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普通專升本 責(zé)任編輯:管理員 2021-12-07


1. Vocabulary & Structure (20 points with each of 1 point)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

1. I'd like to have _____information about your university.

A. an

B. some

C. many

D. a few

2. Roy made several kites,but_____of them can fly high in the sky.

A. all .

B. none

C. neither

D. nothing

3. It was cold last winter,but is_____colder this year.

A. even .

B. just

C. farly

D. quite .

4. I met him in the street the other day . We_____each other for many years.

A. don't see

B. didn't see

C. haven't seen

D. hadn't seen .

5. Last week, the teacher , as well as a number of her students,_____to attend the meeting.

A. was asked

B. were asked

C. had asked

D. had been asked

6. As I have nothing to do now ,1_____as well go to the cinema with you.

A. could

B. would

C. should

D. might

7. If I_____you, I would go there .

A. be

B. was

C. were

D. had been

8. Would you mind_____quiet for a moment ?

A. keep

B. kept

C. keeping

D. to keep

9. It was so noisy that the speaker couldn't make himself

A. hear

B. hears

C. hearing

D. heard

10. Tom still remembers_____encouraged him to go on with his English study.

A. who

B. that

C. whom

D. which

11. It was such a strong earthquake______it caused great damage to this area.


B. that

C. since

D. so

12.Never in my life_____about such a strange thing.

A.1 have heard

B. have I heard

C. do I have heard

D. I had heard

13. In this situation, the only thing_____can be done now is to stop polluting our environments.


B. what

C. that .

D. which

14. I think a policeman's responsibility is_____our city a safe place.

A. make

B. making

C. to make

D. try to make

| 5. -- Would you like to go to the amusement park?

---- If Jack does,




D. so will I

16. --- Philip has gone to New Zealand.

---- Oh, could you tell me___ ?

A. When he left

B. When did he leave

C. when he was leaving

D. when he had left

17. Professor Smith had a lttle trouble_____data for his research.

A. collect

B. collected

C. collecting

D. to collect

18. --- We need three single rooms for the first week in June.

.The hotel's not busy then.

A. No problem

B. Never mind

C. It doesn't matter

D. Don't mention it

19. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator,_____it will keep for two or three weeks.

A. when

B. that

C. which

D. where

20. I often_____the words I don't know in the dictionary.


B. look up

C. look for

D. look into

II. Cloze (30 points with each of 2 points)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and

marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.

The first hint of what would become my life's gift to this world came one night. I wrote a_21_ to my mom and dad. I was a young teenager and it was the first time that I had_ 22_written something that wasn't that wasn't a school assignment. That night I just felt_ _23_ to let mom and dad know how much 1 loved them ,being too shy to_ 24_ these things face to face ,though. I wrote them down in a note for my parents to find after I went to bed.Later that night I heard a gentile knocking at my door,_ _25_ , I walked over to it and opened it up. There were mom and dad with a look of such love on their_ 26_. With trembling arms they hugged me awake and_ 27_ me for my note. Seeing the happiness I had given them made my own heart jump for joy. I was amazed that my simple_ _28_ could have touched them so. It was the first time that I could ever_ 29_ seeing my dad cry.That beautiful memory has stayed alive in my soul ever since. I wrote my first story and_30_ _ it to the local country paper and later I_ 31_ to share my stories online with thousands of people all over this world.

Don't be shy about sharing your many gifts with this world. It doesn't matter. 32__ they are.They can be smiles and hugs. And they can be acts of_ _33_. They can even be a_ _34_ notewitten with love. All that_ 35__ is that you share them and that you use them to make this world a lttle peaceful.

21. A. note B. letter C. record D. diary

22. A. even B. still C. also D .ever

23. A. surprised B. Interested C. excited D. puzzled

24. A. keep    B. say     C. promise     D. regret

25.     A. Sleepily     B. Luckily     C. Sadly     D. Suddenly

26.     A. heads     B. hands     C. faces     D. backs

27. A. blamed     B. thanked     C. encouraged     D. helped

28. A. apologies     B. problems     C. gestures     D. words

29. A. enjoy     B. forget     C. remember     D. avoid

30. A. passed     B. sent     C. changed     D. threw

31.A. agreed     B. expected    C. refuse     D. began

32.A. what     B. where     C. when     D. which

33. A. revolution     B. evidence     C. finance     D. kindness

34.A. cheap    B. simple     C. actual     D. humorous

35.A. happens     B. remains     C. matters     D. deserves

II. Reading Comprehension (60points with each of 3 points)

Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer.

