11.He stopped his ears with his hands to_____the terrible noise.
A.show off B.cut out
C. keep from D. shut out
[答案] D. shut out.
[注釋]shut out排除。
show off炫耀;cut out刪掉;keepfrom;1) 隱瞞;She kept the truth fromme(她向我隱瞞真相。)2)不沾,避開; He keepsfromalcohol.(他滴酒不沾。)3)使不做某事: She kept herself from laughing.(她沒有笑出來。)
12.My house is the only brick one on the street.It____and you can't miss it.
A. stands up B. looks out
C.sticks out D. wipes out
[答案] C.stick out.
13. After the showthe crowd_____out of the theater.
A. poured B. melted
C.drew D.dismissed
[注釋]pour此處意為:涌出,涌來,如:Peoplepoured out to the rally.(人們踴躍參加群眾大會。)
14.Although it is not our normal_____ to give credit,
this time l think we should considerthe matter more
A.state B.intention
C.occasion D.practice
[注釋]practice(=way of doing sth.That is common or habitual; sth.done regularly)做法,慣例:Itismy
practice always to rise early.To give credit讓賒欠:No credit is given at this shop(這家商店概不賒欠。)
15. It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in_____.
A. news B. print
C.publication D. press
[注釋]in print是習(xí)語,意指“印出來,發(fā)表出來”,如: She finally saw her novel in print(她終于看到他的小版了。)in print的另一個意思是“在印行,還在發(fā)行”
This book is stillin print(這本書還在發(fā)行,可以買到)詞是outofprint,意指“不在印行,買不到了?!比?book you speak of isoutofprint(你說到的那本書已不在發(fā)行了。)
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