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普通專升本 責(zé)任編輯:管理員 2021-12-13



Passage Three

A person with a flat, dull voice which neither rises nor falls sounds like a flat and dull person! But he or she may not be! While we can't deny the fact that a person can give the impression that they are bored, anxious, friendly or angry just by the sound of their voice. 

A French friend of mine once said to me,“Your accent in French is excellent, but you will never sound like a Frenchman until you put all your heart into your voice. It is a pity because you are a lively person and yet you don't sound lively to Frenchman! 

We learn the grammar and vocabulary and even the correct pronunciation of the foreign language but we may forget the important emotional efect of the music of our speech. For British people the intonation of some languages is atractive. That's to say, the rise and fall in the sound of our voice when we speak really matters. It is unfortunate that the intonation of some other countries can communicate the wrong meaning.

British people are sometimes offended because they thimk the other person is unfriendly even though they have spoken a perfect English sentence! And this failure of communication can also happen between British people themselves.

If you want to communicate succssfilly with another person, you may have to think about the music of your own voice. Especially when you meet someone from a different part of your country or from another country, you should be careful! Don't judge them only by their intonation.

59. What does the writer want to show through the example in the second paragraph?

A) To learn a foreign language well, we must learn the sound and pronunciation well

B) Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are not the only important elements in learning a foreign language

C) A person with a flat, dull voice will not give other good impression

D) In learning a forcign language, we must talk to the native speakers frequently

60. The word"music"in the third paragraph means

A) intonation B) rising tone C) sweet voiceD) flling tor

61. British people sometimes feel offended while talking with others because_

A) they can't understand what the other person says

B) the other person says something rude

C) the languages they speak are quite different

D) they misunderstand the other person's words

62. What is the main idea of the passage?

A)To communication with others successfully, we must know music well

B) We can't simply judge a person by his voice, nor can we neglect the intonation

C) Many listeners will not pay attention to the sound of one 's voice

D) It's not easy for people from dfferent countries or parts to communicate

Section B Sentence Understanding and Matching

Directions: Match the Chinese sentences in the left column with the English in the right column and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Part I

63.那里的空氣污染對我的身體傷害很大。A) That man is the very person that you are looking for.

64.那個男子就是你一直在找的人。B) Adjusting to the new life was less difcult than he had expected.

65.他雖然失敗了許多次,但從未放棄過。C) The air pollution there did great harm to my health.

66.適應(yīng)新的生活并沒有他預(yù)期的那么難。D) Though he failed many times, he would never give up.

67.據(jù)說慶典將延期到下周。A)This invention is of great importance to the proressof society.

68.這一發(fā)明對社會進(jìn)步有著重要意義。B) It is said that celebration will be postponed to next week.

69.眾所周知,教育是興國之本。C)Our office has recently converted to a new computer system.

70.最近我們辦公室更換了新的電腦系統(tǒng)。D)It's well- known that education is the foundation of a prosperous country.



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