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普通專(zhuān)升本 責(zé)任編輯:管理員 2021-12-03



Part II Integrated Testing (30 points, 30 minutes) Section A Cloze (每小題 1 分,共 20 分)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are

four choices marked A, B,C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.

(20 points)

Probably the most famous apple in history belonged to Isaac Newton. His apple became the (36) for a great scientific discovery: the force of gravity (重力). (37) ,

some historians question if the apple even existed. When examining history, people try to (38) the fact from the fiction. And in Newton’s (39) , his scientific work was the fact, and the story about the apple was all (40) .

(41) a young man, Newton left (leave-left-left) home to study science at

Cambridge University. One day while he was _(42) under an apple tree, an apple fell from a branch above and hit him (43) on the head.

He looked at the apple and (44) to think why the apple fell. (45) some of the scientific knowledge from school, Newtown realized that (46) inside Earth were always pulling objects toward its center.

That’s why the apple fell down and did not stay _(47) high up in the tree. When a person jumps, he or she does not rise quickly (48) space like a lost balloon. Gravity (49) everything towards the ground.

What’s the problem with this famous and (50)__ apple story? Most historians don’t believe it (51) happened. Then why did he tell this (52) ? Today the general belief is that Newton (53) that apple to make his theory more memorable.

Now some people don’t even remember (54) the apple fell on Newton’s head. Not everyone remembers the work. Newton did (55) the world. Much of the time, people remember the apple more than him.

36. A) result B)symbol C) theory D) object

37. A) In a word B) Besides C) However D) For one thing

38. A) separate B) believe C)show D) prevent

39. A) honor B) way C) case D) role

40. A) experiment B) crime C) science D) fiction

41. A) As B)For C) Like D) Along

42. A) marching B) resting C) arriving D) mining

43. A) purposely B) fast C) angrily D) right

44. A) brought B) began C) stuck D) grew

45. A) replying B) gaining C) applying D) providing

46. A) rocks B) forces C) shells D) materials

47. A) standing B) disappearing C) connecting D) floating

48. A) into B) over C) out of D) down

49. A) locates B) gathers C) pulls D) destroys

50. A) comforting B) upsetting C) shocking D)inspiring

51. A) ever B) forever C) never D) however

52. A) statement B) truth C) story D) news

53. A) discovered B)argued C) spread D) invented

54. A) what B) why C) who D) which

55. A) change B) repair C) protect D) lift

Section B Short Answer Questions (每小題 2 分,共 10 分)

Directions: In this part there is a short passage followed by five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements with no more than 10 words. Please write your answers on The Answer Sheet. (10 marks)

A friend told me an experience she had in the hospital. As she lay terrified on the wheeling bed being rolled towards the operating room, a male orderly (勤雜工)

appeared by her side and quietly took her hand. He walked beside her all the way. Her terror become less intense, when they reached the operating room, he gently put her hand down and she was rolled in, She was still terrified, but the feeling of being cared for filled more of her mind than her fear.

When she awoke in her room, the surgery successful, all she remembered was that hand in hers and the safe and cared-for way she felt at that time.

"I don’t remember the color of his skin or anything about him" my friend said gently. "but I'll always remember the act of compassion."

My friend will remember that act long after she has forgotten most of the events in her life. This small act of comfort shows the orderly’s ability to open his heart to others. The orderly in my friend's life opened himself to her and she will never forget him.

You do not need to bug everyone you meet ,but your heart can he open. You do not need to talk to every stranger, but your heart can be open. Openness to others as you would like to be open to is love, Can you live with an open heart, even while others are frightened? Love is not taking advantage of die weaknesses of others. It is making the needs of others as important as your own. Love is like a fire that is out of control. Once

lit, it cannot be contained. You may strive for moderation(適度;節(jié)制)in diet, exercise,

and work, but striving for moderation in love is like striving for moderation in breathing.

Practice moderation in all things except love.

56. How did my friend feel as she lay on the wheeling bed? 57.How did she feel after the orderly took her hand?

58.What did the orderly's small act of comfort show about him? 59.Love is not taking advantage of the weaknesses of others, but making 60.The last paragraph asks us to



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