Passage 1

"To seek happiness is to look for it" was once said by a famous French author. Look for it?Sure, but don't spend a lifetime trying, especially if it's well within your reach but you're just too blind to see it. Discover the three keys to happiness that you have already understood but you are just too afraid to find it.

1. Accepting Yourself The idea of happiness is dificult to understand if you are not at peace with yourself. Leam to accept yourself as you are. Your next step will be to improve your attitude for tomorrow, for the next day, for the day after that, and so forth.

By beginning to accept reality, you will come to the final point of true happiness. Only when you are at peace with yourself will you finally be able to admit that you are, in fact, a happy person.

2. Forgiving Others

Forgiving others is a true show of humanity which also allows us to feel more at ease. When you learm to forgive, you also learn to keep a firm hold on your life. To forgive is to open the doors of personal satisfaction. You simply open your mind to answer," Do I really want to allow my anger to grow and cat me from inside out?

3. Helping Your Neighbors

When a friend seems to be suffering from a state of depression, it's quite easy to help him or her out of the trouble. The best atude to have in this situation is to make him or her understand that he or she is not alone.

If you come to save a fiend in need, you'll feel a lot more at peace with yourself. You will feel high-spirited by knowing that someone is looking at life on the brighter side thanks to your kind words.

36. What's the writer's purpose in mentioning what- the famous French author said?

A. To please the readers.

B. To encourage the readers.

C. To lead in the topic of the passage.

D. To support the topic of the passage.

37. The writer advises us to

A. change our lifestyle

B. appreciate ourselves

C. make more friends

D. learm from others

38. According to the passage, a happy person is most probably

A. a kid helper

B. a big dreamer 

C. a good learner

D. a rich giver

39. Who most probably feels happy?

A. Mr. Brown, dreaming of having a better paid job

B. Mr. Black, loving his teaching job deep

C. Mr. Rowling, being unwilling to face failure

D. Mr. Lee, refusing his best friend's apology.

40. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Accepting Yourself

B. Forgiving Others

C. Helping Your Neighbors

D. Keys to Happiness.

Passage 2

There can be magic in the touch of a hand that loves you. .

It brings comfort and a silent promise that says, "I am here and you are not alone."When my children were born, I memorized every detail about them: the skin that felt so soft,the lips that looked like a pink flower. and the eyes that looked deep into my soul.And of course, their hands.

As babies, they reached for me whenever they were hungry or tired or just needed to be held.Sometimes, if they woke in the night . just the touch of my hand would ease them back to sleep.They clung to me when they took their first steps and we held hands when crossing streets and .walking from the car to their cassroom on their first day of school.

My hands picked them up when they fell, and clapped louder than anybody else at their sportsgames and plays. Their hands waved at me from the window of a school bus, the stage of anauditorium, and from the bottom of a pool.

As they grew older and more independent ,1 noticed that they didn't hold my hand much anymore. I told myself it was part of growing up, and I should just be glad they could do things ontheir own now. But when you have been needed so much for such a long time, it's hard to stepback and feel unnecessary.

Then one day, I was visiting my oldest son in New York, where he was working as an actoronaTVshow..

As we were about to cross a busy street that was flled with traffic,he grabbed my hand andshouted, "Hang on to me, Mom, "then led me safely across.

At that moment, I realized two things. First, my boy had become a man. Second, it was clearthat our roles had changed. We still needed each other, but in different ways than that scene hasreplayed in various ways with each of my three children.

They have all taught me to lean on them just as they once leaned on me, and that we canalways lean on each other. We live miles apart, but stay in touch every day.

There is magic and comfort and healing in the touch of a hand that loves you, even if it"touches" you from afar.

41.How did the author get along with her children when they were young?

A. She was very strict with them.

B. She overprotected them.

C. She was too busy to take care of them.

D. She developed a close bond with them.

42.How did the author feel when her kids became more independent?

A. She felt lonely for living apart from them.

B. She found it hard not to be needed anymore.

C. She was worried that they couldn't manage themselves.

D. She was pleased to be able to step back and enjoy herself.

43.The author's visit to her son in New York made her realize

A. she needed her son more than before

B. time with children is always fun

C. her kids had become mature and reliable

D. she was unwilling to accept the change in their roles

44.The author wrote this article mainly to

A. show the power of the touch of a hand

B. describe the growth of her children

C. explore how to interact with children

D. present how parents influence their kids

45.Which of the following statements can describe the author?

A. Her children don't need her anymore now.

B. She regretted spoiling her children when they were young.

C. She felt very proud when she first found that her oldest son had grown up.

D. She keeps a good relation with her children even though living apart.

Passage 3

Homestay provides English language students with the opportunity to speak English outside

the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.

