違法信息舉報 客服熱線:400-118-7898


自考 責(zé)任編輯:訚星楚 2019-12-19



1.She disagrees ______ him ______ everything. 【 A 】

A. with, on

B. /, on

C. with, at

D. on, with

【答案解析】:本題運用了disagree with sb on sth這個結(jié)構(gòu)。

2.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. 【 B 】

A. which

B. that

C. whom

D. what

【答案解析】:things和persons是先行詞。當定語從句要修飾的先行詞是既表示人, 又表示物的名詞時, 其關(guān)系代詞要用that.

3.We are interested in the weather because it _______ us so directly—what we wear, what we do and even how we feel. 【 B 】

A. benefits

B. affects

C. guides

D. effects


4.The teacher told us the fact _______. 【 D 】

A. which the earth moves around the sun

B. that the earth moved around the sun

C. that the sun moves around the earth

D. that the earth moves around the sun


5.Perseverance is a kind of quality and that is _______ it takes to do anything well. 【 A 】

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. why

【答案解析】:what在表語從句中作takes的賓語,構(gòu)成“It takes sth. to do sth.”的句型。答案為A.

6._______ that the scientist will give us a talk next month? 【 B 】

A. Is true

B. Is it true

C. It‘s true

D. It’s truly


7.You are the most direct young woman I have ever _______. 【 D 】

A. come to

B. come into

C. come over

D. come across

【答案解析】:此為“come”動詞詞組辨析題。come across(偶然)遇見;A. come to達到;達成:come to a conclusion得出結(jié)論。B. come into進入;繼承;得到: come into power當權(quán);come into a fortune繼承一筆財產(chǎn)。C. come over順便來訪;(感覺,影響)支配,攫住。

8.People who can‘t _______ between colors are said to be color-blind.【 C 】

A. separate

B. divide

C. distinguish

D. appointed


9.It is vital that the work _______ in time. 【 B 】

A. is done

B. be done

C. are done

D. was done


10.If you _______ in behaving in this way you will bring yourself nothing but trouble.【B 】

A. continue

B. persist

C. decide

D. react

【答案解析】:continue一般不與in搭配,常見的是continue to do sth.decide也多與to 搭配。另一方面,從詞義來看,continue意思是“繼續(xù)”,decide意思是“決定”,react意思是“反應(yīng),作出反應(yīng)”,都與句意不相符。只有persist無論是從搭配還是從意思來看都是最佳答案。

11._______ for the free ticket, I would not have gone to see film so often. 【 C】

A. If it is not

B. Were it not

C. Had it not been

D. If they were not

【答案解析】:從本題后半句可以看出這是一個與過去事實相反的虛擬條件句,從句中的動詞要用“had +過去分詞”,如果將if省略,had要位于主語之前,構(gòu)成倒裝句,故本題的答案是C.Had it not been for the free ticket =If it had not been for the free ticket.

12.Nobody but you _______ what he said.【 A】

A. agrees with

B. agrees out

C. agree with

D. agree to

【答案解析】:主語為nobody時,謂語動詞用單數(shù),如果主語被but, as well as, with等短語修飾,謂語仍與主語的數(shù)保持一致。該題易誤選C、D,選D的原因在于詞組記憶不清,用介詞to時之后應(yīng)加具體項目。而選擇C就在于誤把you作為主語對待了。而實際上nobody才是主語。

13.—David has made great progress recently. 【 B】

—_______, and _______.

A. So he has;so you have

B. So he has;so have you

C. So he has;so do you

D. So has he;so you have


14.The engineer ______ my father works is about 50 years old.【 D】

A. to whom

B. on whom

C. with which

D. with whom

【答案解析】:with whom引導(dǎo)定語從句。with whom放在從句中即為:my father works with the engineer.

15._______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. 【 D】

A. There

B. This

C. That

D. It

【答案解析】:為了保持句子的平衡,往往用先行詞it作形式主語或形式賓語,而把真正的主語或賓語放到后面,尤其是that引導(dǎo)的主語從句往往用先行詞it作形式主語。此句也可以改寫為:That English is being accepted as an international language is a fact.

16.Happiness doesn‘t always _______ money. 【C】

A. go through

B. go in for

C. go with

D. go over

【答案解析】:句意:幸福未必總是伴隨金錢而來。go with:伴隨,與……相配

17.We were told that the stone figure _______ back to the 16th century was of great value. 【 B】

A. dated

B. dating

C. coming

D. kept

【答案解析】:本句中含有be+of+n.這個結(jié)構(gòu)。dating back to the 16th century的邏輯主語是stone figure.

18.That is the house _______ you can enjoy the scenery. 【D】

A. in that

B. that

C. which

D. from which

【答案解析】:句意:你從中能欣賞外面風(fēng)景的就是這座房子。在定語從句中判斷用關(guān)系代詞還是用關(guān)系副詞,需要弄明白在從句中需要什么語法成分,也就是說,要看關(guān)系詞在定語從句中擔任什么成分,本題的定語從句中少地點狀語,先行詞又是表地點的名詞,故可選用where.觀察四個選項后,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)并無where一詞,我們可以用“介詞+ which”來代替。注意,本句話所表達的應(yīng)該是:You can enjoy the scenery from the house,故可排除A選項,選D.

19.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _______ with each other. 【 C】

A. they had quarreled

B. they have quarreled

C. have they quarreled

D. had they quarreled

【答案解析】:本題考查的是倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)的用法。第二分句中因有否定副詞never提前,故應(yīng)用倒裝結(jié)構(gòu);第一分句中的have been married已限定了時態(tài),據(jù)此可排除D項。

20.There is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming _______ an excess of it. 【B】

A. other than

B. rather than

C. in place of

D. instead

【答案解析】:rather than 而不是。other than 不同于,除了;in place of 代替;instead 代替。


