 合 物 )thatkeptmegoing.‖Thompson— whoseparents,threebrothers,andhusbandalldied of cancer-tells the Observerthat the San Diego marathon's fundraising for the Leukemia(白血病 ) Society is what inspired her to run and may even bring her back again nextyear.
21.What does Thompson say about the San Diego marathon next year?
C. She is sure to take part in it.
22.When did Thompson set her firs over-90 marathon record?
A.In2010. B.In2012. C.In2014. D.In2016.
23.WhatdidThompsonmainlydo in that difficult year?
A.She took care of her husband. B.She hurt her leg and had to rest.
C.She received some new training. D.She traveled around with her family.
24.During this year's marathon, Thompson ______.
A.ranfasterthanlasttime B.once considered giving up
C.was confident she could make it D.could hardly move in the end
25.What inspired Thompson to run the marathon?
A.Setting her son a good example. B.Settingnewmarathonrecord
C.Raisingmoneyforcancertreatment D.Living up to her own promise.
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