What to Expect

The host will provide accommodation and meals. Rooms will be cleaned and bedcovers changed at least once a week. You will be given the house key and the host is there to offer help and advice as well as to take an interest in your physical and mental health.

Accommodation Zones

Homestays are located in London mainly Zone 2.Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential. Zone 3 and 4 often offer larger accommodation in a less crowded area. It is very convenient to travel in London by underground.

Meal Plans Available

Continental Breakfast

Breakfast and Dinner

Breakfast, Packed Lunch and Dinner

It's important to know that few English families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast.Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice, cereal,bread and tea or coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not normally part of a Continental Breakfast in England. Dinners usually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by dessert,fruit and offee.


If you wish to invite a friend over to visit, you must first ask your host's pemission. You have no right to entertain friends in a family home as some families feel it is an invasion of their privacy.

Self-Catering Accommodation in Private Homes

Accommodation on a room-only basis includes shared kitchen and bathroom facilities and often a main living room. This kind of accommodation offers an independent lifestyle and is more suitable for the long- stay students. However, it does not provide the same family. atmosphere as an ordinary homestay and may not benefit those who need to practice English at home quite as much.

46. The passage is probably writen for

A. hosts willing to receive foreign students

B. foreigners hoping to build British culture

C. travelers planning to visit families in London

D. English learners applying for living in British homes

47. Which of the following will the host provide?

A. Room cleaning

B. Medical care

C. Free transport

D. Physical training

48. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?

A. Zone 4 is more crowded than Zone 2.

B. The business centre of London is in Zone 1.

C. Hosts dislike travelling to the city centre.

D. Accommodation in the city centre is not provided.

49. According to the passage, what does Continental Breakfast include?

A. Dessert and coffee

B. Fruit and vegetables

C. Bread and fruit juice

D. Cola and cold meat

50. Why do some people choose self-catering accommodation?

A. To experience a warmer family atmosphere.

B. To enrich their knowledge of English.

C. To entertain friends as they like

D. To enjoy much more freedom.

Passage 4

Having a job is great, I have learned.It means I can afford things such as a place to live and daily meals. And with an above-average job, I can afford a car and occasional overseas vacations.

However, I also understand how dificult it is to have a below-average job, having had many of them before. Its frankly pretty awful. Owning a car was out of the question- f could barely afford to ride the subway.

So, I decided to go to university and get a degree.Later, I emailed my details to every company and government institution with an online careers page. I even printed y resume and handed it out in what seemed like hundreds of office buildings.

One summer during university, my cousin and I helped out at my uncle's business, fixing roofs,although the only thing I got out of that was back problems. That same year, I got a job at a plumbing(管道工程)company, which 1 was trrible at. It was no surprise when I was asked to leave that job after only four days.

A lot of people today believe that the problem of unemployment in my generation is our fault. Some accuse us of being lazy or over self- confident. At the same time, some people accuse members of my generation of having a sense of "specialness" that has led us to believe we can all be astronauts, movie stars or singers if we put our minds to it. Also, a few of them think that we would all be happily employed if we would only learn trades or become software engineers, because those people make the most money.I realize that not everyone can go into space or become a star in Hollywood movies,however. I also think not everyone can make a good electrician or design advanced computer software- I know I can't.

Everyone is good at something, but no one is good at everything It took me hundreds of rejection emails to realize that I had to focus on finding a job where I could actually be successful.And now.1 finally have that job. All it took was several years of desperation, failure and an honest assessment of my personal value in the job market.

It's not the best start, but it's not bad for a start too.

51. What was the author's life like before he went to university?

A. He had always been looking forward lo owning a car.

B. He has taken above-average and below-average jobs.

C. He found it hard to make ends meet.

D. H went on oversea vacation sometimes.

52. What happened when the author tried to find a good job?

A. It didn't take him long to get a good job.

B. He go through a lot of difficulties in the process.

C. He gained a lot skills when working at his uncle's business.

D. He quit the plumbing company because he disliked the job.

53. What did the author think was the main reason for his unemployment?

A. His laziness and arrogance.

B. His sense of "specialness".

C. His high expectation of himself.

D. His failure to recognize his own strengths.

54. What does the author think of his current job?

A. It's highly paid.

B. It's a lttle bit boring

C. It's challenging for him.

D. He feels satisfied with it.

55. The author wrote this article mainly to

A. share his opinions on finding a job

B. complain about the high unemployment rate

C. stress the importance of an above -average job

D. encourage readers to try to get a better degree

IV. Writing (40 points)

For this part, you are required to write a composition of about 100-120 words based on the following outline. The title of the composition is “A Green Life at Home"。


2.介紹你在家的具體做法(如節(jié)能節(jié)水、環(huán)保購物等) ;




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